Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 435 Do not do this better

    In fact, after learning from Lames that the Unrestricted Spell set for himself would draw Power of Existence directly from his body, Fang Li made some preparations just in case.

    "You also know that there is a Flame Haze beside me?"

    Fang Li said bluntly: “I only asked her to help me collect some of Torch's Power of EX istence, and then keep these Power of EX isences on my side.”

    This is why Fang Li was not drawn to Power of EX istence and disappeared.

    Because the Power of EXistence learned by Unrestricted Spell was all Power of EX istence that Shana helped Fang Li collect from Fang Li.

    Since it was known that there was an Unrestricted Spell that would draw on his own Power of EX istence, causing his own crisis, Fang Li was not able to take precautions.

    So, before returning to the villa, along the way, Fang Li let Shana collect a lot of Torch's Power of Exitence.

    Next, Fang Li only wraps these Power of EX istence with its own Prana, leaving these Power of EX istence attached to its own body and keeping it with them.

    Therefore, after the launch of Unrestricted Spell, the Power of EXistence attached to Fang Li around the body replaced its own Power of EX istence and became an object of attraction.

    "so that's how it is."Bel Peol was shocked and said to himself: "Since Power of Existence is already in place, the object of Unrestricted Spell has changed from Reiji Maigo itself to oneself carrying Reiji Maigo, so you will be sent along with it. come."

    "Since I answered your question, then you also answered me a question."Fang Li shrugged and looked at Bel Peol. He said, "Where is this?"

    Bel Peol smiled and did not hide, directly answering Fang Li's question.

    "This is Seireiden."

    Hear this, Fang Li secretly thought


    It is the base of the "Bal Masqué" and it is also the Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) that this large Denizen Group is proud of.

    Its formality is a Mobile Fortress.

    Tendoukyuu, who once lived with Shana, is also such a Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool).

    Tendoukyuu and Seireiden, both of whom were actually Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool) made by the same person, only fell into the hands of different people and eventually became the training ground for Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter and Bal Masqué. The base area is only there.

    Fang Li vaguely remembers that both Tendoukyuu and Seireiden have concealment effects that cannot be observed by the outside world.

    In other words, if Fang Li was in Seireiden, then he would not be able to expect Shana's rescue.

    Because, Shana basically impossible know where Seireiden is.

    This bad situation suddenly became even worse.

    “Correct.”Sydonay, as if seeing Fang Li's thought in his heart, grinned and said: "Since it came here, then you are impossible to run."

    “This Seireiden is not just three of us, but also the rest of the members are in every corner.”Bel Peol also said with a smile: "Although the members scattered around the world are not all called back, even if only this is enough."

    Fang Li suddenly fell silent.

    "Bel Peol."Hecate finally spoke, unemotionally asked: "What should I do next?"

    "Although the status of the plan is a bit different, it has not caused us any trouble. We just need to retrieve Reiji Maigo from this human body and then it will be alright."Bel Peol said so, but it was a topic turn, and helpless blew out: "only, from the beginning there was no way to find Reiji Maigo from the human body, not even within the body."

    "What?"Sydonay frowned and said: "In other words, is Reiji Maigo not in his body?"

    "No, Reiji Maigo is in his body."Bel Peol affirmed: "Although the Unrestricted Spell is set for this human, it is actually for Reiji Maigo's holder, otherwise it will not be possible to transfer Reiji Maigo afterwards."

    In other words, since Unrestricted Spell was launched, it is at least certain that Reiji Maigo is in Fang Li body.

    "Only, I didn't find Reiji Maigo at all."

    Bel Peol gazed at Fang Li, as if he were going to dissect Fang Li for research. He said, "So, this human should have saved Reiji Maigo in a special way."

    Bel Peol is right.

    Fang Li's way of saving Reiji Maigo is really special.

    It is the use of Main God's Envoy's Ability to turn Equipment into Virtual Equipment.

    Under such circumstances, except for Main God's Envoy oneself, the rest of the population could not access the Equipment they were wearing.

    Therefore, Bel Peol simply cannot get Reiji Maigo from Fang Li body.

    "Then, as planned before, swallow the Human of the devil's Power of EXistence."Sydonay said: "In that case, Reiji Maigo will be there?"

    "I thought so before, but now I'm not sure."Bel Peol did not look at Sydonay, but kept watching Fang Li and said: “Since he can hold Reiji Maigo in such a special way, it will inevitably have the means to send Reiji Maigo in the same special way. Now we cannot Mess."

    "So, we can't do anything about it?"Sydonay thinks somewhat funny: "This is not like what our "Bal Masqué" staff will say."

    "Nothing, the only process is a bit troublesome."Bel Peol said without hesitation: "After all, no matter what, people are already in our hands. Even if he hides more secrets, just let Hecate assimilate with this human, then you can peep into this person's memory. , find out the solution."

    When this sentence came out of Bel Peol's mouth, the contemptuous smile on Sydonay's face disappeared.

    Although wearing sunglasses, can not see Sydonay eyes at this time, but anyone can detect his body began to appear unpleasant emotions.

    Conversely Hecate, a face unemotionally said: "I understood."

    After that, Hecate lifted his pace and slowly walked toward the altar.

    Upon seeing this, Sydonay sighed and said: "To actually assimilate my Hecate with other men is really furious."

    "This is my job."Hecate's expression still doesn't change at all, only saying: "also, I'm not your thing."

    When the words fall, Hecate walks onto the altar and comes to Fang Li's.

    Just when Hecate put his hand on Fang Li body, Fang Li suddenly opened.

    "I advise you not to do it better."

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