Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 434 Bad to the extreme


    When Fang Li regained his consciousness, he was acutely aware of the changes in the surrounding atmosphere when his eyes had not yet opened.

    It is completely different from the city full of angry, that is, a solemn and extremely sacred atmosphere.

    Therefore, Fang Li can be sure that he is no longer in the same place.

    At the very least, this atmosphere will definitely not appear in the bustling city of inhabitants.

    "So what happened?"

    With such murmur, Fang Li slowly opened his eyes.

    The scene imprinted in the eyes of Fang Li is indeed a place that closely matches the surrounding, that is, the solemn and sacred atmosphere.

    All around There is no wall.

    Above the sky.

    The tall stone pillar stands around.

    The beautiful starry sky is reflected above.

    There is no confined space.

    There is also no scope for planning.

    This is a shrine located in the void.

    In such a place, Fang Li is at the most central altar.

    The sturdy chains that stretched out from the stone pillars in all directions were holding the limbs.


    Fang Li can feel that the Power of EXistence is flowing through the sturdy chain that holds his own limbs.

    Coupled with the feeling that it was tightly bound, there was no way to resist it. Even if it hadn't been tried, Fang Li knew that he couldn't break the chain with power alone.

    Moreover, even if Fang Li can break free, the people around him will not sit in front of Fang Li.

    After all, Fang Li has been aware of it since its inception.

    Perceived a line of sight to your body.

    So, Fang Li raised the head and looked around all around.

    I saw that around the altar, the three people were standing in front of a tall stone pillar and presenting a different triangle of sight to the Fang Li's body.

    Have a meaningful line of sight.

    There is sight with the taste of examination.

    There is no sight of any emotion.

    Such three lines of sight converged on the Fang Li's body, allowing Fang Li's eyes to flash slightly.

    The playful sight comes from a middle-aged man who looks like a bodyguard.

    The line of sight comes from a ladylike femme fate.

    The relentless sight comes from a priest-like young girl.

    Looking at these three people, Fang Li instantly understood his own situation.


    Fang Li was captured.

    It was not so long ago.

    In just a split second.

    Highest person in charge of the large Denizen group named "Bal Masqué".

    ———— "Trinity".

    "See you again, human devil."

    Sydonay leaned against the stone pillar and wore a smile on his face wearing sunglasses and sunglasses.

    "I did not expect it? Actually it will be in this way. ”

    Hearing this, Fang Li silent, only turned to see the other person.

    Also rely on stone pillar, holding arms, but all over the body exudes a noble lady's temperament, face has always been with a don't know to call coquettish or demon different smile of coquettish female, Bel peol.

    "Meeting for the first time, having human of Reiji Maigo."

    For Bel Peol, the existence of Fang Li's is of such a degree.

    The remaining Trinity is even more straightforward.

    "Reiji Maigo …"

    With such a low buzzing sound, Hecate looked straight at Fang Li. Her eyes did not carry any emotions. However, the delicate yet young-looking charming face was not touched by a touch. It was like the inorganic nature of the robot.

    From such three people's bodies, the indescribable oppression resembled a flood of floods and shrouded the entire shrine.

    The object of oppression has no second person other than Fang Li.

    This is Crimson Lord known as Trinity.

    Even the Demon King of Demon King is one of Demon King's one level.

    Looking at the three Crimson Lords, Fang Li seems to have mastered the current situation.

    Himself has been captured.

    It was surrounded by Demon King with three cream of the crop.

    This situation is simply considered to be terribly bad.

    However, the worse the situation, the more calm Fang Li is. This is one of the few advantages of Fang Li.

    Therefore, Fang Li did not panic, nor chaos, only slowly glanced at Hecate, Sydonay and Bel Peol, after a while, smiling indifferently.

    "Isn't it a bit exaggerated to deal with a human being who is being captured and Trinity is all out?"

    Fang Li's words, only three completely different responses.

    Hecate was silent and only stared at Fang Li.

    Sydonay shrugged and made no comment at all.

    Only Bel Peol deeply glanced at Fang Li and smiled deeply.

    "For us, the importance of Reiji Maigo is that."Bel Peol said with a chuckle: "And now, I think you oneself is also qualified to accept such treatment, can remain so calm in understanding the current situation in the end, only human can't do it. Right?"

    "Moreover, with a human, the current situation has surprised me."Bel Peol is just like chatting. He smiles at Fang Li in a very ordinary manner: "If you say why, you haven't disappeared yet. This is enough to surprise me."

    The Unrestricted Spell set up for Fang Li is the Unrestricted Spell that transfers the material.

    In Bel Peol's vision, when Unrestricted Spell was launched, Fang Li's own Power of EXistence would have been absorbed by the previously targeted target, becoming an impetus for launching Unrestricted Spell, causing it to disappear.

    Immediately after the disappearance of Fang Li, the unleashed Unrestricted Spell will transfer the rest of Reiji Maigo here and fall into the hands of Bal Masqué without any effort.

    For this reason, the staff of Bel Peol set up a lot of bureaus, and the final result was the ability to induce Fang Li to the Unrestricted Spell.

    However, Bel Peol did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

    Of course, things went too smoothly and it was rather thorny to bring out Fang Li's.

    Because, the smoother, it means that the sooner Fang Li discovered the Unrestricted Spell set by Bel Peol, its Ability is evident.

    Only , Fang Li actually did not disappear, but instead set the target for the transfer of the Unrestricted Spell. The entire person was transferred here.

    This is what Bel Peol did not think of.

    "Can I ask about it?"Bel Peol asked modestly: "How did you do it?"

    NothingFang Li gave an indifferent answer.

    "Only prepared beforehand."

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