Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 436 You Cannot Do It

    "I advise you not to do it better."

    Fang Li suddenly spoke and said such a sentence.

    Hecate suddenly heard this statement.

    "What?"Sydonay was originally uncomfortable with this matter. Now it is said by Fang Li, and immediately he is also slightly sarcasm: “Could it be that you are afraid?”

    "With confidence, the assimilation of Hecate will not harm the use of the object."Bel Peol is kindly reminding: “Hecate is a container that can hold any object, with the characteristics of assimilation and fusion. As long as you are assimilated with Hecate, everything will belong to Hecate.”

    "That's why I said it's better not to do it better," Fang Li indifferently said.

    Fang Li can almost be called the expression of indifference, so that Bel Peol raised the brows, could not help but silence, seems to be pondering the significance of Fang Li's words.

    Even Hecate raised his eyes and looked at Fang Li and whispered.

    “ Why?”

    Hecate's question only exchanged a more indifferent answer.

    "If you want to accommodate everything I have, your container is really too small."

    This sentence immediately made Trinity's eyes widen.

    “Ha!Sydonay seemed to be laughing and said: "I was the first time I heard that Hecate was too small to be a container. It was so funny!"

    Bel Peol also smiled. Although it did not appear as directly as Sydonay did, it obviously did not take it for granted.

    Only Hecate, still carrying no emotions, whispered: “I can accommodate almost unlimited Power of Interpretation. There is no limit to the scale of a container, so there is no basis for your speech.”

    Fang Li bowed her head and looked at the girl, who was only tall enough to reach her waist and looked calm.

    "Perhaps your size as a container is infinite, but you are limited in yourself."

    "You can't do anything if you want to accommodate me."

    Hecate is silent.

    Not just Hecate. Even Sydonay and Bel Peol were silent and their brows were wrinkled.

    No way, although it is not in favor of Fang Li's speech, Fang Li's attitude of being calm to unnatural is indeed an irritant for people.

    Could it be that ,Fang Li also snuggle it?

    When Sydonay and Bel Peol thought so, Hecate was the first to take action.

    "I am infinite. There is nothing to fill my body."

    Hecate's voice sounded like it was from an extremely distant place, and there was a hint of emptiness inside.

    "So, my heart is also empty and has never been filled."

    This is Hecate.

    As a container that can theoretically accommodate the unlimited Power of EX istence, Hecate has never been filled with it. For many years since, it has been unable to satisfy the inner and the body.

    Therefore, Fang Li's words did not resonate with Hecate.

    Hecate has not seen it until it can be accommodated.

    Because the scale that Hecate can accommodate is unlimited.

    "It's just human."

    Hecate's voice sounded faint.

    "With your words, it cannot fill me."

    Voice, a drop.


    In the sound of an explosion, the flame burned in Hecate's body.

    That is the sky blue flame.

    It is as if it is not defiled by anything, there is no trace of impurities, and the sky flame is extremely pure.

    All the flames were burning, and Hecate slowly closed his eyes.

    Its body, the sky blue flame began to expand.

    Eventually, both Fang Li and Hecate were covered by flames.


    At this moment, Hecate can feel that an existence is flowing like water, slowly injecting into her body.

    Hecate is a container.

    Therefore, when it comes to integration with external things, it is not so much as assimilation but as absorption.

    Translate external things into the fill and inject the body's own within the body.

    This is the assimilation of Hecate.

    In such a case, everything that Hecate assimilates will become the possession of Hecate.



    Incircle and excircles of a triangle


    Even exist.

    Today, Hecate is gradually owning Fang Li's and infusing the existence of “Fang Li” into his own within the body and injecting himself into this container.

    As Hecate said, her size as a container is unlimited.

    That being the case, everything is a human, it can't fill Hecate at all.

    However, Hecate found out just the instant when Hecate assimilated Fang Li.

    Himself came to a place.

    Came to an endless sea.


    Hecate was shocked.


    The ocean presented before its eyes is not the blue in common sense but black.

    Extremely deep and pure black.

    "Where is this?"

    Hecate at a loss.

    After shortly afterwards , Hecate reacted.

    "This is his soul."

    Of course, the soul also belongs to Hecate's assimilation object.

    Thus, this endless ocean is slowly pouring into Hecate's body.

    "BOOM —!"

    The whole black sea suddenly shuddered, and it was a wave that started in the direction of Hecate.

    Shortly afterwards , Hecate saw it.

    See the things in the waves.

    See the record of this ocean.

    "Rumble —!"

    The raging sea has created a sea of ​​turbulent waves, allowing seawater to swell around Hecate, gradually centering on Hecate and becoming a huge whirlpool.

    Only, it is simply not an ordinary ocean.

    The water in the ocean is also not the normal seawater.

    In those seawaters, every drop of water drops records one kind of thing.

    That is death.

    Old death.

    I die.


    Burned to death.


    Was killed.

    The death of people.

    The death of things.

    The beast's death.

    Dead flowers and trees.

    The death of all things was recorded in this sea.

    Hecate is assimilating such a sea.

    So, in this moment, countless people flocked to Hecate's heart and injected her body.


    Hecate made silent screams.

    To bear the death of that species, and even the death of all things, what Hecate feels is what death brings.

    That is fear.

    That is despair.

    The reason why Fang Li can bear is that these deaths are slowly recorded by their own souls one by one.

    However, Hecate sucks into the body with all the dead that is not his own.

    The result is self-evident.


    Silent screams, Hecate disappeared here.

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