Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2162 You are grateful to flow tears (for monthly tickets)

    The one-day course passed by in the plain.

    As the evening approached and the time of school was quietly coming, as the last class Teacher, Chabashira Sae gave everyone a notice before leaving the classroom.

    "This month is almost over, and a few days are the next month."

    This sentence, let the students of the class can not help but have to raise their heads.

    Ike Kanji even froze.

    "Chabashira-sensei! Our class points this month should have grown! ? ”

    This is also a concern for students of the entire D-Class.

    If the class points of the D-Class are still not growing during this month, it means that the D-Class not only is not growing, and there will not be any private points coming in next month.

    For the D-Class, this is simply hell.

    "Because of Ike-san's midterm test scores, our points have been reduced a lot! ”

    "It's really dead if there aren't more points to import!"

    "This month we have to increase our class points?"

    “We are no longer late in class, absent and play cell phones now!”

    The students of the entire D-Class made this statement after one after another.

    Even Yamauchi Haruki, who was preparing to pack his bags, and Sudou Ken, who picked up basketball, looked at Chabashira Sae with a nervous look.

    There’s nothing to be done.

    Because of the midterm exam, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken were not only owed a butt debt, but also owed the classmates a great deal of humanity.

    Without repaying this debt and human feelings, these three people would not be able to recklessly use the entire D-Class.

    So, in the entire D-Class, it is these three people that need the most private points now.

    If this month's class points don't increase yet, then it's true hell for the three people.

    Fortunately, Chabashira Sae gave good news.

    "Take it easy, the school will reward you for the first grade student who has passed the exam."

    Chabashira Sae announced it like this.

    "This month, first-grade four classes will be issued a minimum of 100 class points."

    This is indeed good news.

    With class points of 100, students in this class will receive 10,000 private points in the next month.

    Even if this isn't much, it's a complete contribution to the D-Class that has taken private points to almost exhaustion and even owes a debt.

    Of course

    "You don't be happy too early."Chabashira Sae, like the one who poured cold water, said: “Even if you have a 100 class points bonus, class points will be deducted if you hit the S-System's deduction rule, and you pray that your performance this month has not been deducted. Lead to even the rare rewards."

    Chabashira Sae's words made students in the class swallow.

    Horikita Suzune alone, did not feel good about the news announced by Chabashira Sae.


    "Is the gap not shortened?"

    This is the only impression of Horikita Suzune.

    And this feeling is correct.

    If the first-grade four classes are all awarded 100 class points, the gap between the four classes is not reduced at all.

    Even according to the performance of class students, the upper tier class is still better than the lower tier class, resulting in a gap between the D-Class and the previous class.

    Therefore, Horikita Suzune is not happy.

    But Chabashira Sae ignored Horikita Suzune and left such a statement.

    "In short, it will be another month and it will be next month. You are looking forward to importing some money into the account next month."

    Speech finished, Chabashira Sae left.

    The students in the class suddenly became noisy.

    ofShould it be no problem? ”

    "Our performance this month has been very good."

    "Can't be detained?"

    "I hope so, I don't want to live in poverty without points."

    Whether men or women, classmates talked like this.

    Even Hirata Yousuke and Kushida Kikyou are among them, each expressing their own.

    “I also hope that I will be able to import a few numbers next month. I still owe it to the Senpai part of the Club.”

    "I also owe a lot of friends. I really hope that I can import a few things next month."

    Both of the D-Class's Center Characters cannot pray for this.

    Karuizawa Kei who stayed on Hirata Yousuke side also said nonstop.

    "I have so many things I want to buy. Come back to the next month!"

    For this very flamboyant way, for the gyaru girl who has been spending private points on the dress up for the first month of school, the lack of money is really hard to live with.

    Incidentally, when Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken scored three points, Karuizawa Kei, like Fang Li, did not pay a private point.

    Unlike Fang Li's, Fang Li has no reason to pay, and Karuizawa Kei spends private points, so there is no way to pay for it.

    Of course, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken are the three people who need private points most.

    "Aah, I hope I can score a few points next month."

    "There are too many debts owed. The part of the win today is not enough."

    "It has always been very sad to owe someone else this way."

    Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken gathered together and discussed the matter.

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who usually works with these three people, listened quietly to the conversation of the three people. From time to time, he inserted two sentences. It was the same as Sakura Airi. The sense of presence was low enough.

    When it comes to Sakura Airi, the young girl seemed to leave the classroom in silence and no one found it.

    Fang Li looked around at the entire classroom, shortly afterwards also got up and left.

    "Ah, Nanaya-san…"

    When they left, it seemed that Kushida Kikyou was called Fang Li's voice in the classroom.

    However, Fang Li ignored it and left the classroom without any hesitation. He also left the school building.


    After leaving the school building, Fang Li went to a vending machine by the road before returning to the dormitory.

    There is no coin slot in the vending machine. There is only one sensor terminal for scanning the cell phone and selling beverages by deducting private points.

    There are all kinds of beverages above and the prices are completely different.

    Fang Li took out the cell phone and checked his own private points.

    The above numbers are like this.

    — "94458".

    Thus, Fang Li placed the cell phone on the sensor, and after a beep sound of “Beep”, pressed the price of only “0” on the vending machine, belonging to mineral water for free products.

    We couldn't wait for Fang Li to take out the mineral water. A giggling voice rang next to it.

    "Can't drink even drink?"

    After this statement, one hand took the cell phone and pressed it on the sensor. Shortly afterwards pointed to the most expensive drink labeled “1000”.

    The beverage dropped from the outlet and made a noise.

    Then, the other side said so.

    "Please drink, you're grateful to flow tears."

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