Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2159 has more individuals (seeking monthly pass)

    Before long, the three people arrived at the floor where the first-grade classroom was located.

    "Then I'll go back to class, Nanaya-san, Kikyou-chan. Let's talk about it next time!"

    Ichinose Honami waved to Fang Li and Kushida Kikyou. Shortly afterwards trod in the direction of his class. He let the hem of the skirt fly, and there was an indescribable sensation.

    Looking at Ichinose Honami's back gradually disappearing in front of his eyes, Fang Li gave one of the most significant evaluations.

    "It's really a girl who can't get hateful."

    Although the contact time was not long, Ichinose Honami felt very sunny, sincere, very candid, and very clear to Fang Li's, and it was extremely easy to make people feel good about it.

    In addition, the other person has not had any grievous contact with Fang Li, but also provided Fang Li with the information of the rest of the class. At the same time, Fang Li did not give any extra caution because Fang Li was a student of another class, treating him with sincerity. Fang Li The sense of the other side is also considered very good.

    Ichinose Honami.

    If it is hers, it may be possible to make a connection.

    Kushida Kikyou, who did not know what Fang Li was thinking about, watched the departure of Ichinose Honami and suddenly said something.

    "Actually, Honami-chan is the class representative of the B-Class."

    This sentence, let Fang Li somewhat awkward.

    "class representative ?"

    Isn't that in other words, is there a system that sets class representative in the B-Class?

    "Is there a class member in the class at this school?"

    Fang Li asked such a sentence.

    No way, Fang Li and Kushida Kikyou's D-Class never mentioned what class representative to choose. Chabashira Sae did not mention such a thing.

    This will not, the rest of the class have class representative, only D-Class not?

    This guess was rejected by Kushida Kikyou's next words.

    "The rest of the class also does not have a class representative. It was established by the B-Class."

    According to Kushida Kikyou's statement, the B-Class has autonomously established a class representative in order to be able to operate better in the following campus life. The students will be elected and the responsibilities will be distributed.

    Even if it is not known whether the class representative of his or her particular school will have an opportunity to come in handy, at least formally set up, once the situation occurs, it can immediately find the backbone and be led by the class representative. Classmates act now.

    Therefore, the B-Class has independently established many class representative positions.

    Among them, the most important class representative position is held by Ichinose Honami.

    In other words, Ichinose Honami is the leader of the B-Class.

    If the leaders of the A-Class are Sakayanagi Arisu and Katsuragi Kouhei, the leader of the C-Class is Ryuuen Kakeru, and the leader of the B-Class is Ichinose Honami.

    "No wonder she understands the status of other classes and Character."

    Fang Li's evaluation of Ichinose Honami has risen again.

    And sincerely think so.

    "B-Class, which is united and works extremely smoothly, is harder to deal with than the problematic heavily A-Class and C-Class."

    This is also a personal feeling of Fang Li's.

    However, in the case of Fang Li's, this is also true.

    "No matter how good there is, if there is weakness, then it is not a threat."

    The A-Class and C-Class have their own weaknesses.

    One is deeply immersed in the internal strife.

    A dictatorship was ruled by terrifying.

    In light of these two conditions, Fang Li can think of many ways to defeat these two classes.

    Conversely B-Class, perhaps less than A-Class on Ability, has almost no weakness.

    There is no doubt that it is more difficult to attack this class than A-Class and C-Class.

    “Because of this, even if it is difficult for A-Class and C-Class, this B-Class can still be solved with one by one. Isn't it hit?”

    Fang Li feels deeply.


    "Well, that's okay with me."

    For the competition between classes, Fang Li had no interest involved.

    Kushida Kikyou also seems to know this very well.

    "If Nanaya-san is really interested, then even if Honami-chan doesn't tell you, can you find it yourself?"

    Kushida Kikyou made this observation.

    "Until now we know the status of other classes, it means that Nanaya-san has not been concerned before."

    According to Kushida Kikyou's idea, Fang Li could even detect all the rules and systems of the S-System one after another. Such insight, if you want to know the status of the rest of the class, has already collected enough information already. Wait until Ichinose Honami to provide.

    Compared with the S-System, what the status information of the rest of the class is, and even Kushida Kikyou can ask from a friend, and if you want to know it, it is not difficult at all.

    However, Fang Li did not know the status of the rest of the class until today from Ichinose Honami.

    Isn't it enough to prove that Fang Li did not want to focus on the rest of the class?

    Even if it is now, Fang Li is only holding the idea of ​​understanding it for a while. Did he consult Ichinose Honami at this time around him?

    After consulting, Fang Li still did not have an interest in the class competition and only had interest in the two people just mentioned.

    One is Sakayanagi Arisu.

    One is Ryuuen Kakeru.

    The former is because the surname caused Fang Li's attention.

    The latter is purely a matter of Fang Li wanting to see how much of this so-called most dangerous Character actually has.

    Kushida Kikyou noticed this.

    And, say such a thing.

    “If Nanaya-san is willing to work hard with the D-Class, then we must be able to go up?”

    Kushida Kikyou said the same thing as looking forward to the scene.


    "Aside from me, do you think that the current state of the D-Class is suitable to rise?"Fang Li took a look at Kushida Kikyou and said: "Compared to the previous three classes, the D-Class has fallen behind."

    BackwardKushida Kikyou looked at Fang Li.

    "Look at the rest of the class, but that's already starting to compete between classes."Fang Li indifferently said: "Only the D-Class is still immersed in the excitement of passing the mid-term exam and is completely unaware of this competition."

    This shows that the D-Class has fallen behind other classes.

    Even Ayanokoji Kiyotaka has completely ignored the attention of other classes. It is estimated that, like Fang Li before it, he did not intend to devote himself to the competition. Therefore, he lacks information about other classes.

    Of course, neither Fang Li nor Ayanokoji Kiyotaka were only interested in class competition because they did not pay attention to it. They were not without Ability.

    This is what personality entails.

    Ayanokouji Kiyotaka doesn't want to do anything but focus on individuals and not on class.

    And Fang Li is exactly the opposite of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

    In order to experience the academic life that had not existed in the past, Fang Li came to this school.

    In other words, Fang Li is not concerned with individuals, nor is it class, but the school itself.

    From the very beginning, Fang Li was engaged in a war with the school's system.

    If we want to say competition, the competition that Fang Li devotes to is to compete with this school, not to compete with the rest of the class.

    Therefore, if Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is backward, Fang Li is ahead of her.

    Only, now, Fang Li's in the eyes, in addition to this school, there are also more individuals.

    "What will happen next?"

    Fang Li also likes to outline the mouth.

    "Let me wait and see."

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