Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2164 Are you waste? (Monthly ticket

    In the special teaching building in the evening, the stifling air is still filling.

    Fang Li was blocked by three people on the floor near the rooftop.

    The sinister atmosphere is also filled.

    Fang Li raised his eyes and looked to his own front, closing the three people who were standing in front of him.

    Since Ryuuen Kakeru had already made it clear before, several people will be sent today. Therefore, Fang Li took the opportunity to come to school with Kushida Kikyou in the morning and asked him a little about the students of C-Class. advisory.

    It has to be said that Kushida Kikyou is indeed a popularity role in the range of dating friends who almost spread all over the entire first grade.

    Even if Fang Li only wanted to know a bit about it and didn't want to know in detail, Kushida Kikyou provided Fang Li with too precise information.

    Therefore, Fang Li is not aware of these three people.

    The boy who seems to lead Character is called Ishizaki Daichi. It is said that like Sudou Ken, a student with violent tendencies, who seemed to have resisted Ryuuen Kakeru's rule at the beginning of the school, but was defeated by Ryuuen Kakeru and he became the leader after that. Ryuuen Kakeru's dog's leg has always followed him.

    The two boys accompanying Ishizaki Daichi are called Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo respectively.

    Two people are different with Ishizaki Daichi, and there is no violence, but with Sudou Ken same, in the school not long joined the basketball Club, although not like Sudou Ken, the school was not long before the consultant to phase, But also after a considerable amount of exercise, coupled with life in the Ryuuen Kakeru rule of the dictatorship class, once the stem, should be quite a threat?

    This is the information that Fang Li learned.

    If you change to being an ordinary person and face the situation of being surrounded by such three sturdy boys, there is no surprises of success.

    Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo also seem to feel that they can eat Fang Li, revealing a hicful, frivolous color.

    In particular, Ishizaki Daichi looked at Fang Li and gave such an evaluation.

    "Isn't it worth thinking that the guy Ryuuen is paying attention to is not a big deal?"

    If you say that it was just contempt, it is now disdainful.

    However, in this respect, Fang Li does have some factors that are underestimated.

    Compared to the relatively sturdy Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo trio, Fang Li's body type is an ordinary high school male Rank.

    From the outside, it's no surprise even if it's called thin.

    If this is the case, it will be taken lightly by others. It seems to be taken for granted.

    Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo also shared the same conclusion with Ishizaki Daichi and gave a laugh.

    "I thought it was a great guy. Isn't the result insignificant?"

    "It's better to come to blows than come to Sudou. I already saw him unpleasant."

    The members of the two Basketball Clubs laughed at Fang Li on such a side, while provocatively.

    Is that simply not putting Fang Li in the eyes?

    If Sudou Ken is really here, I am afraid it has already been detonated.

    Unfortunately, these three guys provoked the wrong person.

    "Is this your opening statement?"

    Fang Li complexion swept the three people as usual and immediately lost interest.

    “No wonder Ryuuen will say that he has sent a few wastes. It seems that there is really no use for it.”

    Plain words, Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo's mocking expressions are frozen in their faces.

    "what are you saying? Bad Ass

    "Qī! Actually dare so arrogant! ”

    Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo were irritated at once.

    Even Ishizaki Daichi's face sank, and he looked toward Fang Li's in the eyes.

    "It's pretty good."

    Ishizaki Daichi approached Fang Li.

    "Let me see if your meat is as hard as you are!"

    With such a loud cry, Ishizaki Daichi suddenly increased his speed and sprinted toward Fang Li.

    The distance between Ishizaki Daichi and Fang Li is already very close, not even five meters away.

    Ishizaki Daichi's sprint was almost the next second, and the distance between the two was reduced to zero.

    Then, Ishizaki Daichi no trace of politeness's face against Fang Li's face, hit a fist hit.

    That was a very strong blow.

    Even if Ishizaki Daichi's skill does not seem to have been specially trained, you can certainly look at the angle and posture that you are good at, and you must have been used to come to blows. Knowing how to punch is the best?

    However, Ishizaki Daichi's body shape is quite sturdy.

    This fist came out, fearing that even bricks could hit flying debris.

    Once on the person's face, it is the best end of the nose blue face swollen it?

    However, in the face of this powerful and powerful blow, Fang Li did not even act, but only stared at the fist that was constantly magnified in his own vision.

    "Pā… /p>

    The sound of crispness rang in the next second.

    It was Fang Li extend the hand and it was inspired by the incoming fist.

    "So that's how it is, it's quite powerful."

    After giving such an evaluation, Fang Li slowly tightened the palm of his hand holding Ishizaki Daichi's fist.


    Ishizaki Daichi's complexion changed instantly.

    His fist, which was slowly clenched, was issued with a sound like a bone that was crushed.


    Ishizaki Daichi suddenly made a scream, and the hand that pulled out his fist lost his strength in the pain and made him attempt to change his posture and slow down the pain. The result was to fall to the ground.

    "You… what are you doing!?"

    "Release Ishizaki!"

    Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo only reacted and rushed in the direction of Fang Li's.

    However, these two individuals are just the basketball club's masters, not as good as Ishizaki Daichi is.

    In this way, the two headlessly rushed to the opponent who was obviously abnormal, and the outcome was doomed.


    In the muffled sound, Komiya Kyougo had not yet had time to touch Fang Li, but was thrown by Fang Li's violent force.

    Ishizaki Daichi happens to be in Fang Li's hand.

    This rejection caused Ishizaki Daichi to appear to have been thrown out. Heavily hit Komiya Kyougo's body.

    The two men suddenly rolled out at the same time and ran into the next wall.

    In this regard, Fang Li did not even look at it, looked at one side of the body, avoided Kondou Reo's flapping and immediately patted Kondou Reo's back.

    And more

    Kondou Reo made a cry.

    Under Fang Li's shot, his footsteps immediately became unstable. Like a drunkard, he was knocked down again by Ishizaki Daichi and Komiya Kyougo who were getting ready to get up.

    Three brawny men immediately rolled into a ball and became a pyramid.

    Check it out

    Fang Li stood in the beginning position, making a laugh and laughing.

    "I said you guys are waste?"

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