Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2157 Status of Other Classes (Seek Monthly Tickets)

    At Advanced Nurturing High School, the class at graduation will determine the homeroom teacher's evaluation.

    This news not only caused Kushida Kikyou to react, even Fang Li had looked to Ichinose Honami for this purpose.

    Can that be right?

    Fang Li actively asked.

    This news, Fang Li really do not know.

    Although it was known that Chabashira Sae had a tendency to induce D-Class, Fang Li did not know why Chabashira Sae did so.

    But if the news that Ichinose Honami said is true, then this reason appears.

    Chabashira Sae, like Horikita Suzune, wants to ascend to the A-Class.

    As long as the D-Class can advance to the A-Class, then wait until this class graduates, Chabashira Sae will get the highest evaluation in this school, so as with the A-Class students, after graduating from the country with a guarantee, can Realize some wishes.

    If this is the motivation of Chabashira Sae's, then the situation of the homeroom teacher inducing the D-Class can be explained.

    The answer from Ichinose Honami did not disappoint Fang Li.

    "This is what our homeroom teacher said."

    Ichinose Honami does not have any concealment, it is a simple explanation.

    “Our homeroom teacher is called Hoshinomiya Chie and often says, “As long as being an A-Class class teacher, there will be a special bonus, so we have to refuel.” This sentence hangs on the lips. ”

    It seems that the B-Class seems to have a happy homeroom teacher.

    But if this matter is confirmed by the class teacher of another class, it is certainly true.

    Chabashira Sae is probably for this purpose and, like Horikita Suzune, is prepared to target the A-Class.

    This made Kushida Kikyou somewhat uncomfortable.

    "If this is the case, why didn't Chabashira-sensei tell us that leaving Sudou-san would increase class points and club activities would have a significant impact on both class and individuals? Is this an important matter?"


    From this point of view, Chabashira Sae is not really interested in the D-Class.

    Otherwise, Chabashira Sae will definitely benefit the class, and the parts that can be explained are all clear.

    However, Chabashira Sae did not do this, but instead acted passively. Only when asked to answer, even the three Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken withdrawals were cancelled in an induced manner.

    What is all this for?

    (This homeroom teacher also has a lot of secret Ah…

    Fang Li thought so silently in her heart.

    Even Ichinose Honami has some sympathetic openings.

    “how to say it , although our homeroom teacher is also very strange, but your homeroom teacher seems to be even more strange.”

    This is really irrefutable.

    In short, there is still too little intelligence at this stage, or don't just speculate about it, so that you can walk into a dead end.

    During this period of thinking, the elevator also reached the first floor, allowing the elevator doors to open slowly.

    Fang Li, Kushida Kikyou and Ichinose Honami came out of the elevator and entered the first floor hall of the first-year student residence. They walked out of the gate and headed to the school building.

    At this time, there are also many students who go to school together on the road.

    All people looked at Fang Li, who was accompanied by Kushida Kikyou and Ichinose Honami. In the eyes, they revealed a lot of envious expressions.

    Can you go to school with a cute girl, that's what every guy wants to do?

    From this perspective, Fang Li's surrounded by Kushida Kikyou and Ichinose Honami is a blessing.

    Unfortunately, Kushida Kikyou went to school with Fang Li, not because of feeling good with Fang Li's, but with ulterior motives.

    Although Ichinose Honami did not have so much mentality, it also showed a lot of curiosity to Fang Li.

    That's what oneself said.

    “I always feel that everyone says that Nanaya-san is a very good reason. I already understand how much.”

    Ichinose Honami exposed Fang Li's gratuitous smile.

    “Nanaya-san not only has a smart mind and motor nerve is also very good. It's no wonder that the B-Class Student told me to pay attention to Nanaya-san.”

    Ichinose Honami's remarks let Fang Li's raise the brows slightly.

    What can be said is only one sentence.

    "Ichinose-san is also very familiar with people of other classes?"

    After all, Fang Li is another class person.

    Ichinose Honami is a bitter smile.

    "We don't want to understand this time of time. Our class is quite hard."

    The credibility of this sentence is 100%.

    From the distressed expression of Ichinose Honami can be seen.

    "what happened?"Kushida Kikyou was very concerned about asking: "What difficulties have you encountered?"

    In the face of Kushida Kikyou's question, Ichinose Honami's answer is this.

    "Not too difficult?"Ichinose Honami thought about using a word like this, saying: "Only, the position of our class is awkward."

    AwkwardKushida Kikyou is a bit confused.

    Obviously, Kushida Kikyou did not understand the meaning of Ichinose Honami.

    But Fang Li understands it.

    "The location of the B-Class is really embarrassing."

    Fang Li said such a sentence.

    "You need to face the martyrdom of A-Class and C-Class at the same time?"


    To advance into the A-Class, the first-grade four classes are doomed to compete with each other.

    This kind of competition is represented by the ranking of class points.

    Each a class needs to find ways to increase its class points in order to exceed the above class, to achieve the purpose of promotion.

    But in order to ascend, in addition to increasing your class points, there is another method.

    That is the class points for reducing other classes.

    The current position of the B-Class is more embarrassing.

    The A-Class regards it as the most threatening class and will surely suppress it in order not to catch up with the B-Class.

    The C-Class regards it as its nearest goal. In order to surpass the B-Class, it will surely continue to exert itself.

    As a result, the B-Class became a target of criticism for both classes and was targeted by both.

    This period of time , B-Class surely suffered a lot from this?

    In this case, Ichinose Honami will say that even if you don't want to know about other class people, it won't work.

    "Fortunately, the students in our class are very united. Even if we face the martyrdom of the A-Class and the C-Class at the same time, it will be solved in the end."

    Ichinose Honami said so.

    "Only, there are very powerful Characters in A-Class and C-Class, and we have suffered a lot."

    It was only Kushida Kikyou who heard this.

    "It's really hard."

    Kushida Kikyou seems to have only produced such feelings.

    Fang Li fell indebted for a moment and immediately made a request to Ichinose Honami.

    “Can you please tell me about the current status of other classes?”

    Specifically, it is the status of A-Class and C-Class.

    In this regard, Ichinose Honami is still as simple as before.

    "Yeah, if Nanaya-san wants to know, I'll tell you everything I know."

    After that, Ichinose Honami began to explain it.

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