Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1987 British Land Coup


    After listening to the explanations of Kanzaki and Itsuwa, Fang Li has been reading this word.

    "what happened?"

    Kanzaki noticed this and asked some strange questions.

    "No, nothing."Fang Li shook his head and said: "Only I care a bit."

    So, Fang Li's mind recalls some of the originals he still remembers.


    I can’t remember

    For the vague impression of the original book, Fang Li also got a headache.

    However, Fang Li can confirm.

    The excavation work mentioned by Kanzaki and Itsuwa surely saw important events related to it in the original book.

    In such a situation, even if the memory is blurred, the intuition of Fang Li's is still playing a role, telling Fang Li that this matter should not be overlooked.

    If you let this excavation work continue…

    (Absolutely what will happen?)

    Fang Li is so determined.

    Only , Fang Li did not worry because of this.

    "How was the excavation work going now?"

    Fang Li asked questions so calmly.

    In this regard, Kanzaki and Itsuwa do not know what to see from Fang Li's look, and his expression is also a little tight.

    Itsuwa even took out cell phone for confirmation.

    "According to the intelligence gathered by the Companions of Amakusa-style remix of Church, the discovery of the excavation site was yesterday, but no one was found, only to find traces of deep excavation, to speculate that the other party had either received the information we were about to rush, and withdrew early, Either you've finished your goal, you've got what you want, and you're out of there. ”

    This is not good news.

    If this is true, then it is too late to prove that Fang Li noticed.

    Itawwa, which did not find this, is still seriously reporting.

    "Now, in order to complete the Archbishop Quest, not only is Amakusa-style remix of Church, Necessarius the rest Magic Army also began to cooperate with the investigation, in the whole of London to expand the search network, The arrest and rout of the Magic cabal and cabal Reserve Army was also ongoing, and there were several group prominent in the way, and now there was a stubborn resistance, but the other side did not know why, and did not escape United Kingdom border, But always in the roundabout, and Puritan faction to fight. ”

    Upon hearing this, Fang Li had to raise his eyes.

    "I don't actually choose to flee but I've always been fighting back and fighting?"

    This is too unnatural.

    Not only is Fang Li thinking like this, the rest of us think so.

    "What purpose must these people have?"Kanzaki said rigorously: "We just can't figure out what the other person thinks, so we didn't just chase it."

    Kanzaki and Itsuwa came here to meet Fang Li on the one hand, and to meet with Buckingham Palace and Laura on the other.

    "If you can think of anything, let us know."

    Kanzaki looked at Fang Li and his voice was full of urgency.

    Fang Li was not anxious at all, only consulting Itsuwa.

    "How are those guys backtracking?"

    Hearing this, Itsuwa quickly called out the necessary information and answered the truth.

    "London-centered people who are resisting tenaciously are basically detouring around Cambridge, Oxford, Luton, and Magellan. There are also routes further away from London, such as Eastbourne and Folkestone…"

    When Itsuwa reported the information truthfully and mentioned one of the locations…

    "Folkestone !"

    Fang Li raised his head fiercely.

    In the mind, the memory was suddenly stimulated and Fang Li finally thought back.

    "Is it the same thing?"

    Fang Li took a deep breath.

    "What…what happened?"

    Itsuwa was taken aback and stopped.

    Or Kanzaki, clearly aware of Fang Li’s response to this name after hearing it.

    "Folkestone …"

    Kanzaki frowned first, then did not know what to think, complexion suddenly changed.

    "This is not good!"

    It's really bad.

    Because the city of Folkestone is now having very important Character and events there.

    It is a port city just a hundred kilometers from London, and it is the end of the Eurotunnel across the Dover Strait's submarine railway tunnel in the United Kingdom.

    In other words, the entrance to Eurotunnel in France, in Folkestone.

    Now, in order to investigate the Eurotunnel bombing incident, many people have gathered there.

    For example, Second Princess Carissa.

    For example, Captain of Knight Faction.

    For example, as an investigator's Index.

    "Could it be that those Magician's goal is to assassinate Princess Carissa!?"

    The speculation of Kanzaki's slight change made Itwwa's eyes widen.

    This is the most reasonable explanation.

    Otherwise, it would not explain why the other side has been reluctant to leave the United Kingdom, but has been resisting while fleeing in the territories of United Kingdom.

    If the goal is to assassinate the "Military" Princess and weaken the military power of the United Kingdom, then it makes sense.

    Or, the other party's purpose may also be Index Librorum Prohibitorum.

    After all, Magic Cabal, chaos in the United Kingdom territory, does not necessarily mean foreign associations that are unfavorable to the United Kingdom. It is more likely that they want to take advantage of the benefits.

    The Index Librorum Prohibitorum is the biggest benefit for Magician.



    Fang Li denied this statement.

    "The other side is not going to kill Carissa, but to help Carissa."

    This statement left Kanzaki and Itsuwa in the same place.

    Looking at the performance of the two young girls, Fang Li closed her eyes.

    When you open it again, there is only peace in it.

    The words spoken are only one sentence.

    "Now, now, too, hurry to inform Queen and Laura."

    Fang Li declared this.

    "The coup for British land will begin."


    At the same time, in the Eurotunnel in Folkestone, such a scene is under way.

    Near the end of the tunnel, numerous carriages were parked.

    Among them, there are special carriages for Royal Family and carriages for bodyguard.

    Many military horses are resting.

    There are dozens of Knights in silver armor around waiting.

    And Second Princess Carissa of United Kingdom is also standing at the tunnel entrance, looking ahead.

    Its looks are like nostalgia, like mourning.

    At this time, Knight Captain went to Carissa.

    In the hands of Knight Captain, still carrying a box.

    Knight Captain just came to Carissa's side and whispered.

    "The stuff has been sent."

    In a simple sentence, Carissa's expression switched.

    Switch to Warrior's expression.

    Carissa just laughed.

    "Notify Hide's Knight Faction across the United Kingdom."

    Like this, ordered against Knight Captain.

    "Start the revolution."

    "From now on, United Kingdom's head of state will be my Carissa."

    In the face of such an order, Knight Captain merely blanked it out.


    After saying so, Knight Captain began to order.

    As for Carissa, he looked into the tunnel.

    There, a silver-haired young girl wearing a pure white monastic clothes is carefully analyzing the surrounding magic traces.

    Not found at all.

    Danger has come.

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