Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1984 let me captivated Diva

    At this moment, Fang Li left and right, Sylvia stared back at Villian's back. There was only one thought.

    "Is it really a child who is worried?"

    The whispered muttering spoke completely of Sylvia's voice.

    It seems that the gentle and generous Diva has also been partial to the helpless girl.


    It is helpless.

    Although Villian did not show up, the feeling of the Royal Highness of the Princess must be very sad?

    after all

    "In the just-conference, even the outsiders like us were given the privilege of freedom by Queen. The only Royal Highness Princess did not even mention it."

    Fang Li had a quiet voice of Villian's embarrassing situation.

    She advocates the eldest daughter of "Brains".

    The second daughter of "Military" is advocated.

    Three women who claim "Virtue".

    Among these three Princesses, Villian is without a doubt the most worthless one.

    Because a country can have no virtue, but it must not be without a mind and a military.

    Although Villian has a certain degree of hope, it does not in itself promote the necessity of the country's operation.

    Even in public affairs, Villian is a character who appears in front of the media as the image of the Royal Family. For the British Royal Family, Villian's role is only that.

    In the future, Villian’s only role is to be used as a bargaining chip for political marriages. Will Queen and the two Elder Sisters take the opportunity to conclude treaties favorable to the United Kingdom?

    Like now, in front of the national disaster, the "Brains" of the eldest daughter Riméa can conceive many helpful plans. The second daughter, Carissa's "Military", can be an effective means to solve the problem. Only Villian's "Virtue" is completely useless. .

    In view of this, Villian was only one person who was not given Quest at the just-in-time meeting.

    The situation is somewhat pathetic.

    "Because of this, Acqua of the Back will trigger the United Kingdom Third Princess Rescue Battle?"

    Ten years ago, there was an incident on the Strait of Dover France side.

    The origin of the event is a faction called "Spanish Astrological Sect".

    That is a very large faction in the Roman Catholic Church.

    Due to the Christianity communication in the era of great seafaring, the Spanish Astrological Sect has almost completely mastered the cultural power of the old culture of continent in South America.

    There has been a historical battle between the magical powers of Spain and United Kingdom since the defeat of the Elizabethan Armada.

    Ten years ago, the United Kingdom wanted to seize the influence of South Africa from the Roman Catholic Church and expand its sphere of influence. Therefore, it wanted to obtain an excuse for launching a war with the Spanish Astrological Sect.

    At the same time, the Spanish Astrological Sect also wanted to make a move for South America and therefore wanted to attack Villian with the Third Princess of the United Kingdom hostage.

    Finally, Villian was used as an "abandoned child" by the United Kingdom.

    As long as the Spanish Astrological Sect is Villian make a move, then the United Kingdom has a legitimate reason to wage a war.

    In other words, ten years ago, Villian was used by the United Kingdom as an excuse to launch a war and sent to the battlefield to die.

    At the crucial moment, it was still a person who saved this Highness Princess.

    That person, precisely William Orwell.

    "It was already used as an abandoned child ten years ago. Now is there no position in front of the United Kingdom's national government?"

    This is Villian's current situation.

    Sylvia, who occasionally shows extraordinary intelligence gathering ability, is also aware of this. Because of his nature, can't he ignore Villian?

    Otherwise, in the face of Villian who is older than himself, Sylvia will not use "Child" to call him.

    Fang Li can even see hesitation in Sylvia's eyes.

    Does this Diva Highness surely wants to catch up with Villian?

    Only, different from today.

    Now, Sylvia has more attention than Villian.

    This object is not someone else, precisely Fang Li.

    For Fang Li, this world is the turning point for change.

    Maybe, next, Fang Li will encounter something extraordinary.

    In this case, Sylvia naturally does not want to leave Fang Li.


    "If you want to catch up, just catch up."Fang Li seemed to completely see through the hesitation of Sylvia's heart, helplessly said with a smile: "I will not be able to happen anything at this moment. Otherwise I will not choose to wait and see, and I will not participate in the incident in United Kingdom. It's up."

    Fang Li made a decision for Sylvia.

    "But..Sylvia still hesitated.

    Fang Li is no doubt more important than Villian, and Sylvia will hesitate to take it for granted.

    However, this hesitation is not necessary.

    GoFang Li touched Sylvia's hair and said softly, “I will call you back when it’s necessary.”

    With the large number of items lying in the Fang Li Fairy Bag, how much to reclaim Sylvia's means.

    Then again, Fang Li can also wish to Holy Grail.

    With Holy Grail's power, Sylvia is forcibly summoned to Fang Li's side.

    "You just do what you want to do."Fang Li smiled and said, "Don't do anything that violates my style. That's not the Diva I can captivated."

    Fang Li's encouragement, let Sylvia also eliminate the final hesitation.

    "Then I will go back."Sylvia smiled and looked directly at Fang Li and said, "Care yourself."

    Fang Li nodded.

    Sylvia left a soft kiss on Fang Li's cheek and immediately chased him back in the direction of Villian.

    Fang Li just watched Sylvia leave and touched his cheeks.

    "According to this situation, very soon, I have reason to help United Kingdom make a move."

    But for Fang Li, there is no such thing as anything.

    Don't make a move, all look at the mood.

    Nothing more.


    On the other side, Villian is walking in the hallway of Buckingham Palace.


    The heavy sigh leaked from his mouth and told the feelings of her highness.

    "Sure enough, I'm not necessary for this country?"

    This fact has been experienced by Villian many times in the past twenty years.

    Whether it was the time when he was abandoned 10 years ago or when he had no use for the moment, even Villian's slender shoulders could not be ignored.

    Even during the meeting, their speeches were only negatively denied.

    "What did I come here for?"

    Villian thought abandon oneself to despair.

    Until the next second…


    Under the somewhat playful sound, a cold cold drink was stuck on Villian's cheek.


    Villian suddenly issued somewhat cute calls.

    Between hurries, Villian hid.

    Then Villian saw it.

    "What does the Royal Princess think of here?"

    The young girl with a cold drink in her hand smiled at Villian, leaving Villian somewhat surprised.


    Villian accidental voice, let Sylvia smiled and said such a sentence.

    "Want to talk to me?"

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