Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1993 overrides Saint’s battle.

    "Rumble …"

    With Buckingham Palace as the center, all around the vicinity of the earthquake like a sudden quiver.

    The spectacular explosions ravaged the area before the palace and turned it into pristine form before it was developed.

    Archangel level power ravaged there, in the first blow, the earth like tumbling over the same as the flying, the buildings are like building blocks are shattered, all the destruction of everything.

    As for space, it has already been torn apart by just a blow. It is as if something is indiscriminately torn to the abruptness of life, leaving only a trace of fragmentation.

    By the time the shock subsided, in front of the Carissa, only the black soil that had been dug up and the ruins of the building that had barely survived were left behind.


    The smoke that represents the high temperature rises from the black soil, which increases the temperature in the air a lot.


    The culprit who made all this was just a coldly snorted.


    Supporters of the Carissa of Knight faction is one after another have been shocked by the sight of the scene to stay, the stood in place.

    Carissa, on the other hand, is not satisfied with what she has done.

    "After all, is just the beginning of the item, has not been able to skillfully use AH." ”

    In this way, speak words that make people doubt the ear.

    Is it a hell of a blow to be a result of the power of power that has not been skillfully used?

    But no wonder Carissa said so.

    "The more powerful power, if you kill undying the enemy, it would be useless."

    With the still unfathomable sound of Carissa, the angry begins to appear in front of the hell.

    "cough cough …!"

    The sound of coughing came out from there.

    It was not until then that the Knight faction discovered.

    在那化作一片焦土,space亦是呈现被粉碎以后的景象的地带里,有一个Magic Array在散发着光芒。

    Magician is made of steel wire.

    And behind the magic Array of steel wire, Kanzaki kneeling on the ground of one knee on, Shichiten Shichitou as a shield, to take a breather, One side of the mouth shed blood.

    "Priestess !"

    Itsuwa's lament came from behind the Kanzaki.

    Under the protection of Kanzaki, Itsuwa is safe and sound, can only hold Kanzaki, a pair of tears quickly from the eyes of the appearance of the outflow.

    I’ll be fine.”

    Kanzaki said so.

    However, the weakness in the sound cannot be concealed at all.

    This made Carissa a little happy to laugh.

    "Although it is called to be able to contend with Angel Saint, but ultimately Saint can contend with only the general Angel, if the Archangel level of power, Saint did not fight back, let alone highest rank Archangel's power, even if only 80%, even if I use is not skilled enough to cut off the second element of a blow, for saint, want to block down, or too reluctantly ah. ”

    It's just a very simple calculation.

    What is Saint?

    Saint is the same physique as son of God, based on idol theory, able to use a small part of the power of the Son of God.

    Michael, who is Archangel, is serve as the right side of God, known only as the power of the same character as God.

    As a result, the results are obvious.

    One side is the equivalent of God's 80% power.

    One side is a small part of the power of son of God.

    Even if the former still use unskilled, it is not a mere saint can block down.

    If Kanzaki chooses to avoid it, that's not going to happen.

    Unfortunately, in order to protect Itsuwa, Kanzaki chose hard resistance.

    Under such circumstances, Carissa is like losing her interest in Kanzaki.

    "Well, what about another character who can easily override Saint?" ”

    Voice falls…


    In the light of the sky-splitting sound, a figure like ghosts, appeared in the back of the Carissa.

    Its hands, pure white nodachi like Flash was pulled out, in the "Qiāng" a sound, chopped to the neck of Carissa.


    Crisp collision sound up, let a circle of impact wind all concussion, scraping the dust around the vicinity, set off countless gravel.

    Fang Li instantly condensed the eyes.

    Hands, waved a deadly slash of pure white Nodachi by a sword to the block down.

    However, it is not Carissa's curtana.

    Carissa is like not interested in the situation behind, leisurely sitting in the army immediately.

    And blocking Fang Li's knife is not someone else.

    "You could be be that forget my existence? The man who defeated William Orwell! ”

    Knight captain holding a black sword, standing behind the Carissa, blocking the Fang Li ' s a blow.

    The two people looked at each other and let the sight rub out the sparks.

    The next second, both sides moved at the same time.


    The burst of footsteps, Fang Li and knight captain disappeared at the same time.

    "Hey —!"

    The crisp collision sound instantly reverberated from the air.

    Two people actually in that split second, jumped to a height of up to hundreds of meters.

    Then, Nodachi and the sword will interweave a blade light sword shadow, collided with each other.

    "clang clang clang clang clang —!"

    In the collision sound, two of weapons constantly collide, allowing the flames of the impact to appear as lightning.

    Knight Faction's Knights can only see the blast wave burst from high above, like fireworks, and let the sparks of weapon collision expand beautifully.

    In addition, Knights can't see anything.

    Even though Curtana Original is assigned to some Telesma, the power of Knights is limited.

    Saint level of power, for the Knights is already not see the limit.

    Now, beyond the saint level of the battle in front of the apart, to Knights ability, nature is also impossible catch up.

    Only Carissa, in Curtana Original ' s power blessing, clearly captures the battle.

    "So that's" how it is, able to beat William Orwell is not a casual talk about it? ”

    It was a high speed attack and fight.

    Each attack and defense, I am afraid that even a hundredth of a second time is not.

    Fang Li and Knight Captain's figure has already turned into the light, with like lightning sparks, while rubbing the atmosphere, one side to far beyond the speed of sound, in the high altitude constantly swept, non-stop fighting.


    "Qiāng — !"

    God Speed slash into the blade light heavily fell in one of the body of the figure.


    Exploding sound, the figure is directly hit, like a meteorite, with a fire tail fell down, smashed to the ground, in an instant is the ground to smash and open.


    At this time, Fang Li, holding Nodachi, fell from mid-air and stood on the ground.

    Eyes, as always calm.

    "Captain !"

    "Captain !"

    Knights, perceiving what had happened, exclaimed.

    Carissa pour or a face indifferent, as if not care about Knight Captain's Dead or alive.


    "Great, incredibly able to get Curtana provided by the Telesma blessing I like this unilateral repression, which even William did not do." ”

    Saying such words, Knight captain from smash and open inside the earth slowly stand up, while taking off the body of dust, side came out.

    Body, without injury.

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