Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1882 Crusades


    In the hall, Kazuma sat cross-legged at the desk, carrying a pile of tools and pieces of material and was rumbling about.

“……Is that a talent item to use in preparing for a banquet? ”

“……It was only a long time ago that he never claimed to be risky anymore. To stay at home, he suddenly became so serious that I was really unaccustomed to it. ”

    "…could it be that what happened?"

    Aqua, Megumin, and the Darkness group of three gathered in front of the heater and turned to play chess while watching the scene. They were whispering.

    And Fang Li is sitting in front of the sofa and is flipping a list.

Megumin could not cover his curiosity and asked Fang Li: “Kazuma also has no problem, but he’s not the first time it suddenly becomes strange, but Fang Li, you’ve been watching since the beginning. ?"

    Not only was Megumin curious, but Aqua and Darkness were curious.

    "Can that it be that is Axis Cult's application for admission?"

    Aqua would say such stupid things.

    “Looking at the parchment style, how does it feel like the Quest single in Adventurer Guild?”

    Darkness looked very hot and suddenly recognized it.

    In this regard, Fang Li did not hide it.

    Something like that.Fang Li casts the list on the front of the table and casually says: “It's just that this is not a normal Quest sheet, but a reward card for a high reward object.”

    In a word, let the girls one after another startle.

    “High reward object reward ticket!?”

    The girls immediately rushed to Face Li's.

    However, in spite of the panic of the girls, Fang Li teased himself.

    It's been a while since I saw Vanir at Wiz's Magic Item Shop.

    At that time, Fang Li and Kazuma had a conversation with Vanir, both sides have finalized their cooperation plans.

    Specifically, as Kazuma said previously, it uses the modern knowledge in his head as a basis to sell the goods of the modern world.

    According to the agreement of both sides, Kazuma only needs to be responsible for the development of goods, while Vanir guarantees the mass production of goods and sales channels, valuing the goods developed by Kazuma, buying the right to sell at a reasonable price or even intellectual property rights.

    As for Fang Li, of course, it is to provide funds and resources for Kazuma's development work.

    After all, Kazuma wants to develop a product and it also needs some materials.

    In this world, not all modern materials can be found.

    Finding out these materials, or finding alternatives to them, or even simply providing Kazuma with financial assistance to help them develop, is what Fang Li needs to do.

    As a result, Fang Li and Kazuma can evenly divide their income.

    In view of this, Fang Li not only needs to pay for various materials needed for Kazuma, but also needs to sponsor Kazuma's actions.

    For example, in order to be able to develop products that he knows, Kazuma would need to acquire a skill called “Forge”. If the hands and feet are not flexible, then it would be impossible to talk about development.

    This skill is not difficult to learn and can be found in places like blacksmith shops or grocery stores.

    Then, Kazuma can use his convenience as an Adventurer, that is, he can learn the advantages of Skills of all Classes, spend Skill Points, learn “Forge” Skills, and give himself a technical guarantee.

    It's just like the chef is notpossible to easily pass on his favorite recipes, and if he wants to acquire the “Forge” Skill, the blacksmiths are not so good.

    In this case, you need to spend money to teach someone.

    Funding assistance like this is handled by Fang Li.

    Therefore, in order to get sufficient funding, Fang Li this period of time is also quite a handful.

    Now, these reward tickets on the desktop are the various goals that Fang Li this period of time completed in order to earn large sums of money.

    "This…"This is not a winter general! ? ”

    "This…"This is known as the Demonic Poisonous Scorpion? ! ”

    "Mobile Fortress Destroyer? Cheatin' eh?!

    "You have even stalked the Hymenis!?"

    Seeing the contents of a single reward ticket on the desktop, Megumin and Darkness are screaming in succession.

    Only because these are frightening scary reward monsters.

    Mobile Fortress Destroyer Needless to say, not only has the Magitek powers that they developed in the past destroyed, but in the long run it has seen the city and the country with little continent, similar to natural disasters. Even Axel is His hands were razed to the ground.

    The same is true of nine Hydra, itself is a subspecies of the dragon, so far has been living in the mountains near Axel, usually sleeping in the lake, once awakened will be crazy to destroy everything around, until the within of the Body savings magic Power will continue to sleep at the bottom of the lake, and draw magic power from the surrounding Earth, causing the earth around the lake to become lifeless and barren.

    Both rewarding monsters are rewarded with a reward of over 1 billion Eris.

    The rest, like the East General and the Demonic Poisonous Scorpion, have their own site relationships. The damage is not as great as the previous ones. Therefore, the amount of rewards is also relatively low and can be achieved at will. Billion Eris.

    In this period of time, Fang Li took all these high reward Quests from Axel's Adventurer Guild and brought them all the fearsome reward monsters.

    Today, the personal property of Fang Li's has reached a point that is almost terrifying.

    However, Fang Li only left 100 million Eris for himself, and the rest are prepared to trade with Crimson Magic Clan and get a large number of items.

    Fortunately, after that, Yunyun also learned Teleportation Magic, using the Home of the Crimson Magic entry as a transfer location, and taking Fang Li in the past. The transaction between Fang Li and Crimson Magic Clan can continue.

    After learning of this matter, everyone was in a complex mood.

    "What for? Why shouldn't crusade against such powerful monsters call me! ? ”

    Really! Gross! We are obviously companions! Why don't you call us! ? ”

    Megumin and Darkness grabbed Fang Li's collar at the same time and thrilled.

    Only ,Fang Li is completely unmoved.

    Anyway, these two guys are so excited, it's definitely because one wants to use the EX plosion Magic to receive the head, and the other one to want to be the monster that is big and thick?

    Conversely Aqua, a very good tea for Fang Li.

    "Come on, Fang Li-san, please use tea, and then, actually, I have a little thing to discuss with you…"

    Aqua reveals a cute smile like this, but it turns into a symbol of "$" in the eyes.

    I also want to use my knees to know that this guy definitely wants to borrow money.

    Just as the entire group so harassed, the doors of the mansion were ringing.

    The person who came to visit was an accidental character that everyone could not think of.

    "Yahoo, Darkness, I come to see you."

    Looking at the Thief girl who was standing in the doorway and shouting like this, Darkness was once more shocked.


    Newcomer ,precisely Chris.

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