Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1881 Necessary to talk about it

    This time, Kazuma seems serious.

    After Fang Li talked to him, the other party immediately said.

    "Then we will discuss with Wiz tomorrow."

    And the next day, this hikiNEET really made a big morning, while the rest of the people hadn't gotten up yet and couldn't stop him, just awakening Fang Li who was challenging Sea of ​​Death and pulling it to Wiz's Magic Item. Shop.

    It was here that the two met one person.

    “Welcome to our shop! Two people suffering from various kinds of torture in a funny race site! Do you think that your generation is very shocked? Fuhahahaha! ”

    There will only be one person in the world who will speak in this tone.

    That's Vanir.

    Ben Devil, Vanir, should have been criticized by Fang Li.


    Kazuma pointed at the other person with a trembling finger, his eyes widened.

    There’s nothing to be done.

    The object that should have been crusade actually appears in this kind of place, no matter who can be frightened, let alone opposite party still is Leader of Demon King's Army.

    In such a situation, Wiz came with a smile that was always a cure and walked over from the store.

    "Welcome, two, I heard that you have suffered so much in this trip. It is wonderful to see you have nothing."

    Wiz's curative smile and discourse was finally what Kazuma responded to.

    DimensionWiz …? ”Kazuma was overwhelmed and pointed back and forth between Wiz and Vanir. He stumbled and said, "Why are you…?"

    Vanir spread out the hands as if seeing through Kazuma’s mind.

    "Is it surprised that my generation is here? Or amazed that our generation is still alive? If it is the former, it is only because our generation has nowhere to go now. It just happens to have met with the poor shopkeepers on this side, so it will stay here. If it is the latter, it is also very simple. Our generation is not dead. Even the "numbers" are very clearly less. ”


    Vanir is dead.

    However, it does not mean that Vanir will be destroyed.

    In this world, Devil's body is all in hell, and what appears on the ground is only avatar.

    Even if avatar is killed, Devil will not really be destroyed, but will return to hell and lose the avatar that appears on the ground.

    A part of the powerful Devil can even increase its appearance on the ground by accumulating power and continuously increasing avatar.

    Devil called this avatar "number only".

    If you lose one avatar, it means that you have to kill one and only a few.

    In other words, in general, Devil has a plurality of lives.

    Of course, this does not mean that Devil will not be eliminated.

    If the weak Devil's avatar is killed on the ground, the body of hell is likely to be destroyed.

    Among other things, Arch Priest like Aqua, if it uses EX orcism Magic all the time, it is considered that High-Class Devil can be eliminated together with the ontology.

    Originally, Fang Li also killed a High-Class Devil when he first entered the world.

    The Devil is under the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's power. All "numbers" are killed in one breath, and the body in hell is destroyed together. It no longer exists.

    So, if Fang Li uses the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception's power to kill Vanir, maybe Vanir has disappeared into this world.

    Unfortunately, Fang Li did not use Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

    That is, for the Head of the Seven Archdukes who ruled all Devil's in hell, Fang Li only killed him once and wiped out one of his avatars, leaving him one less “only number”.

    "However, we can all feel at ease. Our generation would have been the Leader of Demon King's Army because of Demon King's stalker. We have maintained Demon King City's barrier for him. This time it was crusade, and our generation has completely lost the maintenance Demon." The qualification of the King City barrier retired from the Leader of Demon King's Army."

    Vanir clicked on the mask and said something about it.

    "Now, we are no longer the Leader of Demon King's Army, only a clerk in this store."

    As Vanir's voice falls, Wiz is smiling.

    “I was shocked when Vanir-san appeared in the shop, but I knew it with Vanir-san in the era of Adventurer. It would be great to be able to go to Vanir-san as a clerk.”

    As I've said before, Wiz became Undead from the Head of the Seven Archdukes who ruled all Devils in Hell, that is, Arch Devil Vanir, who had seen everything through the taboo technique of reincarnation as Lich.

    Both of them passed through many sources in the past and they can be counted as not having known each other.

    Understand this point, Fang Li Abandoned, Kazuma feels so unreasonable.

    “Lich was the shop owner, Devil was a clerk, what was the world actually happened?”

    Defiant King of the Undead and Archduke of Hell, actually opened a Magic Item Shop inside a Beginners Town, it is no wonder that Kazuma would tsukkomi.

    Conversely Fang Li, like at the beginning, knew that it would be like this development.

    "This is the scourge of the Millennium?"

    Although it was a bit surprising that Vanir actually appeared in Wiz's shop, even if the memory of the original book became more and more blurred, Fang Li did not understand the world's knowledge.

    Therefore, Fang Li also knows that Devil's body is in hell.

    If you don't use Mystic Eyes' power, unless you destroy all of Vanir's "numbers," kill him.

    "Otherwise, in order to avoid future misfortunes, it is still here to wipe out all your "numbers." ”

    Fang Li's murmur made everyone present to react.

Even if you are the Leader of Demon King's Army! We also have people who can crunch you! Exactly! This Is It

    This shouted, Kazuma also hid in behind Fang Li.

    Always feel that this hikiNEET has become more and more timid after returning from Home of the Crimson Magic.

    WellThat, Fang Li-san, also ask you to keep your hands. ”Wiz quickly said: "Now Vanir-san is very harmless. He is not a person who will hurt humans, but will only enjoy the negative emotions of human."

    Vanir himself once said this.

    For him, human is a delicious food and will absolutely not do anything stupid about humans.

    “As the poor shopkeeper said, our generation is now a clerk who intends to do his best for the store and strive to get rid of the fiscal deficit, so…”

    So, Vanir turned his attention to Fang Li and Kazuma's body.

    On his face, a smile full of evil slowly emerged.

    "Clairvoyance's Devil predicts here that you need our power, your plans, and so on. It's just that we can only achieve the perfect help, don't you think it's necessary to have a good conversation?"

    Vanir's speech, which had deep meanings, caused Wiz to be confused and made Kazuma feel at a loss.

    Only Fang Li looked at Devil in front of him and shrugged.

    It seems that this Devil has seen through everything.

    Also fine

    Instead of talking about business with the poorly managed Wiz, it's better to talk to Devil.

    At least, this devil will never have the ability to lose money on the right.

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