Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1888 will marry sooner or later

    Just as Iris felt uneasy, embarrassing and anticipating, Aqua and Megumin, who had been keeping pace with Iris from the very beginning, had finally come forward.

    "Hey, Hero who will defeat the Demon King. What happened? Why is it that I, the so-called mastermind, do not know why it is so important? Shouldn't that be a prediction made by a liar? Can't you just believe it? Like recently, I saw a self-proclaimed Clairvoyance Devil who could see through everything in an extremely dubious shop. ”

    Aqua uttered such a statement with a serious expression that it really made people think that she should open her head and see what loops were inside.

    "It turned out that you were running out of that kind of thing. You are more headstrong than I thought."

    Megumin is a bit of a showless thing, but it makes people feel like saying that the whole world can't find a guy who is more headstrong than Crimson Magic Clan who wanted to send EX plosion Magic anyway.

    "you two Ah…

    Darkness is also helpless.

    Not to mention Darkness, that is, Fang Li wants to roll one's eyes.

    The two guys, just when they saw Fang Li and Darkness bring Iris over, immediately escaped.

    The reason is also very simple, that is, Iris is afraid to come to them afterwards.

    Don't forget that when Fang Li came back again, it was these guys who put Hans on a dethroned road, causing the opponent to corner and return to attacking Royal Capital. Royal Capital almost suffered heavy losses.

    And these guys are fleeing from Kazuma's. It's no surprise that Iris represents the Royal Family to sanction them.

    So, these two guys stayed away until Iris was confirmed not to come over for this incident and pretend to come over as nothing, so Fang Li wanted to knock them out.

    However, it's more important now than Iris's thing.

    "Fang Li-san …"

    Iris lifted his eyes, and his eyes flickered like water, his hands resting in prayer, and his pitiful appearance.

    "Aah …"

    Looking at such an Iris, Fang Li had no performance, and Darkness made a trembling voice as if to awaken something new.

    The princess of the beloved princess looked at a person with such a poor expression. It was indeed enough to capture anyone’s heart.

    And, whether men or women.

    If Claire is here, seeing such an Iris, it will definitely fall down to whatever Iris proposes and will agree, and he will not hesitate to commit crimes in order to fulfill these requirements.

    Even Fang Li, who has become more and more fragile recently, has started to shake and can only rub the forehead and let out a sigh.

    "There is nothing to hide."

    In front of Iris, Fang Li nodded affirmed Iris's guess.

    "At the time of the Home of the Crimson Magic, Diviner Soketto did help me Divination and predicted that I would sooner or later become Hero who will defeat the Demon King."

    Such words were introduced into Iris's heart and passed into the ears of the rest.

    "Wait I don't know that kind of thing! Good you Fang Li! Did not tell me! ”

    Aqua immediately opened his eyes and started chanting.

    "I do not know either! I was shocked when I heard this news! Also specially ran to Soketto-san to collect information! Why don't you tell me! ? ”

    Darkness also became eyes brimming with tears.

    "Well, I'd be understood long ago."

    Only Megumin, a triumphant appearance, made people smile.

    Iris, as if to hear the greatest good news, began tearing his eyes.

    "I …I knew it must be Fang Li-san! ”

    Iris reveals a heartfelt joy and relief, and his face is bursting with innocent and romantic cute smiles.

    Then, that innocent and romantic cute smile turned into a shy expression.

    "This…"In this way, even Claire can no longer oppose my marriage. I…I will marry Fang Li-san sooner or later…"

    When it comes to the back, Iris's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

    The sights of Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness came together simultaneously to Fang Li's body.

    Fang Li corner of the mouth twitches.

    Because, even if not to confirm, Fang Li can understand that it is definitely looking at lolicon's eyes.


    "Married Ah…

    That was something that Fang Li would never even think about.

    A person who is ready to challenge death and commit death, who can expect him to consider this kind of thing?

    However, since the realization of the relationship between "Life" and "Death", Fang Li has become more and more humane, and his heart has become more and more soft.

    Although he was still merciless when dealing with the enemy, Fang Li gradually accepted it.

    Among them, Sylvia was the first person to open Fang Li's heart defense.


    "If it really took the stage to consider getting married, it still really wanted to marry Sylvie…"

    As for Iris, even if the other person was the first to marry Fang Li, considering the child's age, it is still too early to think about it.

    However, it must be denied that Fang, who had a marriage contract with Iris, did not hold the dispensable mentality like before, but tried to accept it.

    "No wonder Sylvie will say I have become more and more unfaithful…"

    Fang Li secretly helpless.

    Only, this change in mood, is also telling Fang Li that he is gradually defeating past self into a whole new field.

    The transformation of the soul is progressing steadily.

    By the wayFang Li remembered one thing and said to Iris: "Since you are here, that's just right. I have a gift for you."

    GiftThe crowd suddenly stopped.

    GiftIris is also surprised.

    In this case, Fang Li took the gift out of the Fairy Bag.

    That is, the ring that was bought from the home of the Crimson Magic.


    Iris's eyes were instantly drawn to the ring, and he stared at it tightly and never moved away.

    "Aren't you giving me your ring?"Fang Li smiled heartily and said: "So, I should send you a ring too."

    Did not mention that this is an Artifact.

    Not to mention that this is an item with a stable power.

    In this moment, both Fang Li and Iris only consider it a ring.

    Then, Fang Li held up Iris's little hand and put the ring on.

    He wore a ring of Fang Li's for years and wore a little white mark.

    Without knowing whether it was Goddess of Fortune Eris's favor, the ring was perfectly fitted with the white mark.

    It's like being tailor-made for Iris.

    "Fang Li-san …"

    Iris clasped the hand wearing a ring and was very impressed.

    On seeing, Aqua, megumin and darkness at the same time low mumble made a noise.

“……Would that be the rhythm of a thorough strategy? ”

“……If Kazuma is here, it is estimated that we should say something weird again, like "This is definitely the way to enter the Iris route." ”

    "Aah …Lady Claire …It's really useless for you to oppose it again…"

    In this way, Iris not only confirmed the most important thing, but also got the most important gift.

    Absolutely, there is no innocence.

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