Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1880 will Yunyun exclusive?


    Axel, Fang Li's mansion.

    As soon as he entered the door, Kazuma flew to the couch and rolled around on it. She yelled and gave everyone a shock.

    "What are you doing? Call it so loud! Scared of dignity and sacredness, I will suffer from Heavens Punishment! ”

    "Kazuma what is going on? These days have been very strange? ”

    "I also thought that if the situation is serious, I can only send you to the nursery home…"

    Aqua, megumin and darkness some not worthy of flattery looked at such Kazuma, one after another said.

    However, Kazuma did not care at all, as though he would thoroughly return here as a salvation and throw such words at the crowd.

    "Let me be clear with you, I will always stay in this home, even if going out will never leave the scope of the town, outside the world is too terrible, it is not suitable for me this kind of hikikomori, after the housekeeping quest to me, the rest of the matter to you, rest assured that I will not eat and Live without paying, a few days I went to Wiz there to discuss with her, to my head of those modern knowledge as a foundation, the development of a lot of this world no new merchandise, henceforth become mixed eat die hikineet! ”

    Kazuma's undisguised declaration allowed the girls to start walking away.

    "Kazuma really has not succeeded, and they are beginning to say something weird and feeling completely saved."

    “Although I do not know what modern knowledge is, this individual actually started to blatantly admit that he is a hikiNEET. He obviously used the “Steal” skill to steal her Hagoromo before Aqua called it.”

    Megumin whispers with Darkness.

    Only Aqua protested.

    "What are you talking about? You this hikiNEET! How could you keep your home at home? If you don't knock down Demon King, I can't always go back to Heaven! Also eat and live without paying should also be the privilege of being Goddess! How could you be snatched away! ? ”

    In this sense, there are words that cannot be saved in various ways.

    "I will never go out anyway! Exactly! Absolute You don't want me to go out from here! ”

    "Alas! This damn's dead house is still back! ? Making a move to God is a crime! See I sanction you with a sacred fist! ”

    "I think it's true that Aqua has been guilty of posing as Goddess."

    "You guys, just come back and you're so noisy, can't you take a good rest?"

    Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness will continue to show chaos.

    Seeing Kazuma and Aqua twitching on the sofa, Megumin and Darkness were sitting happily and drinking tea, while Yunyun, who was holding Chomutsuke, had an envious expression.

    “I really admire everyone to be able to play like this together. It feels good and lively. My family has always been Me and Chomusuke. I have never been so busy…”

    Saying the same way as before always makes people feel sad.

    And Fang Li, looking at such Yunyun's eyes is more and more affectionate.

    Obviously Crimson Magic Clan, it is so normal.

    Obviously Crimson Magic Clan, it is so normal.

    Obviously Crimson Magic Clan, it is so normal.

    Because it is important, it needs to be said three times.

    Originally, because of the four pig teammates who can only pit people, Fang Li has a great feeling for Yunyun.

    Now, in the Home of the Crimson Magic, the experience of being in the shadow of the heart is acquired. The position of Yunyun in the heart of Fang Li is a geometric increase.

    If not because of Fang Li’s heart was taken by the invincible Diva Highness the first time in his heart, Fang Li really wanted to take Yunyun exclusive.

    One can imagine how much depressed Fang Li felt.


    At the moment, Fang Li expressed this to Yunyun in a gentle tone she had never had before.

    "It doesn't matter if you want to come and play at any time."

    Hearing this, Yunyun is also shining.

    TrueIs it really possible? ”Yunyun said, with some squeaking, "I won't wait until I come with fruit and meditation. Then I say, "Are? Did this person actually come? How can you listen to social words? Are you sick enough? ”In this case? ”

    What can I do?

    How do I feel that my child is too sad?

    Or else, really leave the child well?

    Fang Li struggled in his heart.

    At this time, Megumin was disgusted.

    "So it was said that a lonely girl without a friend is unbearable."Megumin put the cup in his hand, and said to Yunyun, arrogantly: “Since we are all saying this as the master of this mansion, you just give me a little more, and Arue they also let us take care of you. ? Please do not you squeeze it there? ”

    Obviously, Megumin couldn't stand it for Yunyun's troublesome personality.

    Of course, Megumin's personality is more troublesome than Yunyun.

    In addition, the master of this mansion is not "We" but "I". Arue and the others are not "We" but "I". You are also just like Yunyun. Why can you say such things for granted?

    Fang Li couldn't help but sigh, realizing that she would quickly stop afterwards.

    Always feel that in this world, he often sighed, can no longer continue like this.

    However, looking at Kazuma who was scuffing with Aqua on the sofa, Fang Li was thoughtful.

    "Do not want to risk again, but want to develop products to make money, right?"

    This is a good opportunity.

    Hero Candidates who come to this world basically do not have such an idea.

    After all, those people have cheats attached to them and they do not need to bother to do business.

    As long as you take cheat, then you can be a famous Adventurer. When you are short of money, you can take Quest with high rewards and high rewards. You can easily earn money, worry about food and clothing, and be able to receive others. Adoration and admiration, even romantic ambiguity, full of protagonist routines, everyone longs for.

    Therefore, although there are many modern Hero Candidates in this world, modern knowledge is not universal here.

    If Kazuma really started doing business, it might indeed make big money.

    Fang Li can cooperate with Kazuma completely and cooperate with him so that not only can make a profit and acquire more items, but also can make one of the four pits lose one item. Why not?

    "It's so decided."

    After such an idea was determined, Fang Li was ready to find time for a good talk with Kazuma.

    "I will never go out anyway! Exactly! Absolute

    Kazuma, who does not know he has been watched, is still clamoring.

    "Before today, I'm a real helliNEET!"

    In this way, an incurable declaration was made.

    This time, even Fang Li could not help but think so.

    "This guy, what did Silvia do in the end?"

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