Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1773 Great Spirit and Quasi Spirit


    Some indescribably heavy air suddenly filled the scene.

    Whether it is the people of the Emilia camp or the people of the Anastasia camp, they are facing each other and let this heavy air gradually appear here.

    There is no way to do this.

    For people in the Emilia camp, the last time I saw Anastasia was the Royal Selection a year ago.

    Moreover, only Fang Li and Emilia met Anastasia, Sylvia, Rem, and Beatrice, but it was only today that they really saw the true face of this famous businessman.

    As for Fang Li and Emilia, it was only at the time of the Royal Selection that there was a relationship with Anastasia.

    Therefore, even Fang Li was face to face with Anastasia for the first time.

    In this case, Fang Li couldn't help but looked at Anastasia.

    In the Five Royal Selection Candidates, Fang Li had a lot of dealings with four of them.

    Emilia Needless to say, Cruskin was also an old friend when he attacked Hagugei. Felt played a lot of dealings with Elsa when he first attacked. Even Priscilla had close contact with Fang Li and Fang Li had four royals. Selection Candidate has a full understanding.

    Since Anastasia alone, since the side of the Royal Selection, Fang Li has no see again/goodbye over this Royal Selection Candidate.

    For Fang Li, understanding of Anastasia can be far from the rest.

    Of course, Anastasia is certainly the same.

    Therefore, Anastasia spoke such words with a professional smile.

    “One year has passed since the Royal Selection. At that time, I didn’t expect you to make so many surprises. Even Hagugei punished it. As a businessman, the embarrassment at that time was directly moved to crying. What?"

    This is not an exaggeration.

    Hakugei, one of the Three Great Demon Beasts, is a random person who appears on any business road, spits out white mist, and continues to endanger the existence of the world.

    "For us businessmen, the appearance of Hakugei is a nightmare, even if not car crashes, and even the goods are eaten out, it will be blocked because of the road and delay the timing of delivery. It all means the loss."

    Anastasia blinked and somewhat playful said that.

    "You can solve Hagugei. It really helped. Thanks to this, Hoshin Trading Company's business is doing so well. There are a lot more shops in Kingdom."

    Such words have brought unexpected shocks to everyone in the Emilia camp.

    Even Fang Li raised their brows.

    It turns out that Hoshin Trading Company's shops have been able to travel throughout Kingdom in one year so that they can collect financial resources, material resources and manpower for Anastasia, increase their influence, and give Anastasia access to the popularity of the throne candidate no less than the rest of the expanding forces. Hakugei’s deliberation made a lot of contributions.

    This did not come to mind.

    Of course, the other party is deliberately saying this, and does not know whether it is a tease or a provocation.

    At least, for Fang Li entire group, this is definitely not a worthwhile topic to talk about.


    Anastasia’s eyes are sweeping past Fang Li entire group again and again, with some meaningful words.

    "There seems to be more people around you who don't know."

    Saying so, Anastasia's eyes have stayed for a while in Garfiel and Beatrice's body, let Garfiel lift his arms, and Beatrice is a bit cold and don't go too far.

    At this time, Anastasia has already looked to Sylvia.

    In exchange for a chuckle from Sylvia.

    This made Anastasia pick the right eye, and shortly afterwards turned his gaze to Fang Li's body.

    “Qing also did a lot of big things during the year. It was said that even Oousagi had crusade, and when you just heard it, you were scared.”

    Anastasia's dismissive words let Fang Li smile.

    "It's not me who crusades Oousagi."

    Fang Li said so and patted Beatrice's head next to him.

    "It was Contracted Spirit around me to give Oousagi a crusade. I didn't do anything at the time."

    This kind of discourse is to make everyone one after another focus on Beatrice's body.

    Especially Julius.

    "Sure enough, this sweet lady is Spirit."

    Julius stares at Beatrice, and the handsome face carries a smile that makes somewhat narcissistic.

    “It has long been heard that the Oousagi who crusade against Oousagi a year ago was a Great Spirit who entered into a contract with Knight Fang Li. Now it seems to be more beautiful than I thought.”

    Hearing this, Beatrice just licked Julius and somehow hateful frowned.

    "Betty only did what it was supposed to do. Since Multi-Rabbit is stupid enough to find Betty's partner, Betty will certainly have to clean it."

    Beatrice raised his head in such a high spirit and spoke proudly to Julius.

    "Also, Betty cute and beautiful is a matter of course, don't compare Betty to those Quasi Spirits you don't even have."

    The Beatrice no trace of politeness is devalued, and Julius is also smiling.

    "This is really irrefutable."

    Saying, there were some spots around Julius.

    It is six light spots with completely different colors.

    The six spots are six Spirits.

    More precisely, it should be said that Quasi Spirit is right.

    In Spirit's world, there are generally three types of Minute Spirit, Quasi Spirit, and Spirit.

    Minute Spirit refers to a young Spirit that hasn't even had a complete consciousness.

    Quasi Spirit refers to only one step away from Spirit. Apart from having no form and power being weak, the rest is not much worse than Spirit.

    And if Quasi Spirit goes further, it's Spirit.

    By then, they will have wisdom and form that are not weaker than human, and they can even breed future generations.

    Julius is known as Spirit Knight because he has a contract with Spirit of Quasi Spirit that allows Spirit to become acquainted with and close to his own Divine Protection.

    Frankly speaking, it is amazing to be able to conclude a contract with Quasi Spirit of Six Attributes.

    After all, this means that Julius can use the magic of the entire Six Attributes, together with his superb sword technique. No wonder he can stand out in the Guardian Knight Regiment and become a Valuable Knight.

    Only, compared to Beatrice, Julius's Quasi Spirit is still not just a shot.

    In any case, Beatrice is a Great Spirit, and even in Spirit it is on the top of the point.

    Julius Quasi Spirit, the six people who don't even have a Spirit personality. Even if the number is a bit more, then don't think about it.

    "So, I'm curious."

    Julius looked back at Fang Li, and his face was a screaming smile.

    “The same guy actually signed a contract with a Great Spirit and became the same Spirit Knight as me. It really makes people want to do a little competition.”

    This is also the reason why Julius has been staring at Fang Li's since he met.

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