Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1772 sitting on the city (seek monthly ticket)

    In a nutshell, it is a circular city located in the center of a huge lake.

    From the outside, you may only see one fortress surrounded by a thick layer of outside the door, like a prison.

    The only fortress that leads to this fortress is a huge stone bridge that connects to the main entrance and extends to the shore.

    With the Dragon Carriage, and Liger and Mercenary Group around them, the Fang Li entire group entered the Water Gate City after applying for entry.

    "Oooh …"

    Not long afterwards, the exclamation was from the mouth of every girl in Fang Li around the body.

    The city that is presented to everyone is a blue water city surrounded by water.

    If it doesn't matter the size of the internal structure of the city, then it should be similar to sports stadiums, right?

    The height difference is formed by the outer highest, which is lower toward the center.

    The on the ground exposed by the faults of each class is filled with stone-made buildings.

    A large waterway seems to divide the entire city into four parts. There are constantly coming and going ships, causing waves of splashing/underwater sound.

    On top of that, the nature responsible for pulling the boat was not the Earth Dragon, but the water that flew over the water. The body was more slender than the snake and had short limbs.

    "Is that Water Dragon?"

    Emilia mumbled in surprise.

    ————『Water Dragon』.

    It's like the Earth Dragon. It's very important in this Dragon Kingdom. It's even rarer than the Earth Dragon.

    Unlike the Earth Dragon who needs to run on land, so it has a strong physique. The Water Dragon looks like a blue-blue giant snake with short limbs, a head with a burly tooth, and it also looks like a long squid. Tentacles.

    If Earth Dragon's appearance is like a large lizard, then Water Dragon is just like a Flood Dragon.

    The scene where the Water Dragon was shuttled across the waters that surround the entire city made people feel a sense of tidal wave.

    怎么样? Also not bad? ”

    Ricardo rode Liger and came to the side of Fang Li entire group, who was leaning out of the carriage and wondering at the scene before him, smiling.

    “Because Kararagi is near here, for those of us who are Kararagi's origins, it is the same place as hometown. Ojou-sama likes it very much. This time it will be chosen as a place to meet. We will come here from time to time. Come and play."

    No one doubted this.

    "There is indeed value for playing here."

    Sylvia made the most intuitive impression. Light laughter was mixed in the splashing/underwater sound. It was quite a feeling of self-contained songs that caused many people on the roadside to pass frequently.

    Even Emilia, Rem and Beatrice made comments.

    "Although I've heard of this before, it's the first time I come here."

    “The Southern Border is too far away from Mathers Territory on the northern border. Even Roswaal-sama doesn’t know if he has the opportunity to come here.”

    "Betty also read the introduction in the book only and thought it should be colder. I didn't expect it to be pretty good either."

    The three young girls respectively expressed this idea.

    In the end, even Garfiel touched his nose and revealed a rare, honest smile.

    "Boss! Can I continue to race against those of the Water Dragon? ? ”


    Fang Li's decisive veto made Garfiel dejected.

    At this time, Natsuki Subaru sat on Liger in a lame pose.

    "Priestella starts from the center of the waterway, and the four areas divided into four parts are called District One, District Two, District Three, and District Four in the order starting from the main entrance."

    Natsuki Subaru likes to come out of these topics.

    “Each area separated by Serial Number is different in the types of stores and Classes that are clustered. District Two and District Three, which are further away from the main entrance, seem to be concentrated in the residential area of ​​the residents. District One is It is mainly travelers who pass in and out frequently. Our destination is District One."

    Natsuki Subaru is a bit of an upset player.

    "Let's go." I will take you past! ”

    However, in the face of such Natsuki Subaru, the three cat-related devils around him are whipping without mercy.

    "Oh, why did Big Brother look like he was proud?"

    "I obviously haven't been here several times."

    “I remember being lost in the way the other day and it was only in the evening that I was picked up by Elder Sister on the road and crying like I was huā lā.”

    "The cat over there shut up!"

    Matsu, Hetaro and Tivey’s dismantling of the trio caused Natsuki Subaru to yell.


    Ricardo laughed.

    "Or let me lead the way! Come with me! ”

    After that, Ricardo is a Liger with a clip, and Liger makes a yell and runs forward.

    The people of Fang of Iron immediately followed.

    "Please also ask adults to return to their carriages."

    Rem grunted and then drove the Dragon Carriage to follow Dragon Carriage.


    The place where Anastasia is going to entertain Emilia is the Water Plumage Pavilion.

    It was a flat, all-timbered building. The windows and doors were covered with glass, and they were surrounded by hedgerows.

    The road from the entrance to the entrance is finely stone-paved.

    The roof is stacked with tiles.

    In a stone-made street full of foreign customs everywhere, such a wooden building seems so eye-catching.

    But what is even more striking is that before such a building, someone is already waiting.

    That is a combination of a man and a woman.

    The man is a man wearing a Guardian Knight Regiment's Knight suit and a sword on his waist. He looks beautiful and graceful. He stays faithful and waits quietly.

    The woman wore clothes made of animal skin, surrounded by a fox fur cocoon that caught sight, a slightly petite figure wearing a lavender wavy hair, and a cute face that appeared like a spoonful. Like an unpredictable smile.

    This is naturally no stranger to both men and women for Fang Li entire group.

    The former is known as Valuable Knight, also known as Spirit Knight, and is considered the second in the Guardian Knight Regiment — Julius Juukulius.

    The latter is one of today's top five Royal Selection Candidates. It shares the same popularity with Crusch as Anastasia Hoshin, a popularity businessman who is most likely to gain a throne.

    The Character, who has sent an invitation to the Emilia camp, is now waiting for the arrival of guests at the confluence.

    Until the giants stopped in front of the Water Plumage Pavilion, Anastasia only smiled and took Julius with them.

    "Is it finally coming?"

    In a tone of Kansai accent, Anastasia greeted the crowd coming down from the Dragon Carriage.

    "It's been a long time since I saw you. I don't think you've had a bad year."

    Quite relaxed tone, but it did not allow the atmosphere to ease.

    Because everyone knows.

    This woman in front of her eyes seems to be very intimate, but in reality it is a very greedy businessman.

    And Fang Li feels a line of sight.

    That's the line of sight from Julius.

    Fang Li meets Julius' eyes and sees Valuable Knight.

    A calm eye.

    One in the eyes is full of sly looks.

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