Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1778 again willfulness

    "Un… p> Suddenly, Fang Li liberated himself from his thoughts and suddenly raised his head.

    Because of a fleeting sharp edge, Fang Li's instinct was awakened.

    "what happened?"

    Both Emilia and Beatrice are stunned.

    "Sir Fang Li?"

    One after another, Crusch, Anastasia, Wilhelm, Julius and Ferris.

    There is no way to do this.

    Prior to this, Fang Li had always been a laid-back look. As a casual traveler, he accompanied Emilia and Beatrice and did not show any tension. He also felt a sense of peace of mind in the surrounding people.

    After all, even the deadly lethal weapon, if it is received in the sheath, then who would feel unconscious and relieved?

    But now it is different.

    At least, in the sense of Wilhelm and Julius, the deadly lethal weapon that was received in the sheath has been pulled out.

    Although it was only pulled out a little bit, the aura that stings the skin still gives Wilhelm and Julius a dignified look.

    The rest of us also noticed that Fang Li's atmosphere has changed.

    Become full of persecution.

    But this does not blame Fang Li.

    As previously mentioned, Fang Li also became such a thing because of instinctive responses.

    Feeling the fleeting sharp edge, Fang Li's eyes suddenly flashed a ray of light.

    Immediately, facing everyone with a surprising expression, Fang Li lightly smiles.

    "Don't worry, only guests come."

    Fang Li's voice just fell and the door was knocked.

    "excuse me."

    From the outside the door, it was a comfortable voice that made people feel comfortable.

    However, when people heard this voice, many people were responding.

    "This voice…"

    Ferris' eyes widened.

    "come yet?"

    Julius smiled.


    Beatrice didn't know why the look became shaken. Extending the hand, tightly grasped Fang Li's sleeves.

    The reactions of the three Royal Selection Candidates, Emilia, Crusch and Anastasia, are different.

    Emilia looks like the memory of the Master who is still searching for the sound.

    Anastasia stirred up his eyes.

    Crusch first frowned and then looked at the old swordsman around him.

    There Wilhelm's eyes also trembled slightly, after a while he recovered and closed his eyes.

    In this situation, the door was opened.

    "I'm sorry, we are late."

    With greetings in the heart of a hearty gem that people could not help but want to surrender, Hero appeared in the outside the door.

    Like burning red hair.

    Clear eyes like blue sky.

    As long as you have seen one time, you will never forget the neat features.

    At the waist is a Holy Sword carved with a dragon claw.

    “Reinhard van Astrea, sincerely apologize to you for Felt-sama, the master who failed to timely arrive.”

    Here, Sword Saint comes.

    "Reinhard …"

    At this moment, all the people on the scene were overwhelmed by the tall and straight figure.

    Don't know how many people held their breath in this split second?

    The crowd could only look as if they were looking up at the door, with respectful salute, and Knight, with his perfect smile on his face, could not speak at all.

    Only Fang Li looked at Reinhard like this, as if she did not notice the feelings of the rest of the audience.

    "I did not expect you to come, Sword Saint."

    As always in the calm voice, all the people on the court were awakened.

    Until this time, all the talents discovered that they had been overwhelmed by the presence of Sword Saint who was unknowingly seen here.

    But this can not blame them.

    Because, at this moment, they face the most powerful creature in the real sense.

    At the same time, everyone understands.

    Being able to approach this strongest person, only Fang Li.

    Fang Li proved this with his own performance.

    Of course, Reinhard also turned his attention to Fang Li's body.

    Looking at Fang Li's quietly in the blue-sky eyes, I didn't know what to see through and swayed, but also let Reinhard smile.

    "To call me by that name is to make people feel a bit too heavy and make me feel a little bit as if I have been alienated."

    Reinhard, like before, showed his unguarded friendliness toward Fang Li, and said some cheerfully.

    "If possible, I hope you can treat me as casually as you have. Will this be too greedy? My Friends

    Better to say, being able to be treated like this by Sword Saint is not so much greedy as it is cheap.

    In this world, people who want to become Sword Saint's friends and their brethren are far more difficult to imagine.

    However, the more so, the more people can understand the distance from the Hero.

    It can be said that unless it is thick-skinned like Natsuki Subaru who can not understand the atmosphere, otherwise it is really difficult for anyone who can get involved with Reinhard unscrupulously?

    Of course, Fang Li is such an exception.

    Although we do not understand the atmosphere, with Fang Li's to do as one pleases, it is also not the kind of person who chooses to behave in a manner that is good or bad for the atmosphere.

    What's more, it is even more disregarding the existence of the atmosphere than Fang Li, and now it is time to begin to play.



    Fang Li and Reinhard reacted at the same time.

    The reason came from the waistline of the two men.

    "Buzz Buzz …!"

    Pure white Nodachi shuddenly shakes like it was stimulated.

    "Buzz Buzz …!"

    Dragon Sword with a dragon claw is also provoked and tremors.

    Fang Li and Reinhard at the same time extend the hand, hold down the waist of the weapon.

    However, even if this is the case, Nodachi and Dragon Sword are still vibrating, and even emit a terrible aura.

    Aura, which is like a tit for a while, collides with the air and creates unimaginable pressure.

    InstantFang Li …? ”

    Both Emilia and Beatrice are trembling with fear.

    "This…"What the…!

    Crusch, Anastasia, Julius, Ferris and even Wilhelm were all shocked.

    Not to mention the rest, that is, both Fang Li and Reinhard had a slight glimpse, and shortly afterwards showed a distressed look at the same time.

    "Is it like this again?"

    Fang Li murmurs helpless as he suppresses Nodachi, whose waist is stupid.

    "This is really…"

    Reinhard is also a bitter smile. He can only press his hand on Dragon Sword's scabbard and desperately suppress it.

    In the past, these two weapons also produced the same reaction.

    That was when Fang Li and Reinhard met for the first time.

    At the time, the two weapons were aware of the fact that they were both self-conscious and powerful, and both were stupid.

    There is only one purpose.

    That is a victory.

    Today, one year later, two weapons once again showed a rare waywardness.

    Let Fang Li and Reinhard pair together and in the eyes flash inexplicably.

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