Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1771 Travel across Kingdom (Course Ticket)

    Mathers Territory is located on the northern border of the Dragon Kingdom Lugnica.

    The Water Gate City Priestella is located near the southern border of Kararagi.

    Fang Li entire group from Maters Territory set off and finally arrive at Priestella, which is almost equivalent to spanning the entire Dragon Kingdom Lugnica.

    In such a situation, even if you have an Earth Dragon as a leg, it takes a very long time.

    “Fang of Iron seems to have chosen a safer and more comfortable road considering the long distance travel hurdles on the physical and mind/energetic burden. Even so, it takes an estimated ten days or more to reach Priestella. Please do it. Good long-awaited preparation on the Dragon Carriage."

    This is the story of Rem who is driving the Dragon Carriage.

    Obviously, before the set off, Rem had already asked the people of Fang of Iron about some of the things he had noticed on the journey and was ready for it.

    It's a really good little maid.

    Under such circumstances, people naturally have no dissatisfaction, only Emilia asked based on curiosity.

    "Can't beat Beatrice's Magic in one breath?"

    In this regard, Beatrice is naturally negative.

    "Not to mention the long-distance transfer of Magic Power, but Betty has never been to the Priestella place to use this method. Otherwise, if the coordinates cannot be determined, it will be transmitted to the strange time. Strange place to go."

    In this regard, the space shifts of Fang Li's Teleportation Talisman and Sylvia also have their own limitations. One is that they cannot be sent to a place they haven't visited yet, and the other is a distant transmission that becomes a random transmission, so it cannot be used.

    This journey of at least ten days seems to have been finished honestly.

    "However, this Sir's body will rust when it has been shaking on the Dragon Carriage."

    Garfiel lying on the roof of the Dragon Carriage occasionally makes such complaints.

    For such a Garfiel, Fang Li simply throws it out.

    "If you are so energetic, go out and race against Liger."

    As a result, Garfiel really did just that. From time to time, he jumped from the top of the car, yelling "ora ora ora ora" while provoking those Ligers in the screams of the Mercenary in Fang of Iron. He raced with Liger and caused quite a stir.

    Even on the journey, Garfiel can't wait to make a move once wild beast or even Demon Beast comes.

    "It's just a matter of activity! Let you see Capricorn Vice-Captain's power! ”

    With such overwhelming power, Garfiel is relying on his own overwhelming power to rip off the wild beast and Demon Beast's attacking claws into the claws of his claws. He also scolds the head of ferocious beast who does not know how many heads he has.

    The bloodthirsty appearance made everyone of Fang of Iron frightened.

    "It's very strong, that kid…"

    This is Ricardo's evaluation of Garfiel. After that, his gaze on Garfiel's eyes has changed a bit. It seems that he feels a threat.

    "Garf! Good kind! ”

    WellWhy is that guy so strong? ”

    "What a terrible look like Captain and Julius…"

    Mimi, Hetaro and Tivey were all cheering, shocked and shocked.

    Finally, Garfiel was overly proud of this. He directly conducted Beastification and turned it into a giant gold fierce tiger. The attacked Demon Beast group gave it a bite, and finally gave Natsuki Subaru the ability to cry.

    "Is this Capricorn's Vice-Captain still not a human!?"

    This shows how much impact Garfiel brings to the public.

    That is to say, but in fact, Garfiel rarely chose Beastification to fight this year.

    Although after the Beastification, Garfiel's power will be a huge climb, upgrading to Third Rank in one breath, but there is also a negative impact that makes Garfiel irrational and judgmental.

    Garfiel’s experience was seriously inadequate. In most cases, he was forced to fight by brute force. If he passed Beastification and lost his sense of reason and judgment, then there was only a super target for those who had gone through 100 battles. It is.

    So, as early as a year ago, Fang Li had banned strictly and did not allow Garfiel to play against Beastification.

    Otherwise, Garfiel is very likely to be played by someone with superior combat experience.

    Not to mention, even if not Beastification, Garfiel is also likely to be played by others.

    After all, Garfiel's age in the end still is too young. This year he just turned fifteen. In the first fourteen years, he grew up in the "Sanctuary". Even if he worked hard, he still lacks something important. experience.

    Therefore, in Fang Li's view, Garfiel's Ability has exceeded Julius and even surpasses Wilhelm. The experience is not enough to fight against brute force. If it is against the two Knights who are in battle, they really are. It's a bit difficult after all who will win and who will lose.

    In view of this, Fang Li also specifically asked Rem to help Garfiel create weapons.

    If we can learn to use weapons, we can at least make up for some deficiencies in brute force.

    Only Garfiel chose the incredible weapon.

    That is two shields.

    Both sides can be shielded on the arm.

    "This Sir is enough with these two shields."

    Saying this, Garfiel kept the shield on the outside of the thigh and carried it with him.

    "No way. What do you think of this Sir's paw and fangs?"

    This is actually the truth.

    If it weren’t ironic divine armament, Garfiel’s claws and tusks were more cutting edge.

    During the trip, Natsuki Subaru saw Garfiel throwing a knife into his mouth several times because of boringness. As a result, he immediately snapped off the scene and his face was not known how many times.

    "I feel like this thigh is thicker than my arm and put it into that guy's mouth. That's no harder than the branches!"

    In this way, Natsuki Subaru almost never approached Garfiel.

    Of course, because of the previous psychological shadow, Natsuki Subaru did not dare to approach Rem and Beatrice, and was not even close to Sylvia and Emilia.

    If you are close to Emilia, Rem and Beatrice will look like knives.

    As near Sylvia, Fang Li's laughable expression made Natsuki Subaru trembling in fear again.

    "…in other words, can I just make funny cats here?"

    Natsuki Subaru, who was plagued by Mimi, Hetaro and Tivey every day, almost doubted life.

    And seeing that Fang Li lived under the ensemble of girls every day, Natsuki Subaru burst into tears.

    "Difficult…could it be that I really can only choose Anna?"

    Woo. Courage is not small! Actually dare to beat the girl's idea! You are tired of living! ”

    Ricardo laughed loudly, and slapd his Natsuki Subaru to the floor, causing everyone to laugh.

    In this atmosphere, the entire group eventually reached its destination twelve days later.

    Arrive at Water Gate City, Priestella.

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