Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1733 Takes Out of the Cage

    "You can become "That Person" …?"

    Beatrice's lips trembled, and the eyes shook. Even the entire jerky trembled.

    Because of Fang Li's statement, it's just like saying that?

    "Can anyone be Betty's "That Person"…?"

    This is what happened to Beatrice.

    Fang Li affirmed it.

    "The Strega (Witch) is the embodiment of the desire for knowledge, curiosity aggregation, and if it can satisfy curiosity, she will do whatever it takes."

    So, Echidna would say if if possible, Fang Li would become "That Person".

    The meaning of this is not only to make Beatrice free but also to include the essence of Echidna himself.

    "The reason why she has concluded a contract with you is on the one hand so that you can continue to live and feel that it is necessary to re-impose you with a purpose. On the other hand, it is also to witness your end."

    After all, Witch of Greed is interested in everything in this world, hoping to satisfy his curiosity with the past, present, and future of this world.

    The same is true of Beatrice.

    Given his duties as guardian of the Forbidden Library, he did not specify who the “That Person” really was, but said that it was up to Beatrice to choose for herself, but this choice was something that Echidna was pursuing.

    Who will Beatrice choose as "That Person"?

    Or do you have no choice, for no reason to spend a long time?

    And if after a long period of waiting to withstand desperate loneliness, loneliness and emptiness, what happens to Beatrice?

    Is it to break the contract with their mother and pursue life on their own?

    Or wait for the thoughts of life and death, and seek death as liberation?

    All of this, whether it is a process or a result, is what Echidna wants to know.

    In other words, Beatrice gradually made the heart fail or even withered during the four hundred years, and it was simply to satisfy Echidna's curiosity.

    Echidna didn't even think about what kind of mood Beatrice would be.

    "And now, you are ready to evade the contract with death and end your long wait."

    Fang Li cast his eyes straight to Beatrice's body and said ironically.

    "What should this be for the Strega (Witch), it's just a dispensable answer?"

    Fang Li's words let Beatrice fall into silence.

    Only, that tender face, but it is the series of feelings of sadness, anger, bitterness, and crying.

    For four hundred years of waiting, its set off actually only meets a curiosity?

    So, Gospel Book will have nothing recorded on it, just to make Beatrice to worry, choose and reach conclusions on its own?

    If so what…

    If so what…

    "What did Betty survive for?"

    Beatrice whimpered.

    "I knew…I already knew…"

    If you knew that, 400 years ago, you should have chosen to die.

    In this way, there will be no such painful memories.

    However, Beatrice thinking this way does not even know.

    In the cemetery of “Sanctuary”, the first of the three trials left by Witch of Greed was to allow the participants of the trial to face their own past.

    In the face of their own past, as long as you can give an answer, it will pass trial.

    That is, for Echidna, one's past is also one of the factors that satisfy his curiosity.

    This is also the same for Beatrice.

    For Beatrice, the past that needs to be faced is the emptiness, loneliness and despair that lasted for 400 years.

    "As a result, isn't Betty not getting anything?"

    Beatrice seemed to be asking who, with tears on his face tear-stained face of a beauty.

    "What happened to Betty's four hundred years of waiting? It's not a blank space as it was written in the Gospel Book! ? ”

    Faced with this cry of Beatrice, Fang Li actually laughed.

    And that's the type of laughter.

    "A blank space?"

    Fang Li came to Beatrice in the same way as letting her eyes feel oppressive and silent.

    "What stupid words? Isn't there content in your Gospel Book? ”

    This statement made Beatrice directly stunned.

    However, Fang Li did not care about Beatrice's performance. Knelt fell on one knee and took the a page of the ground and showed it to Beatrice.

    "Look, isn't that there?"

    The page that Fang Li took precisely recorded the page of Fang Li's.

    ————『Person Who Can Kill Everything』.

    This is the only record written in Beatrice's Gospel Book.

    Why would there be a record of Fang Li's in the Gospel Book for a blank space?

    Is this perhaps the result of Echidna’s unprecedented curiosity and possessiveness of Fang Li?

    This result, but it happened to be the only record in Beatrice's life.

    "You said that the blank space of the Gospel Book means that your future is also a blank space."

    Fang Li spoke this discourse in an irrelevant manner.

    "But, your Gospel Book has nothing recorded, but it only records my appearance. Doesn't that prove that your future belongs to me?"

    Unprecedented robber theory emerged from Fang Li's mouth.

    "you…What are you talking about stupid! ”

    Beatrice is also dumbfounded, even if it is angry.

    "This kind of thing…How could

    In a word, it was not interrupted by Fang Li.

    "Do you want to say that I'm only vocabulary?"Fang Li said bluntly: “However, if you want to deny it, then it means that the meaning of Gospel Book is also denied by you. Your future is not at all determined by this book.”

    Saying this, Fang Li throws the pages of his book aside and allows them to be burned in the sea of ​​fire.

    Then, Fang Li said that.

    "I don't care what you think, but I said long ago that your mission should end with me."

    Fang Li looked directly at Beatrice and said calmly.

    "Now, I will take you out of this cage."

    After that, Fang Li hugged Beatrice directly.

    "you…You let go of Betty…RELEASE

    Beatrice struggled while crying.

    However, the strength of that struggle is weak and unimaginable.

    But even so, Beatrice has been crying and groaning.

    "You robber…"

    "I do not deny."

    "I'm actually going to force Betty, so damn…"

    "I don't deny this."

    "Why don't you kill Betty…?"

    "Because I do not want to kill."

    "Why not give up Betty …?"

    "Because I do not want to give up.

    "you…Why isn't Betty's "That Person" …? ”

    "Of course it's because I don't need any knowledge of Forbidden Library."

    WellWhat do you want in the end…? ”

    "Is that still useful?"

    Fang Li's faint laughter echoed in the air of the Forbidden Library.

    "Of course it's you."

    In this speech, Beatrice's obsession was broken.



    In the Roswaal Mansion in the midst of the fire, a ray of light suddenly rose into the sky.


    Outside, Frederica, waiting for anxiety, saw this scene.

    If an Elementalist is present, he must be able to recognize the ray of light.

    It was the light that could have emerged when a formal contract was concluded with the powerful Spirit.

    That is, the light of the contract.

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