Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1737 Don’t forget your promise

    As I have said before, Fang Li, who could not use Mystic Eyes, is already under Sylvia.

    If Sylvia is allowed to deal with the other two Great Demon Beasts that have the same name as Oousagi, either Hakugei or Kurohebi (black snake), Sylvia can easily crusade, even kill.

    However, in the face of Oousagi, Sylvia was unable to punish him.

    This is not to say that Oousagi is much stronger than the other two Great Demon Beasts, only the issue of phase.

    After all, Oousagi was originally a beast that was known for its most impossible crusade. It was not easy to solve the crusade.

    She got her with Sylvia's ability, Oousagi impossible.

    However, Sylvia could not find it difficult to crunch it.

    And if it is Fang Li, it is not necessarily.

    Although Fang Li can't use Mystic Eyes casually, can Fang Li's non-human speed and skill be sure to kill all Oousagi at a speed that exceeds Oousagi's splitting speed?

    So, this is only a matter of phase.

    Just like when faced with Kanzaki, Fang Li also said that if Sylvia was against Kanzaki at the time, odds of success was actually bigger than him.

    Actual combat is not a game. It is not just calculating strength.

    Otherwise, Sherlock Holmes was unable to push Fang Li to a desperate state with the reasoning ability of an unknown prophet.

    Therefore, Sylvia can protect himself and protect the villagers. It is difficult to give Oousagi a crusade.

    Under such circumstances, Sylvia can only continue to sing, while squandering Prana with the body, while converting the generated Mana into a barrier, maintaining the barrier.



    Outside the gate of the Cathedral, a huge white rabbit screams in a rush of gas and constantly hits the barrier.



    The percussion sounded on the barrier of light, causing a ripple in the barrier.

    Looking at the growing rabbit population outside, Sylvia also felt a tingling scalp.

    "Why Oousagi will appear in "Sanctuary"?"

    Just happened?

    That basically impossible.

    As Jeanne said before, if it is just right, then everything is too good.

    Sylvia prefers to believe that someone is manipulating all this behind the scenes.

    Direct Fang Li to the mansion.

    In the "Sanctuary" down the snowstorm.

    Another attack was Oousagi.

    Even Emilia disappeared without a trace.

    It is really a coincidence that all these things have come together.

    And Jeanne seems to have the same opinion.

    "Oousagi does not happen here by chance, but because this snow relationship only appears."

    Jeanne gave his guess in Sylvia's heart.

    "Before the snow came down, we felt a very powerful Magic Power, so this snowfall should be the result of human nature and not a natural disaster."

    This is also a matter of course.

    If the "Sanctuary" is to bring down such a large area of ​​snowstorm, then the villagers here will not be so flustered and upset when it comes to snowstorms.

    Therefore, this snowfall is the result of large-scale magic that can be manipulated by the weather, as Rem and Lewes have guessed.

    "Since Magic is the result, Magic Power in the atmosphere will also rise a lot."Jeanne said: "I'm afraid that the intense Magic Power reaction rising in the atmosphere has attracted Oousagi in the vicinity, causing Oousagi to attack the village."

    Jeanne's speculation gave Sylvia some horror.

    "In other words, has anyone deliberately invited Oousagi to use Great Magic for weather manipulation in the "Sanctuary" to lower the storm?"

    If this is the case…

    "People who cause this to happen…"

    Only that one.

    Now what?Jeanne asked Sylvia: "We should have been unable to get out of here?"

    "Un… ylvia sang in order to maintain the barrier and was nodded in his heart. He said to Jeanne: "I can't punish Oousagi. I can only defend everyone here. The rest can only wait for Fang Li to come back." ”

    "Is it for me to play?"Jeanne said very seriously: "If it is my Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool), the protection facility should be stronger."

    "Now don't need stronger protection. My barrier is enough."Sylvia indulged for a moment and said immediately: "I don't know if the chief ambassador will stop there. It's better to wait until then."

    Jeanne agreed.

    At this time, Rem, Lewes and Garfiel and the others are all together.

    "This is really…"

    "It's too fierce…"

    "Qī …"

    In the eyes of Rem, Lewes, and Garfiel, the three-dimensional speechlessness of the entire Cathedral is a tragic situation.



    The villagers, one by one, were all lying on the ground, or they leaned against the wall and made painful wailing.

    Some of them were shredded, some were cut off in the thighs, some were eaten in skin, some were bitten on the back, and almost none was in perfect condition.

    Rem and Lewes are doing their best to help these villagers. Some of them are not injured and are using Healing Magic to maintain their lives.

    Otherwise, only blood loss will cause a large number of deaths and injuries.

    "Clearly this Sir and the Big Sister on the other side have made a move to the greatest extent possible. Did the result still cause such a great casualty?"

    Garfiel glared at the constantly rushing rabbits outside the barrier.

    "Is this the so-called Three Great Demon Beasts?"

    In the 400 years after Strega (Witch) died, Three Great Demon Beasts brought countless disasters to the world.

    Now, one of them appears in the “Sanctuary”, which almost caused the death of the entire “Half Breed” group.

    Garfiel knows.

    If not because of Sylvia, then "Sanctuary" is afraid that it has become a dead forest.

    None of them, including him, were spared.

    “Remember that Ram had said that the guy had crushed Hakugei, one of the Three Great Demon Beasts, but this Sir could only blink here!?”

    After leaving such words, Garfiel similarly squatted down to help injured villagers use Healing Magic.

    Although Garfiel is a fully-fledged type of close combat, it can be used like a healing Magic.

    However, even with Healing Magic, there is no way to recover both hands and feet.

    If you still have hands and feet, you can still think of ways.

    But the hands and feet have already been eaten by Oousagi. Those villagers who have broken bodies can only become disabled people.


    Understand this point, Garfiel looked at the villagers in front of one by one wailing, complexion twisted.

    In the eyes, it is full of sadness.

    "This is the one that this Sir vowed to protect!"

    Now, he is completely helpless.

    "If that guy is here…"

    If Fang Li is here, can we think of ways to save everyone?

    "If you can, then hurry to this Sir!"

    if that is the case…

    if that is the case…

    "Even let this Sir give you Little Brother! This Sir also recognized! ”

    This sentence, just fell from Garfiel's mouth, a faint laugh is to respond to him.

    "This is what you said. Don't forget your promise."

    Voice falls…


    The dazzling glow blooms in the Cathedral.

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