Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1732 The Future of a Blank Space


    Seeing that his Magic Power storm was blown by Fang Li extremely easily, the Beatrice did not feel upset or humiliated. He only looked at everything and looked at everything and whispered.

    "Is that Mystic Eyes' power for can kill everything?"

    When talking about this sentence, Beatrice's voice carries a faint trace of Envy.

    "Sure enough, the Mystic Eyes written for Gospel Book are the biggest interference to Betty."

    Fear this, Fang Li's eyes flashing slightly.

    "It's not my Mystic Eyes' power."Fang Li raised the Moon Blade in his hand and said: "You can dispel your Magic. Only the dagger's power is used."

    Although for the increasingly high-end battles, Moon Blade's help with Fang Li's has almost been said to be no, but this weapon does have the effect of exorcism.

    That effect, even if it is only the degree of Fourth Rank, and the trigger still needs probability, but it just seems to have been successfully triggered.

    Otherwise, if you don't use Mystic Eyes' power, Fang Li can only rely on Magic Resistance's Skill to resist the just-attack.

    "So, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

    Fang Li ignored the fire that had spread from behind and said something like a matter of no concern to oneself.

    "Listen to your new tone, it seems that I envy my Mystic Eyes being recorded by the Gospel Book. Is this something to qualify you for Envy?"

    Fang Li's words, in exchange for Beatrice's self-mockery.

    Envy Envy? ”Beatrice said in a very self-deprecatory way: "Indeed, Betty is envious, Betty is in Envy, but what's wrong with this?"

    Say so, Beatrice caresses her Gospel Book with her pity and slowly opens it.

    Fang Li's line of sight shifted to the top, and shortly afterwards was shocked.

    Because, in the Gospel Book that was opened in Beatrice's hands, what appeared was not a jerky word, nor was it a mysterious Run of Mystery, but a blank space book page.

    "White paper?"

    Fang Li is really surprised.

    But Beatrice affirmed this statement.

    "Yes, it's white paper."

    Beatrice said this in a lonely voice.

    "Betty's hand has a Gospel Book that predicts the future, but it doesn't record anything. It's all white."

    The Gospel Book is a prophecy book that can only be understood by people who can identify it.

    The future that emerges from above is not absolutely will, but in the end the future will be successful if it has not been changed.

    Roswaal is because of this, so, no matter what is recorded on the Gospel Book, he will faithfully follow and implement it.

    In this way, the one by one event described above will be used as a one by one material that will eventually behave like a butterfly, triggering the future recorded on the Gospel Book, allowing Roswaal to fulfill his wish and revive his Teacher.

    For this reason, Roswaal went to Elior Great Forest, found Emilia and decided to support him as Dragon Kingdom Lugnica's King.

    For this reason, during the Royal Selection period, Roswaal will launch Fang Li without authorization and become Emilia's Knight.

    This is because the Gospel Book has a record, so Roswaal did it.

    Even the retention of Rem and Ram, the sisters of Oni, and even the rescue of Garfiel's mother, took them to the "Sanctuary" are all recorded on the Gospel Book.

    If Roswaal complies with these events and completes them, it will eventually lead to the realization of the desire.

    It can be said that the content on the Gospel Book is Roswaal's life.

    And if Beatrice is the same, what is this Gospel Book on blank space?

    It is simple.

    "Betty's life, this painful four hundred years, just like this Gospel Book, only a blank space, even the future is a blank space."

    Beatrice raised his eyes and stared at Fang Li.

    "So far, Gospel Book has only appeared once. It is your presence of Mystic Eyes."

    So, Beatrice will be envious.

    So, Beatrice will be Envy.

    "This should have been a book to record Betty's future."

    Beatrice flipped through the Gospel Book on a page-by-page basis and looked at the pages of the blank space. He finally shed tears.

    "The mother handed it over to Betty in order to allow Betty to find what she was supposed to do. When the Forbidden Library's Master appeared, he handed over all the knowledge here to him. But this book was not written. Nothing happened, but it was four hundred years.”

    After that, Beatrice let the Gospel Book fall and fell on the ground.

    The Gospel Book immediately scattered pages of the land.

    Beatrice's heart seems to have broken the floor.

    "I've had enough…"

    Beatrice looked at the scattered pages on the ground and murmured.

    "Betty is tired, so stop here…"

    What does this mean, Fang Li is not yet inaudible.

    Beatrice, already has the idea of ​​death.

    "You are not "That Person" at all?"

    Beatrice seemed to have understood this for a long time, and said it to Fang Li.

    "Besides the first time in the Gospel Book, you said that again, Betty hopes in his heart that you are "That Person"."

    However, Fang Li is not "That Person".

    Otherwise, Gospel Book will definitely record that Fang Li should inherit the content of the Forbidden Library, not the imaginary killing ability.

    "Betty's Gospel Book will show your record of Ability. Maybe your mother is telling me?"

    Beatrice looked at Fang Li as if he had lost all hopeful expressions of emptiness.

    "The mother told me that Betty doesn't need to wait any longer and there is no need to fulfill any contract. It's time to be free."

    And that liberation is killing.

    "This may be Betty's future."

    Beatrice spoke decisive words.

    "So, Betty, please…"


    "Killed Betty…"

    When the voice fell, the entire Forbidden Library ushered in silence.

    The fire had spread from outside the gate, lit the bookshelf, lit the books, and the entire Forbidden Library began to catch fire.

    And in such a library that is plunged into the sea of ​​fire, good killers and those who wish to be killed confront each other.

    One is silent.

    One just wanted to give up.

    In this case, suddenly, Fang Li said such a sentence.

    "When I was in Sanctuary, I met Echidna."

    In a simple sentence, Beatrice raised his head fiercely.

    In the eyes, it reappeared.

    "You, see your mother?"

    Beatrice's voice trembled.

    But Fang Li did not care about it, only saying so.

    "Yeah, I met Echidna. I even got enemies."

    The extremely straightforward words let Beatrice lose his voice on the spot.

    Then, Fang Li said another sentence.

    "You know what she said when I talked to you about that Strega (Witch)?"

    Fang Li is so lightly uttered.

    "She said, if I want to, then I can become "That Person"."

    This sentence pierced Beatrice's heart.

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