Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1729 only think of me alone


    In the clear landing sound, a figure appeared as if falling from the air, appeared in front of Frederica.

    The hem of Knight's trench coat also falls, so that the rising wind blows most of the flames around.


    Frederica raised his head and looked at the back of his eyes.

    The back is not tall, but it is unusually tall and straight.

    Frederica made a pleasant surprise.

    "Fang Li-sama !"

    The call for the rest of his life, he did not let Fang Li return.

    Fang Li only turned his back to Frederica and looked at the sea of ​​flames in front of him.

    "Hehe …Hehe …Hehehe…"

    Some infiltrated laughter came from there, making people feel horrified.

    "Finally appeared…"

    The laughter began to carry a fiery breath.

    It is like the tone of a long-lost lover.

    "Since my Royal Capital, I have been…AlwaysAlways thinking about yours? ”

    People were frightened by the fear that they did not go to "Bowel Hunter"'s infamous assassin and they came out of the flames with a rickety motion and took off the body's burning black coat, revealing only the tight clothes underneath. The blood spray out of the enchanting figure, while revealing hot words.

    "Now, finally seeing you again, it's great to be able to accept this commission."

    Elsa said so, his expression on his face was extremely embarrassing.

    It is no expression different expression with intoxication and obsession.

    Unfortunately, Elsa stared at Fang Li's eyes, and although it was hot, there was no slightest love.

    The only perverted assassin pursues the desperate suicide desire of the future.

    "You are still the same as before, people feel not worthy of flattery."

    Fang Li looked at Elsa's hot eyes and awkward look, looking a bit annoyed.

    However, Fang Li did not have the feeling of talking with Elsa, directly facing the back of Frederica.

    "Frederica, can you bring the Beatrice to the Forbidden Library?"

    Such a commission made Frederica, who was preparing to struggle, get a glimpse.

    "Bring Beatrice-sama out?"

    Frederica surprised.


    Fang Li affirmed Frederica's questions.

    “Although the Forbidden Library is hard to find, it should be a lot easier now.”

    The Forbidden Library where Beatrice is located is a separate space, but it is always connected to one of the leafed doors of Roswaal Mansion.

    Because the existence of the Forbidden Library was originally based on the use of the Opportunity Door.

    Opportunity Door must have a door to use.

    So, even if it were Roswaal Mansion’s maid, as long as you were patiently looking for hours and opened the doors of the mansion, you would always find the Forbidden Library and deliver meals to Beatrice.

    Now, the mansion has caught fire and burned a door that it didn't know much about.

    That being the case, the choice of Opportunity Door will be reduced accordingly.

    After all, the already burned door must not be connected to the Forbidden Library.

    Of the remaining intact doors, there is definitely one that leads to the Forbidden Library.

    If there is only one leafed door in the entire mansion, then the leafed door is definitely the seat of the Forbidden Library.

    on the contrary…

    "If the doors in the mansion are all burned, the Forbidden Library will be burned along with it."

    Fang Li said to Frederica behind.

    "So, you're going to take the Spirit out of your home and get out together."

    Otherwise, it is not known whether Beatrice will leave in order to escape.

    By then, Beatrice can only be swallowed together with the Forbidden Library.

    Understand the emergency of the situation, Frederica immediately nodded, and struggled to get up.

    "Please be careful, Fang Li-sama."Frederica said without fear: "The woman is very dangerous."

    This sentence, let Fang Li could not help but grin.

    "What's wrong is that I'm often told by others."

    After that, Fang Li no longer cares about Frederica.

    Frederica also likes to throw aside the concerns thoroughly, biting his teeth and rushing in the direction of the fire.

    Elsa only looked at Frederica who had left, and he wasn't paying any attention.

    Upon seeing this, Fang Li was raised the brows.

    "That's your prey? Is it okay to let go? ”

    Laughing words, but did not let Elsa move.

    "Although the employer did command, as long as it is in this mansion, whether it is Demi Human or Spirit, all must be killed, but now my in the eyes are only you, except for you, I will not look What other people are?"

    It was like a warm speech that stirred the heart of a man, but it was mixed with a murousous aura.

    "This really makes people feel unaffordable."Fang Li indifferently said: "Finally ask you another question."


    "Who is your employer?"

    "Do you think I'm like a newcomer who can't even keep his employer's intelligence?"

    "I can guess if you don't say it."

    "Can't you?"

    Why? Do you fear that the loss of your employer’s identity will affect your reputation? ”

    "What kind of things are all good."

    Saying this, Elsa set up the blade in his hand and opened the posture.

    On his face, a bloody smile gradually emerged.

    "Only, now you, just think of me alone, but don't you think about other people's energy?"

    Left this words, Elsa is moving.


    In the sound of aggression, Elsa, like a ghostly black shadow, hits the direction of Fang Li's at a tempestuous speed.


    A faint sky-splitting sound was aroused.


    The screaming impact is blowing.

    Elsa's speed is comparable to that of sniper rifle, so fast that the human eye can't keep up.

    At this speed, even a distance of several hundred meters can be eliminated in split second.

    The distance between Fang Li and Elsa is less than ten meters.

    Such a distance, under Elsa's speed, is nothing more than a blink of an eye.

    As a result, vicious's blade has already brought an arc almost from the sound of the tread, and cut it from the left and right to Fang Li's neck.


    In the next second, collision sound rang.

    Elsa's momentum was stopped.

    The blade that cuts into Fang Li's neck was actually fluttered by Fang Li, flicks his fingers and sparked a spark.


    Elsa smile on face

    Then, Fang Li only spoke again.

    "The speed is getting faster. It seems that for today, you seem to have done some hard work."

    So to speak, Fang Li reached out to the front of Elsa who was stopped.


    In a heavy blow, in the cracked shock wave, this time, Fang Li flew out the entire Elsa by bombing the forehead.

    "Xiū… —!"

    In a sharp sound, Elsa flies backwards, slamming into a burning room.


    The door and furniture were smashed and the sound reverberated.

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