Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1730 The End of Vampire


    Blood was spit out of Elsa's mouth that was buried in the debris of furniture.

    I saw that Elsa’s forehead was as if it had been crushed, and it had burst into half.

    The skin has disappeared.

    The flesh is cut off not just a little bit.

    In the vague, even the skull of Elsa can be seen.

    That is simply to describe the miserable situation with bloody ambiguity.

    "only …A bomb…? ”

    Elsa's head has some blank space, and there seems to be no way to believe that he has fallen into this kind of sudden death because of that kind of attack.

    However, it didn’t take long for the sudden death that caused the sudden change.


    Like a flame burning, Elsa's forehead smoked and the wound healed in the smoke, allowing flesh to return to Elsa's forehead.


    Elsa let the blank space's head react, pushing open the pieces of the body's furniture and clinging to the fierce blade. He struggled to get up and smiled at the door.

    "I really don't know how to pity Xiangxi."

    Enchanting's words, but it is ushered in a quiet rebellion.

    "If it's a barbed rose or a bee, then it's close to being stabbed in the past, and someone is still willing to pick it. But if it's a poisonous spider, then it's a different story."

    Fang Li lifted the hem of the Knight's windbreaker and walked in from the burning outside door. His gaze was directed to Elsa's body. He looked at Elsa's restored forehead and thought thoughtfully.

    After shortly afterwards, Fang Li suddenly said so.

    "Speaking of it, it seems that I have seen in the book that apart from the existence of Demi Human and Demon Beast, there are also some people in this world who have special physiques."

    Fang Li's remarked Elsa's eyes slightly.

    However, Fang Li did not say anything wrong.

    In this world, although there are also Demi Humans such as Spirit, Beastman, and Oni, there are also Demon Beast created by Strega (Witch).

    So, a long time ago, it was also transformed into a non-human existence through Strega (Witch).

    "And here, there is the existence of what is called Vampire."

    Fang Li looked like she was talking about Elsa. She looked at her and wasn't interested.

    "You should be there like that?"

    In other words, Elsa is not human but Vampire.

    However, Elsa only did not think that she was smiling.

    "Not the guy you think is so historic?"

    Elsa flexed his hands to turn the two fang-like fierce blades, and then said that with an emotional seductive laughter.

    “Only the degree of some blood that has passed down, so it will not be blood sucking, it will not become a bat or a fog, unlike human nothing different, at best it is able to resurrect several times, it is not decent, right?”

    But Ability, who had resurrected several times, was a nightmare for those who wanted to fight against her.

    Said with no trace of politeness , Elsa's fighting power is also non-human Rank.

    According to Fang Li's visual inspection, Elsa's level of strength, I am afraid we must override the second hand in the Guardian Knight Regiment. Julius, known as the best Knight, beats the previous generation Sword Saint and plays the Guardian Knight Regiment. Captain's Wilhelm.

    This strength, coupled with the constitution of the resurrection, is not what is a nightmare?

    No wonder Frederica calls Elsa a monster.

    Only …

    "In front of me, I can talk about death and resurrection. You should be glad that my "Eyes" can't be used anymore."

    Fang Li makes a ridiculous noise.

    "moreover, can you really complete the resurrection?"

    During the speech, the waning moon dagger fell into the hands of Fang Li's.

    "If I cut you into pieces, then if you can resurrect, I am very interested in this."

    So to speak, Murderous Aura is also diffused from Fang Li's body.

    The murderous aura, which swayed like a mirage, crushed the surrounding fire, and it seemed like intangible and colorless gravity.

    "Aah …"

    Elsa gave an intoxicating voice.


    It is a look of obsession for the rich blood energy.

    It is because of the assasin of Elsa that he understands how terrifying people who can emit such murderous aura are.

    It was because of Elsa that he could understand that the person in front of him was truly Murdering Demon.

    The path he has taken has long been a bloody corpse.

    The life he passed through was full of death and plaintives everywhere.

    However, is that evil?

    This point, Elsa does not dare to assert, but does not want to assert.

    There is only one thing that can be affirmed.

    That is, for Lisa who is immersed in killing and bloody, Fang Li is simply the supreme pursuit.

    If you can die in the hands of such people, or before you die, you will be lucky enough to open his abdomen, pull out his intestines, let his body be covered with his warm blood, even his hands that end endless life from Ten fingers start, swallow the belly, and become one with it…

    "There is no regrets!"

    As a result of this assertion, Elsa, with an insatiable demeanor inspired by madness, showed a shattered smile, advances instead of retreating, and stormed towards Fang Li's.

    The flame burned her body.

    The blood drops on the walls of all around.

    The skin gradually becomes burned charcoal.

    Hands and feet are so weak.

    In this case, if Elsa chooses to stay away from the edge and wait for the body to regenerate completely, then she can live.

    However, such a choice is no longer in Elsa's mind.

    Now, there is only one thought in Elsa's mind.

    That is to the supreme existence, extend the hand to touch.

    This is also the final obsession in Elsa's life.

    And it is absolutely impossible to complete the obsession.

    "You are really sad Ah…

    With the indifference sound of mercy, echoed into Elsa's heart.

    Looking at the body that had fallen into disregard of the crash, he rushed in his own direction. The blade in extend the hand was ready to cut the Hunter in his abdomen. Fang Li only raised the Moon Blade in his hand.

    In the next moment, Fang Li's figure was transformed into a phantom, like an imaginary meteor, shaking and passing the front.

    "Flashing Scabbard – Illusionary Prison Monk …"

    Phantom, through Elsa's body.

    Numerous blade lights flashed in that moment, like squally showers, blinking and passing Elsa's body.

    "pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –pū chī –!"

    Cutting sound is like a continuous rain, ringing all around.

    Elsa's figure is stuck in the hallway.

    "Pā———— !"

    In the sound of an unexpected noise, numerous pieces of meat were scattered, which brought a strong blood flower and fell to the ground.


    The surrounding fire immediately spread, engulfing the ground meat and blood on the ground.

    The wicked and wicked person named “Bowel Hunter” was gradually buried in the sea of ​​fire in this mansion.

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