Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1726 Measures


    Under the watchful eyes of a group of young girls, Fang Li knocked at the door and squeaked into the door.

    "If you hear my voice, then let me speak."

    When it falls, Fang Li waits quietly.

    Lewes, Rem and Ram also waited silently. No one spoke.

    However, everyone's wait is useless.

    Even if it was called by Fang Li's, Emilia inside the door seemed to have no intention of responding, letting Fang Li entire group usher in silence.


    Fang Li frowned and knocked the door again.

    As a result, even if it were, Emilia did not respond.

    "It doesn't seem like it is."

    It is Ram who made this conclusion.

    "Since even the words of Fang Li-sama don't work, no matter who will be."

    That’s all there is to it.

    If Emilia can't be answered even if Fang Li's calls, I am afraid that no one in this world can let Emilia open the door.

    With the departure of Pack, the blow to Emilia was so great.


“……Has it been sad to hear the voices of others? ”

    Rem's whispered voice filled the scene with a sad atmosphere.

    Fang Li also fell silent and dropped the knocking hand.

    Upon seeing this, Lewes gave advice under helpless.

    "Do you want to go straight in?"

    This is the only way.

    However, Fang Li shook his head.

    "It's better not to. Even if I can't hear my voice, if we still make it hard, then we really don't know how much excitement Emilia will do."

    This is also a matter for Fang Li.

    Otherwise, with Fang Li's personality, it would have long been no matter whether it was direct or not.

    "What should I do now?"Ram looks at Fang Li and asks, "Is there such Emilia-sama?"

    "It's definitely not okay to stand."Fang Li looked at the closed door in front of her and after she had stunned, she said helpless: “But it’s not a good idea to go in now, let her alone for a while, maybe it’s also necessary. ."

    At least, who can say Emilia now doesn't listen?

    Therefore, rashly making irresponsible remarks in their ears will definitely only have the opposite effect.

    Even Fang Li is like this.

    After all, although Fang Li is very good at stimulating people, he is not very good at comforting people.

    (If Sylvie is here, should you think of ways to appease Emilia?)

    For understanding Diva, there may be ways to talk to Emilia.

    However, Sylvia's association with Emilia has not yet reached the point where it is, so it is hard to say.

    "To sum up, Emilia's state of mind is not stable at the moment. Unfathomable mystery is not good for her."

    Fang Li made this conclusion.

    "For a while, let her be quiet and quiet. Wait until tomorrow to see the situation."

    This is the only solution that can be taken now.

    "Tomorrow?"Lewes was helpless and said, "In other words, the trial this evening needs to be abandoned."

    Period.”Fang Li said to Lewes: "I'm sorry, Lewes-san, you told the villagers what they meant."

    "It doesn't matter if you are old. I'm afraid it will have an impact."Lewes said: "Since the trial of the first night, you have not participated in trials anymore. Now you are delaying trials for various reasons. I'm afraid that the villagers will think that you have shied away and you have become distrustful. ”

    This is also a matter of course.

    Because one failure, and then delay the trial for various reasons, it will undoubtedly cause the impression that others are not perfunctory and evasive.

    As a result, the villagers' trust in Emilia will naturally become more and more shaky.

    This is also a very bad situation for Emilia.

    In any case, the villagers here are all supporters who are ready to draw into Emilia's camp.

    If Emilia has no way to make everyone trust, then how can it support?

    So, if this continues, Emilia will definitely lose out.

    “In fact, Fang-bou passed the first trial if it hadn’t been old and had comforted the villagers, so I’m afraid it will already cause disturbances.”Lewes stared at Fang Li and said: "Even so, would you give up your trial tonight?"

    In response, Fang Li's answered only one.

    "Of course I do."Fang Li replied extremely decisively: “Impossible has allowed Emilia to go to trial in the current state, and I cannot participate in the trial smoothly. If this leads to any consequences, then we can only take it together.”

    Fang Li's was decisive, leaving Lewes speechless while also allowing Rem and Ram to sink into each other.

    "no solution anymore."Ram can't stand it like he said: "Since it's already like this, Ram can only go around and try to calm the villagers."

    "Rem will continue to look after Emilia-sama."Rem said like this: "If anything, Rem will tell you the first time."

In nodded, I said to the girls around me, "Please, please."

    Lewes, Rem, and Ram were all nodded one after another.

    Fang Li was relieved. He raised his eyes and looked back at the door closed to his eyes.

    Immediately, Fang Li touched a hard item in his pocket and whispered.

    "I hope you can get out of these shadows as soon as possible…"

    This is not only Fang Li's expectations, but also Pack's expectations.


    When Fang Li came out of Lewes' home, it was almost evening.

    Lewes had already left one step earlier and relayed news of the trial cancellation tonight to the villagers in the village. He even rushed around to pacify the villagers' emotions.

    Rem stayed at home and watched Emilia at any time.

    As a result, only Ram came out with Fang Li.

    Just as Ram was about to leave, Fang Li suddenly spoke.

    "Well, is the current situation exactly the same as the future that was recorded in the Book of Clown?"

    In a word, let Ram's figure be directly stiffened there.

    However, after a while, Ram was restored.

    "Ram don't understand what the adults are saying."

    Oni's child prodigy responded to Fang Li's questions in a faceless manner.

    In this regard, Fang Li only licked his mouth and did not take it for granted.

    If it's Rem, then it's really nothing understood.

    Can Ram's be sure to know Roswaal's Gospel Book?

    Now, Ram is just fading Fang Li.

    Fang Li did not say anything but broke and left.

    Only Ram, stood in place, look glittering, do not know what to think.

    After a long time, Ram sighed slightly and made some kind of decision.

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