Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1725 contract that was severed


    In his sleep, Emilia suddenly felt an indescribable sense of loss.

    It was a sense of what was extremely important to pass from their own within the body, and Emilia was awakened from his sleep.

    However, even if you wake up from your sleep, Emilia can hardly suppress the feeling of loss in the body.

    "what happened …?"

    With some uncomfortable whispering, Emilia opened her own eyes.

    Into the eye is the bedroom ceiling.

    Emilia is lying on the bedroom bed, shrinking the body into a ball, and holding the bed firmly in his arms, like grasping something tightly, even in his sleep never let go.

    "Fang Li …Dead

    Emilia's inner heart suddenly raised a panic.

    However, shortly afterwards, the turmoil in the heart was overwhelmed by shame and embarrassment.

    "I'm too decent…"

    Yeah man.

    Too decent.

    It's just that the dependent ones are not around, and they actually become so panic-stricken.

    Such people, if not silver-haired Half Elf, can't make everyone feel comfortable and support themselves as King?

    Obviously, this is what he thinks, but Emilia still can't help but feel lonely.

    "Where did you go??"

    As soon as she thought of the warm embrace that had been given to him before falling asleep last night, Emilia felt like she was trying to get back that feeling, and she was tight in her arms.

    The quilt is also very warm, and people feel comfortable with the heat.


    "I don't think it's enough…"

    Logically speaking, a warm quilt should be warmer than a person's body temperature.

    But I don't know why. Emilia just thinks this warmth is not enough.

    Only in the arms of Fang Li's can Emilia feel the warmth of bringing her down to earth.

    Compared with that kind of warmth, the rest of the things brought about are not enough calories.

    And why is that?

    In the midst of this, Emilia didn't understand it.

    Although the true age is already over a hundred years old and the appearance age is also around the age of eighteen, Emilia's mental age is still only fourteen years old. Plus, growing up in the Elior Great Forest, you can dedicate yourself to growing up. There is nothing wrong with it. Therefore, Emilia cannot understand this esoteric issue at all.

    If it is Rem, then it must be clear to everyone.

    "Because Rem loves Fang Li-sama."

    There is a reason to be so sure and extremely happy.

    This is not the case with Emilia.

    For love, Emilia is still in a state of ignorance.

    Therefore, Emilia is not sure what kind of feeling he has about Fang Li. He only feels unilaterally happy, happy, and peaceful with Fang Li.

    The only certainty is that present self cannot leave Fang Li at all.

    Otherwise, you will definitely feel lost about what you should do next.

    Like this time, if there is no Fang Li around, the past that will be seen in the trial will definitely be a disservice to Emilia?

    In fact, even if Fang Li is around, Emilia is already very decent.

    Thought of this, Emilia secretly blamed herself.

    "When do I have to rely on Fang Li?"

    Think about the past, whether it was the assassination of Royal Capital, the Demon Beast incident encountered in the Roswaal Mansion, or even the Royal Selection, Emilia had to rely on Fang Li's power to overcome the difficulties.

    "In the beginning it was clearly that he was not going to get him involved…"

    As a result, when he regained his sanity, he had already suffered from the lack of understanding of how much love he had, and he was deeply dependent on the warmth that Fang Li brought.

    Could it be that , this time also rely on Fang Li to help him through the difficulties it?

    "No, I must cheer up."

    Emilia's raise the spirits, but his hands are subconsciously held in front of Crystal Stone, seeking another dependence on his family-like feeling.



    Just before Emilia's hand touched her body, the sound of inability to understand the situation rang out from his mouth.

    Only because Emilia's hand touched an empty one.

    Nois missing

    Emilia understood the current situation after a few seconds, suddenly got up, and panicked and looked in the body and bed.

    Unfortunately, no matter where it was, Emilia did not find Crystal Stone that should have been worn on the body.

    "Pack …! Pack …! ? ”

    Emilia was completely panicked.


    Not knowing how long it took Emilia to make a sound again.

    It was full of horror, fear and incredible voice.

    Emilia's sight is fixed on the ground below the bed.

    There lies a pile of debris.

    The debris, Emilia impossible did not know.

    Precisely lodges the debris of Crystal Stone from Pack.


    Emilia's head was blank space, only subconsciously got out of bed, sitting on the ground, his hands not knowing what to do picked up pieces of that piece.

    0.25 Piece0.25 PieceAnother piece…

    Emilia picked them up in this way.

    The fingers feel cold.

    What is felt inside is despair.

    Emilia is clear.

    Pack is gone.

    The one who saved himself from the frozen forest and spent a full seven years with him was like a true father to himself. The existence of only one relied on before Fang Li appeared in the world. Not at all.

    The loss of the body within the body is an important sadness for the family to leave. It is also the emptiness of breaking the contract.

    At this moment, silver-haired Half Elf is no longer the ancient Great Spirit contractor.

    She lost her only family.

    "Wū… aaah ————!"

    Weeping cries, from the bedroom resounded.


    When Fang Li received the news and returned from the outside and returned to Lewes's home, many people gathered in the doorway of Emilia's dormitory.

    In addition to Lewes, even the same Rem and Ram.


    "Fang Li-sama."

    "Are you finally back?"

    Lewes, Rem, and Ram both look to Fang Li's body.

    Fang Li nodded, stepping forward, looked at Ram.

    "Are you actually coming?"

    Fang Li felt the accidental speech and only let Ram pick up his arm.

    "Since Emilia-sama had such a big problem, it would be inconvenient for Roswaal-sama to come forward. At least, Ram should come to condolence."

    The loyal maid is as simple and decisive as ever.

    Fang Li also ignored Ram's no trace of politeness attitude and turned to Rem.

    "How is the situation now?"

    Hearing this, Rem shook his head.

    “Rem is not clear. Only after that, Emilia-sama gave himself up in the bedroom. Emilia-sama refused to come out regardless of how the Rem called out.”

    When saying this, Rem's words carry full of worry.

    "Fang-bou, where are you going?"Lewes asks, frowningly, "Aren't you supposed to be around Emilia-sama?"

    “It was a little bit of a thing to do, so I left a bit and did not expect Emilia to wake up during this period.”Fang Li sighed and said: "In short, let me try it."

    After that, Fang Li went directly to the front door.

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