Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1724 is too cruel


    Pack is completely silent.

    In order to seal the past that he did not want to remember, Emilia sealed his memory after the Pack freed himself from the ice and used the contract as a cover dish.

    This kind of thing is entirely possible.

    "Only, unfortunately, this thing is not clear."

    Pack gives him very conservative opinions.

    "I met Lia. It was after the Elior Great Forest was frozen. So, I don't know if Lia is afraid of the existence of the embarrassment. I don't even know why Li e would have Lia. The past has a decisive influence.”

    When saying this, Pack's tone is full of heartfelt resignation.

    "However, if it is really what you said, Lia seals his memory with the 咱 contract as a condition, and it can explain why Lia unconsciously refused to materialize when he was ready to remember the memory of the past."

    Fang Li thinks so too.

    Although only guessing, Fang Li also had some memories of the original, combined with those memories, only came to this guess.

    That being the case, the guesswork is 70-80% accurate.

    (Know as soon as you remember the original…This idea is also useless…)

    After all, Fang Li has seen a lot of Fan, and every department can remember that it is a completely impossible thing.

    Not to mention that now Fang Li has traveled in Main God's Dimension for several years and has integrated into these worlds. Without God's point of view, memory will become paralyzed, which is a matter of course.

    Moreover, when the original book was "Sanctuary", it was actually a very late thing.

    Fang Li Before entering Main God's Dimension, the story related to “Sanctuary” has not finished yet.

    In this way, if you want Fang Li to rely on the original book to have having foresight, that really can only be said to be too much to take for granted.

    Therefore, Fang Li only used his own memory of the original as one of the judgments.

    Now, looking at this trend, Fang Li is fully certain.

    "A hundred years ago, Elior Great Forest must have had something serious and Emilia would not like to recall it."

    Fang Li made this judgment with a very objective and calm attitude.

    "Perhaps the freezing of Elior Great Forest and the life and death of Elven Tribe were caused by Emilia alone."

    Cruel judgments let Pack lose words on the spot.

“……You are really ruthless. ”Pack sighed and said: "If Lia knew you suspected she had done that, then Lia would be sad?"

    "This is not doubt, only reasonable speculation."Fang Li was not influenced by Pack's speech, indifferently said: "Moreover, even if I did something like that, I think there must be a reason."

    At the very least, Fang Li did not think that Emilia was a wicked evil that even a hometown could freeze.

    This should be trust, not suspicion.

    "So that's how it is , you thought so much before you found it."

    Pack seems to be very emotional about the general whispering.

    After shortly afterwards , Pack is laughing and playing like a casual and playful one.

    "In that case, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

    Pack's query asked Fang Li to close his eyes.

    How to deal with this matter?

    Is that still used?

    "If you don't speak out of trial, even if there is no trial stimulation of Emilia, according to what you said, if I continue with Emilia, it will also stimulate her memory."

    Fang Li sounded like he had killed his own feelings.

    “The easiest thing then is that I left Emilia and thought to liberate “Sanctuary.” In that case, Emilia will be able to maintain her present state. Without recalling the painful past, she will return home with great rewards and continue to participate in Royal. Selection."

    This sentence, which has just emerged from Fang Li's mouth, is refuted by Pack.

    "I don't think this is a good choice."Pack is difficult to be serious tone, so to say: "Others do not say, if you really leave Lia, that your daughter even if not remember the pain of the past, but also be tortured by the present pain can not breathe, However, we will never allow this kind of thing to happen."

    This is not for Fang Li but for Emilia.

    As long as it is for Emilia, Pack can do anything.

    Fang Li naturally does not have this intention.

    "This is at best only an objective analysis. I am not the one who compromises so easily."

    Fang Li grinned, and his eyes went in the direction of Crystal Stone, saying so.

    "But if I don't leave, there will be only one remaining choice."

    What is this choice?

    Pack understands it all at once.

    That is his departure.

    In other words, Pack needs to break the contract with Emilia.

    In this way, sealing the memory of the past on the condition of Pack's contract would be eliminated.

    Emilia will recall everything in the past and face it directly.

    Otherwise, Emilia must hold the present state of embarrassment.

“……Didn't you leave, just leave? ”

    Pack finally smiled.

    "This is really cruel."

    I know."

    If Fang Li does not leave, then Pack can only stay in Crystal Stone forever and cannot come out.

    If Pack does not leave, then Emilia will keep its current state, while scaring the mind in the trial while suppressing his past memories from allowing the Pack to materialize.

    No matter which side, it will make Emilia feel uneasy and panic.

    The solution to this problem is to leave one of the two most important men to Emilia.

    Fang Li and Pack, only one can stay.


    "Fortunately, there is still one person who can stay. Otherwise, Lia will definitely crash, right?"

    Pack's voice began to become unusually calm.

    Immediately, it is so decided.

    "You will cut off your contract with Lia."

    This is the Pack's choice.

    "is this okay?"

    Fang Li only asked this way.

    "Ah, that's fine."Pack said: "Lia's condition is very unnatural, and it is impossible to face up to your own past and your innermost feelings. It is now possible to maintain rationality, and one day in the future will be completely destroyed. Do you think so? ?"

    Indeed, Fang Li also thinks so.

    Not because of Fang Li wants to sacrifice Pack's presence to keep his chances of staying with Emilia.

    "I only think that it is Emilia's path to go directly to face it instead of continuing to choose to escape."

    Fang Li's ideas are, at best, just like that.

    And this is obviously Pack's idea.

    "So, even if there is more, if you don't want to, if it is Lia, even if it is a contract, you can sacrifice."

    Pack made a farewell to Fang Li in decisive words.

    "Lia asked you, Fang Li."

    Hearing Pack's entrustment, Fang Li did not respond, only heavily nodded.

    At this moment, Emilia’s life has changed.

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