Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1542 is just behind me

    Next, Fang Li learned some intelligence from Ituzwa’s mouth.

    According to Itsuwa, a total of 52 people from Amakusa-Style Remix of Church were sent to all parts of France for investigation.

    And she is in charge of the Avignon district.

    Currently, only Itawawa is a member of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church in Avignon.

    However, because Avignon checked the relationship with ley lines, people at Amakusa-Style Remix of Church are already preparing to meet here.

    “Now, everyone has come here, and when the people meet up, we can formally start operations.”

    Itsuwa pressed down and explained to Fang Li.

    "And our primary goal is to suppress the Palais des Papes."

    In Avignon, there is a Palais des Papes.

    At the end of the twelfth century, Roman Catholic Church's Pope and France's Royal Hall once had a dispute and eventually lost to King of France. King of France was given a privilege that could give orders to Roman Catholic Church's Pope.

    One of the privileges is to ask Roman Pope to move out of Vatican City and move to France.

    The purpose of France is to use Pope's advantage in his own hands, to interpret the privileges and benefits of Roman Catholic Church as a claim to their advantage.

    In other words, the Roman Catholic Church's Pope at that time was under the scrutiny of France.

    The place of imprisonment is Palais des Papes of Avignon.

    In that Palais des Papes, there were several Roman Pope imprisoned in 68 years.

    However, the work of Roman Pope must be completed in Vatican City as a base area.

    For example, the appointment of Cardinal, a variety of meetings, the management of the Roman Pope collar itself, and the disposal of the Spiritual Item in the collection are all impossible in Avignon.

    Therefore, the Roman Catholic Church constructed a magical pipeline between Vatican City and Avignon, allowing Roman Pope to perform long-distance operations on the devices in the Roman Pope collar.

    After Avignon's imprisonment ended, Roman Pope returned to Vatican City and the pipes should be cut off.

    In order to use C-Document, it is not impossible for the Roman Catholic Church to reproduce the pipeline here.

    Therefore, Amakusa-Style Remix of Church will come to France to investigate ley lines.

    Those pipes are connected via ley lines.

    In other words, if the C-Document is used in Avignon's Palais des Papes, then by the remote operation built by the pipeline, Roman Pope in Vatican City will be able to start C-Document's power.

    As for why it was not used in Vatican City, it came to Avignon specifically for use. The reason is very simple. It is to execute the plan secretly.

    In the Roman Catholic Church, there is also a fight between upper levels.

    If you want to use C-Document, if you do not obtain the recognition of the 14 Catholic Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church upper classes, that is not acceptable.

    Even if Roman Pope has a lot of power, he cannot use C-Document arbitrarily.

    In order to reduce unnecessary disputes and shorten the use of C-Document, Roman Pope decided to use C-Document implicitly in Avignon.

    Because it was not directly launched in Vatican City, C-Document couldn't do it instantaneously, but also had to do various preparations at Avignon. The reason for the rebellion/riot of around the world was slowly and gradually expanded, not all of a sudden. It is because of this reason that all people in the world rebellion/riot together.

    That is, the launch of C-Document is still incomplete, and now it is still possible to stop C-Document from changing people's ideas.

    "According to the investigation, Palais des Papes is now gathering Roman Catholic Church, and is already using c-document." ”

    Itsuwa said so.

    "If you don't come, then after a few days, we will also start an invasion of the Palais des Papes."

    Anglican Church's Quest to Amakusa-Style Remix of Church was a deterrent to the action of Roman Catholic Church.

    Although, Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Church belong to Magic Side, now face science Side stronghold, Academy City threat, Anglican Church such blatant blocked Words will be Magic Side all forces, can Anglican Church already in the Dark and Academy City Alliance, more do not want to be Roman Catholic to the name of the cause of the shackles, involved in this war, finally let Church Catholic Church grasps the Magic faction's dominant power.

    In view of this, Anglican Church will also send Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    In this way, even if Amakusa-Style Remix of Church obstructs the use of C-Document, the Anglican Church can also use the excuse “this is a small religious unauthorized action” as an excuse.

    "Whether it is stiyl, Kanzaki or you Amakusa-style remix of Church, are Anglican Church as guns to make it." ”

    Fang Li said something like that with a laugh.

    But Itsuwa only showed some complicated smiles.

    "Even if there is no dispatch from Anglican Church, our Amakusa-Style Remix of Church will not ignore this matter."

    Because, Amakusa-Style Remix of Church has decided to follow Kanzaki Kaori's footsteps and reach out to those who cannot be redeemed.

    "Now, the rebellion/riot of the around the world has hurt many innocent people."

    Itsuwa's eyes slowly swept through the store, one by one injured and looked down.

    The tone, though still weak, is unusually firm.

    "Can't let more people get hurt."

    This is the will of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church.

    "It's great."

    Fang Li looked at this Itsuwa and could not help but smile.

    "I think you are much more powerful than the admirer who was only relying on power to defeat your Priestess."

    Fang Li's words gave Itsuwa a surprised look.

    However, Fang Li did not let Itsuwa respond.

    "Since you have decided on the next move, then set off quickly."

    With this, Fang Li stood up.

    "Exit…set off ?"Itsuwa suddenly burst into amazement and said: “Currently…now? ”

    "if not?"Fang Li said: "Since you already know that C-Document is in Palais des Papes, let's start raid directly."

    After that, Fang Li went to the shop.

    NoCan not be done! ”

    Upon seeing this, Itsuwa quickly chased it.

    "There are not enough people now. Only two of us, even if we come together with your companions, it will not be able to defeat the Palais des Papes!"

    From the intelligence brought by Itsuwa, this time, the Roman Catholic Church not only sent out 333 Magic Armys made up of Monk, but also an extremely high-ranking leader who strictly guarded the entire Palais des Papes.

    In addition, the role of C-Document is also gradually emerging. The people in Avignon have been manipulated to a certain extent, and it is impossible for a few individuals to enter.

    However, Fang Li did not stop.

    "All in all, you are behind me."

    Fang Li only turned back and smiled slightly at Itsuwa.

    "Also try to follow me."

    After leaving such a statement, Fang Li walked out of the hotel.

    Itsuwa stayed forever, recalling Fang Li's smile. The charming face was red.

    Shortly afterwards , Itsuwa quickly chased after him.

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