Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1541 follows her footsteps

    Kanzaki was cut down by Fang Li with only one knife.

    Such a rumor, Fang Li really wanted to ask how it happened.

    At that time, Fang Li did not have the current strength. Compared to Kanzaki who is Saint, almost all aspects are at a disadvantage. If not because of Kanzaki's power of Saint cannot last, last of the last Fang Li will also be Amakusa-Style. Refound of Church's Profound Truth gave Nanya Assassination Arts a place in the game, creating EX treme Death – Seven Nights far better than Yuisen, and Fang Li couldn’t beat Kanzaki at all.

    Moreover, even if Kanzaki was defeated, Fang Li at the time was definitely not just using a knife, but it was only after a desperate fight.

    Kanzaki cut down with a knife?

    If this is the case, use Mystique Eyes of Death Perception to use EXtreme Death – Seven Nights's 100% Sonic Strike. That's okay.

    At that time, it was said that Fang Li could cut down Kanzaki by a knife. It would be a dream that would only happen if Fang Li dismissed Mystic Eyes or liberated Stigma's power.

    The so-called rumor, perhaps this is the case, the more exaggerated it?

    The group of Ojou-sama in School Garden became Fan Li's loyal fans because of this.

    Didn't even the Magical Girl in Amakusa-Style Remix of Church do it?

    Do you want to make fun of people?

    At the moment, Fang Li can only smile with a smile.

    "Even if you beat down your Amakusa-Style Remix of Church's Priestess, should you also be hostile to each other, not to worship each other?"

    At least, Fang Li thinks so.

    However, Fang Li is somewhat taken for granted.

    "enemy…What is hostile to…! There is absolutely no such thing! ”

    Itsuwa quickly shook his head.

    After a while, Itsuwa was took a deep breath, calm down, and his expression was a little bitter.

    "After all, that adult did what we couldn't."

    Itsuwa's words let Fang Li be raised the brows and fell silent.


    Fang Li almost forgot.

    For Amakusa-Style Remix of Church, the status of Kanzaki Kaori is not just only Priestess.

    As I have said before, Kanzaki left Amakusa-Style Remix of Church, thinking that his fortunes would cause the misfortune of the people around him.

    In order to protect Kanzaki, Amakusa-Style people have been sacrificing.

    In order to assault the enemy, Amakusa-Style people continue to fall at Kanzaki's feet.

    Kanzaki, who has extraordinary fortunes and powerful power, cannot integrate into Amakusa-Style Remix of Church and cannot bring them salvation.

    However, for Amakusa-Style Remix of Church, this is another matter.

    "Obviously because we are too weak and weak, we will continue to fall. As a result, Priestess has been blamed and she has left us."

    Itsuwa bowed his head and his voice became smaller.

    "This matter has always been the pain in everyone's hearts."

    And that’s exactly it.

    Kanzaki thinks that the companions of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church would have suffered their own misfortune and therefore decided to leave.

    People of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church think that their own weakness caused Kanzaki's pain and forced his Priestess away.

    Both sides are very sad about this matter.

    But it is helpless.

    "Saint is a born deity, born with powerful power. It is something that we ordinary people can't get out of within a lifetime."

    Itsuwa raised the head and looked at Fang Li.

    In the delicate eyes, a certain amount of firmness began to emerge.

    "So, we decided to follow the pace of Priestess."

    — "Salvare000 (Be the salvation of those who cannot be saved)".

    It is the Magic Name of Kanzaki Kaori. It is also the meaning of its existence and the belief in life.

    Amakusa-Style Remix of Church decided to continue to follow Priestess's footsteps in self-criticism, insisting on the belief in the hand of abandoning the salvation, and rushed over.

    Orsola's help in the Book of the Law incident is also for this belief.

    "But we also know that trying to follow Priestess's footsteps is not an easy task. After all, we are only ordinary Magician."

    Itsuwa said like this.

    But in his eyes, he began to emerge with the light of worship.

    "But that adult was not Saint, but he was able to defeat Priestess on his own power. It was so great."

    For this reason, the girls of Amakusa-Style Remix of Church will become Fang Li's loyal fans after School Garden's Ojou-sama.

    That's not only because of the exaggerated rumor, but also because Amakusa-Style Remix of Church is always chasing Kanzaki's back.

    For people who can do what they cannot do, people will naturally admire worship and jealousy.

    In view of this, Itsuwa will be such a performance.

    “There are also some news reports from the above that the adult is likely to come to our help, but now it seems that the adult did not come.”

    Itsuwa was a bit upset again.

    This caused Fang Li to feel a sense of guilt.

    It seems a little cruel to let some of the hope in the girl's heart be broken.

    However, Fang Li is also impossible to reveal his identity.

    Could it be that telling the other party "I am actually the idol you always wanted to see"?

    This kind of thing, Fang Li could not do it.

    Under helpless, Fang Li can only comfort himself.

    "you…Don't you be so disappointed. Maybe you will also meet in the future? ”

    It would be better to say that you have seen it now. Please raise the spirits.

    Speakmakes sense. ”

    Itsuwa seems to find that his performance is somewhat disrespectful to Fang Li.

    This is not to say that the person who comes to help himself is not his idol, but the Lv.3 things in the shadow of Academy City, are you very disappointed?

    This is so disrespectful.


    Itsuwa quickly lowered his head and apologized.

    That too violent movement made the girl plump chest shake.

    "I don't care if I don't apologize."

    Fang Li smiled and couldn't avoid the sorrow of a man. He looked at Ituzwa's seductive chest.

    Actually, Itsuwa's body is very good, but Fang Li is not better than not seen.

    Mainly because of the contrast?

    Although the chest is full of abnormalities, but Itsuwa's body is more slender and thin, but it highlights the huge.

    Like this contrast, Fang Li has not seen it.

    For example, Mine Riko in Butei High, and Toudou Kirin in Seidoukan are all petite and cute, except that chest is full of abnormalities.

    This kind of contrast between children and girls, for males, the pure attraction is very great?

    In the past, Fang Li had once been aware of the line of sight by Mine Riko, and the result was laughed and teased by the other party for a long time.

    "If it is Li Li, it's okay to rub it straight!"

    Oneself said so, and even actively rushed up.

    Think of it at that time, Fang Li is also a little missed.

    After a while, Fang Li was transferred to the topic.

    "Well, since you have been investigating here for some time, can you tell me about it?"

    Itudwa was nodded when he heard Fang Li's saying.

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