Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1543 The Medicine of God and Blood of God

    Avignon, Palais des Papes.

    When one mentions palaces and churches, the first thing that comes to mind is the solemnity and splendor of the two impressions.

    Holy majestic church.

    The magnificent palace.

    Should that be the look of people in the eyes of Palais des Papes?

    However, in reality, Palais des Papes is not like this.

    Because, the role of the palace is not for living, but for house arrest.

    The real Palais des Papes is like a medieval fortres, a building piled up with rocks, which gives people a feeling of being unfree.

    The aura it emits, if it is colored, it must be gray.

    Its outer wall is as high as more than ten meters. Most people want to turn it over, basically impossible.

    In one of these Palais des Papes, Monk, with one by one wearing monastic clothes, was standing guard.

    They also feel less like clergy, but are guarded by one by one. They are meticulous in their positions, and they look more like a chilling atmosphere. Obviously they are not good.

    These people are the Magic Army attached to the Roman Catholic Church. Their duties are not to guard a stronghold like this, but to be annihilated and to exclude threatened infidels. This is equivalent to EX ecutor in the Holy Church in TYPE-MOON World. Everyone has a good fight.

    The number is 333, and once it is put into combat, unless it is a powerful Magic force like Anglican Church and Russian Orthodox Church, otherwise, even if it is an organization's home base, they have ways to capture it.

    If Stiyl is here, even if he uses Innocentius, he may only manage four or five people.

    Even if Kanzaki came here, direct confrontation 333 Monk, unless you ignore the idea of ​​not killing yourself, it will take a lot of time to win it?

    The current Palais des Papes is so heavily guarded.

    In such a Palais des Papes, one person stood in a central church.

    It was a man wearing a loose green dress with cheeks bulging, thin body, short height, skin whitening, and about 30 years old.

    The man body's green dress is embroidered with a pattern of the cross. It is also dressed like a priest. It is obviously a believer in the Roman Catholic Church.

    Only before this man stood before the Holy Icon of Jesus Christ, he did not pray in the same manner as the average priest did. Instead, he sat idly in the chapel-like church seat and drank heavily.

    "clang …"

    In the crisp sound, the bottle's rolling sounds on the ground.

    A closer look, at the man's feet, impressively already has a lot of wine bottles.

    It is not like a devout priest at all, but more like a Mercenary for alcoholism.

    But the man’s body does not have the impetuous aura of a drinker. He obviously drinks so much wine. His face is still the same, and he is not flushed at all. It feels as if alcohol poured into the body has become like water vapor, without any impact. .

    At this time, in front of the man, a crystal ball-like window suddenly opened.

    Above, there is an old man wearing a crown.


    The man stopped drinking, and smile on face also became frivolous.

    "Is it not Pope-sama?"

    Awe-inspiring in the window is Roman Catholic Church's Pope.

    Pope looked at the contemptuous look of the man, his brow furrowed, and an extremely unpleasant opening.

    "As a clergyman, I think you should pay more attention to your behavior, Terra of the Left."

    This frivolous man, exactly coincidentally with the Vento of the Front, controls the Terra and the Left, a member of the God's Right Seat with the nature of “The Medicine of God” Raphael in the Four Archangels—“Terra of the Left” .

    When Vento of the Front attacked Academy City, in conjunction with its dispatch of the Special Unit of the Roman Catholic Church, the Special Unit was nearly completely extinguish, precisely this person.

    But the Terra of the Left doesn't seem to take heart from the things of that time. The words spoken by Pope are like surrendering hands.

    "Isn't it a regular contact but it's dedicated to preaching? Would you still let me off please? Pope-sama? ”

    The expression on the Terra of the Left face that said such words was full of disapproval.

    "You should know that I'm not drinking to satisfy my mind/energetic impulse, but to supplement power?"

    In the Four Archangels, the uri represented by Uriel is wind and water, and the Attribute represented by Raphael is earth and earth.

    So, if the Terra of the Left wants to add power, using the fruits and benefits of the earth is the quickest way.

    Terra of the Left will drink lots of wine within the body. In the mass of church, it is the earth fruit of "Blood of God".

    Therefore, for the Terra of the Left, drinking is to supplement the power, not to satisfy the desire.

    This point, Pope naturally impossible do not know.

    However, Pope does not refer to Terra of the Left drinking, but its attitude.

    Although Vento of the Front's attitude is also very bad, but it is to take the initiative to cause others to be malicious to adopt the style of action, even if not likable, but Pope will still accept.

    But Terra of the Left is different.

    Compared to Vento of the Front, which was considered bad behavior for the launch of the surgery, Terra of the Left's demeanor was entirely from the heart.

    Looking at the other person's disapproving look, he also knew that as a member of God's Right Seat, he actually held the existence of the privilege of the Roman Catholic Church, and Terra of the Left completely ignored Pope.

    Unfortunately, Pope can only choose to endure.

    Even if there is conflict with each other here, there is no benefit.

    As a result, Pope went directly to the topic.

    "According to the report, there seems to be a frustrator on your side?"

    Hearing this , Terra of the Left is nodded.

    “Some people witnessed an air drop of something in the air. It was supposed to be what Academy City did when it discovered C-Document.”

    Since Itsuwa can discover Fang Li that was dropped, the Roman Catholic Church will naturally not find anything.

    Not to mention Fang Li, Kamijou Touma and Tsuchimikado Motoharu are still in Avignon and it is estimated that they have been sighted.

    "It was originally thought that if the opponent is Science Side, this Magic Side method should not be discovered."Roman Pope said with a heavy face: "Is it really something that Anglican Church took?"

    "It should be that right."Terra of the Left's expression is still contemptuous, and says with a smile: “After all, even Index Librorum Prohibitorum can move freely in Academy City. It should be true that Anglican Church is in secret communication with Academy City.”

    "What are you going to do?"Pope asks, "Or, the thief that brought down the Vento of the Front also came."

    This sentence, let the Terra of the Left that scornful expression suddenly change.

    Become cruel.

    "It would be better if this is the case."

    Terra of the Left opened his mouth and said that with a smile.

    "I would like to study and study the blespheming God's Mystic Eyes."

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