Just when Su Yang was not knowing what to do, Little Ha said in his ear again, “You put your phone upright! I’ll take it for you!”

Hearing what Little Ha said, Su Yang quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and pointed it at Lin Jiali, planning to see what the fragrance was.

Actually, it is normal to not take pictures on the set, after all, the crew must keep secrets during filming.

But Su Yangs crew was not very formal, and Su Yang just drove off the director today. Everyone cant figure out Su Yangs identity, so of course no one came up to stop it, just turn a blind eye.

So, soon, Su Yang’s ear heard Little Ha’s voice, “Okay.”

Su Yang picked it up and took a look. Hmm… still Carrie Lin’s legs!

If Su Yang just planned to throw Little Ha in the washing machine and roll, then Su Yang has already decided to throw it in and spin around!

After all, even if this guy is not washed, his head is full of water!

What’s the use of scented legs? Can I chop off her legs?

Su Yang felt that what silk stockings he had imagined before, cough cough cough, was already too much, but didn’t expect the truth of the facts to be even too much!

One leg!

Su Yang quit the crowd, and the crackle typed Little Ha, “Are you kidding me!” What’s the use of scented legs? Can I still cut her! ]

A “dog with a question mark” expression appeared on the screen.

Then, Little Ha’s puzzled voice rang in Su Yang’s ear, “What leg? I’m talking about that circle! That black circle!”

Black circle?

Su Yang zoomed in on the photo and looked at it carefully, and found that Lin Jiali actually had a black circle-like ornament on her leg.

Su Yang thought for a while, this seems to be called a leg ring. It is a kind of jewelry for girls’ legs. It is generally used with garters or to fix tights.

In some movies, the leg loops are generally used as a secret weapon store for girls. The skirt is covered with guns and throwing knives, which are all buckled on the leg loops.

It turned out to be this!

Su Yang feels more acceptable.

Its not legs, stockings, cough cough cough, wait for things, Su Yang feels…not very normal…

How do you say it is something in a skirt? ! How can I ask Lin Jiali? She wouldn’t think she was a pervert…

Su Yang typed Little Ha, “Are you sure this thing is useful? If it’s an ordinary item, we don’t want it!

Little Has voice rang in Su Yangs ear, “The scent is very strong. Although it is not as good as the scent of Little Di and Koike at the time, it is also more scented than ordinary special items.”

Su Yang:…


So awesome! This item!

I can’t bear it!

After hesitating for a long time, Su Yang still didn’t want to let this opportunity pass.

But he didnt plan to force it, but he planned to find a good reason to ask for this leg ring…

Thinking so, Su Yang sat back with Lin Jialis bag The position of the corner, and then bowed his head thinking about the excuse.

After a while, Carrie Lin finished filming her own scene and walked here while drinking water from her assistant.

She didn’t have many roles, so it didn’t take long. Just now, it was purely because of her poor acting skills, she was disgusted by Bubbles and added to the drama, so it was so long.

Back to the corner of the set, Lin Jiali saw Su Yang sitting on the horse, holding her bag in a trance.

Her eyes lit up, and her eyes were full of rays of light from “Blingbling”. She quietly handed the water back to the assistant, and then walked over.

She quietly walked behind Su Yang, stretched out her slender jade hand, and wanted to pat Su Yang on the shoulder and frighten him.

But in fact, this scene has long been monitored by [Higher Lifes Eyes].

So just as her hand was about to fall, Su Yang suddenly turned around, and then yelled “Ah!”!

Su Yang’s voice and movements startled Lin Jiali a big jump, she shivered all over, and then yelled “Ah!”, her legs softened, did not stop, and fell on Su Yang. .

Su Yang just wanted to scare her back, didn’t expect actually scared her like this, seeing her about to fall, quickly opened his hands to catch her!

At that moment, the soft fragrance was in my arms, and a girl’s faint, nice fragrance penetrated Su Yang’s nose.

Su Yang just felt for two seconds, and he felt that the Ma Zha under his Pigu had lost his balance, and he fell to the ground with the Ma Zha.

“Oh!” “Ah.” With two screams, Su Yang and Lin Jiali fell into a ball, both of them did not fall lightly.

Lin Jialis assistant was standing not far away with water, watching coldly.

at first, when she saw Lin Carrie walking past quietly, she looked worried.

It’s not that she didn’t know what happened. Its because she is worried about Carries relationship with the youngster in front of her…

She has been Carries assistant for more than two years, except for Carries two agents who left before, she occasionally deals with Carrie Lins Apart from the incident, he stayed with Lin Jiali almost every day.

But she has never seen Lin Jiali have such a close relationship with a member of the opposite sex.

Although it doesn’t seem to exceed friendship now, it is this kind of hazy feeling that is most likely to get out of control.

So she has been paying attention to the behavior of Lin Jiali and Su Yang.

As a result, I saw the scene where the two fell into a ball.

In her eyes, Carrie Lin and this youngster are already fully embraced, Carrie Lin is riding on the youngster, and the youngster has one hand protecting her, and the other hand has touched Lin Carries white tenderness. On the lap!

This! It’s just unbearable!

The female assistant mentality is about to explode!

She doesn’t care if this is an accident or not, this kind of thing can’t happen! Lin Jiali is a female artist!

So she hurriedly walked over, hurriedly helped Lin Jiali up, and then looked at Lin Jiali’s “injury” with concern, while “scheming” to separate Lin Jiali from Su Yang with her own body .

Lin Jiali has someone to help, Su Yang is embarrassed, he is still lying on the ground, his legs are pinched by Mazha, trying to “survive” with difficulty.

Lin Jiali was pulled up by her assistant, her pretty face was reddish, and her face was still a little unnaturally shy. Her heart was beating “peng~ peng~ peng~”, completely didn’t expect herself Such an intimate and embarrassing thing will happen to Su Yang.

But seeing Su Yang still sitting on the ground and wanting to get up, her eyes softened again, pushing away the assistant who was still beating her with dust, walked forward, and stretched out her white and tender Give it to Su Yang.

Su Yang was struggling. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a beautiful white hand stretched out in front of him, he smiled, held it, and then stood up with the help of Lin Jiali.

It’s really not that he is weak, it’s all because of the awkward posture of the fall, plus Lin Jiali pressed on him and twisted her waist.

So after standing up, Su Yang also clutched his waist and gasped in a cold breath, “His, it really hurts.”

Lin Jiali saw him like this, slightly Asked with concern, “Are you okay?”

Su Yang waved his hand with a strong smile, “It’s okay.”

When Lin Jiali wanted to check her injury, Su Yang took advantage of it quickly With her “poor” appearance, she asked, “Idol. I have a presumptuous request, I don’t know if you can agree to it?”

Lin Jiali held Su Yang’s waist and motioned him to twist , Asked without looking up, “What’s the matter?”

Su Yang said, “In fact, besides me, there is a younger sister in my family. She, she grew up in a rural area. Ive never seen a beautiful girls clothes and accessories.”

“You…can you give her your leg ring.”

Lin Jiali was taken aback for a moment. , And then said with a smile that didnt care, “Okay! There is and so on. Isnt it just a leg ring! I have a lot of them, and I will give her a few when the time comes.”

Su Yang:…

If anything else, Su Yang wouldn’t be so tossing about it. What he needs is this one worn by Lin Jiali!

So he said with a little embarrassment, “cough cough, actually, my younger sister also likes this movie, so can you give her this one on your lap? After all, you will see it in the movie “

Lin Carrie is a little embarrassed this time. After all, although this thing is not a private item, it still clings to the skin…a bit inconvenient.

Su Yang’s face is also a little red. He regretted it, very regretful. Isn’t it just a special item! I am not without other special items! This is too embarrassing! It’s too abnormal!

Why do I suddenly twitch my head? I have to have this leg ring!

Moreover, make up the reasons better! What shit reason is this! Also like this movie! This broken movie has no publicity, who knows!

It’s over. My reputation of this life is going to be ruined.

Just when Su Yang was very upset, Lin Jiali lightly bit her lower lip, then blushed and put her hand into her skirt, for a moment, took out a leg ring from the inside.

She turned her face away, didn’t dare to look at Su Yang, and directly stuffed the leg loop into Su Yang’s hand, just like her own bag, “Then, here, here you are.”

Taking the leg loop that was still carrying Lin Jiali’s body temperature, Su Yang looked towards Lin Jiali and found that her beautiful ears were shy and pink, and the fluff on the ears seemed to be shaking shyly.

Su Yang swallowed, feeling that the atmosphere now seems a bit too ambiguous, a bit ambiguous and weird.

Is it because everything was different when I fell down just now?

He didn’t dare to think too much, he quickly tightened his leg ring, and then moved towards Lin Jiali and said, “I thank you for my younger sister!”

Maybe because of nervousness, his The sound is a little loud, it is deafening! It made Lin Jiali even more embarrassed: it’s all this time, and it’s a lie…

Su Yang didn’t dare to look at Lin Jiali, picked up the little demon cat Jinjin who was in the corner, and then dropped it. The sentence, “I will see you in two days.” Then he ran out of the set without looking back.

After Su Yang left, Lin Jiali’s tight body gradually relaxed.

She took a few deep breaths, put her hand on her chest, calmed down the beating heart just now, and then secretly cursed herself: Lin Jiali, Lin Jiali, why did you give it to him! This thing can also be given to people casually! He even took it down directly from the public! You really to have no shame!

But when he thought of falling together just now, Su Yang stretched out his hand to protect himself, and the look he had just lied to ask for his leg ring, Lin Jiali couldn’t help but blush again.

I just…what happened? Everything seems weird…

Lin Jialis assistant, who has been standing aside and witnessing everything the whole time, looks cold, and she feels that things are getting moved towards the unexpected The direction has developed.

These two people are actually under their noses, and the feelings have a breakthrough. Changed from a friend to a little ambiguous.

How can this be!

The female assistant remembered that Su Yang asked for Lin Jiali’s leg ring, and Lin Jiali actually gave it to him, and she was even more out of breath!

This man is simply a pervert! goat! Who is fine will ask for girls’ personal accessories!

Especially Lin Carrie at first said that she would give spare accessories, but the man actually had to want the one that Lin Carrie is wearing now!

This is not what a pervert is!

Thinking of this, the female assistant couldn’t help but think of the identity of Su Yang that Lin Jiali had said to herself: she seemed to be her fan, and she was a fan!

A fan? Fans have no plans for idols?

The female assistant feels absolutely impossible!

So the purpose of this male fan contacting Lin Jiali is definitely not so simple!

I worked as an assistant to Lin Carrie for several years. The female assistant knew that although Carrie Lin looked shrewd and beautiful, it was actually an illusion caused by her appearance.

In fact, Lin Jiali is a little girl in her heart, and she is a bit funny and simple. And maybe because of the pressure in the past few years, Lin Jiali’s psychology has also gone wrong.

So the female assistant is really terrified, afraid of what Su Yang would do to Carrie Lin, causing irreparable harm to Carrie Lin’s heart.

Thinking of this, the female assistant’s eyes all turned firm: she must let this perverted fan stay away from Lin Jiali! I must protect her from harm!

At this time, Su Yang didn’t know that he had been defined by the female assistant as: a perverted male fan.

He took a taxi and ran home directly.

As for why he wants to run, he doesn’t know. He just feels that he is weird today. It’s better to stay away from the set. This set is poisonous…

Back home, Su Yang entered the virtual space and took out the leg ring from his pocket.

Looking at this leg loop with Carrie Lin’s faint fragrance, the leg loop is very simple, just a small loop of leather, which looks like a small belt, without any additional decoration, simple and generous.

Su Yang called Little Ha over, took a look, and after making sure that the leg loop was scented, he threw it into the washing machine without the slightest hesitation.

Little Ha, who turned around with the drum in the washing machine, looked dazed: isn’t he a hero? Why be punished? The 23rd painting I gave Janet hasn’t finished yet…

Su Yang won’t say…I just angered it.

He took the leg ring and came to the study. Su Yang didnt hesitate to turn on the additional system: It took a lot of trouble, and he almost got it back as a perverted leg ring. If he didnt have any powerful abilities, Su Yang is going to die!

As the dot system is turned on, a translucent “+” sign appears on the leg ring.

Su Yang lightly taps on it, light flashed, the addition is completed, there is no sign…

The end of 8500 words! Another more. The liver hurts a bit.

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