As a female celebrity who is going downhill and has the idea of quitting the entertainment industry, there is actually nothing that scares her anymore. Hmm… This is what Lin Jiali thought.

Thats why she dared to stand in front of Su Yang and protect Su Yang when Su Yang faced the directors difficulties.

Even when the director threatened her to quit the crew, he threw shoes to express his attitude without the slightest hesitation.

She thinks that her mind has been purified, she doesn’t care about the glitz of the entertainment circle, she can be herself freely. As a result, didn’t expect a threat from Zhao Producer, and she ran away.

At this time, she realized that she was actually not so brave and strong. She was only so strong when she was forced to do that.

So… Actually, I still have nostalgia for the entertainment industry?

Although Lin Jiali is a little bit amused, but in fact, her head is very bright, otherwise she would not notice the abnormal relationship between Su Yang and Zhao Producer, and she also knows the reverse derivation. So she just thought for a while, and she felt that she was still holding a trace in her heart. There was really only a trace of fantasy: maybe…she could really get hot!

Moreover, without sacrificing anything, it’s getting hot!

Actually, after being friends with Han Yi for so many years, Lin Jiali also knows that she does not have the popularity and acting skills of Han Yi, and it is very difficult for her to spread across the country with her achievements.

But when things come, she still has a trace of unwillingness: Can a female celebrity with a clean body and no strength really become popular?

Sometimes, Lin Jiali really envy Han Yi, she has a good singing voice, superb acting skills, and the kind of temperament that makes people feel good at a glance.

In addition, when I entered the circle, I met leaders and agents who were willing to train her, who did not intend to return to pave the way for her. When her wings were getting fuller, she was released to fly freely.

Han Yi is simply the model of the heroine. She is going smoothly, soaring up nine ten thousand li and falling to Wutong to become Phoenix, making everyone around her envy and jealous.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiali suddenly felt something wrong: the heroine does not seem to be like this. Shouldn’t the heroines suffer all kinds of hardships and make things difficult, and finally succeed?

So actually Han Yi is the second female?

And this girl who has suffered through hardships and been beaten by all kinds of life is the heroine?

So when will your True Fated Son of Heaven appear?

Will it be a domineering president?

If you are a domineering president, I hope he is a Big Boss of a film and television company. In this way you can have a career and a double harvest of love!

When the time comes, I can act in whatever drama I want. Even my big brother Long, Sun Lei, and Huang Bo can come and play for me at will.

Thinking of this, Carrie Lin couldnt help but laughed. The feeling of dreaming is really wonderful…

But after smiling, she remembered that this was the set. He quickly covered his mouth, then cautiously looked left and right, and found that no one was paying attention to him, he couldn’t help but laugh again.

The smile between her eyebrows and eyes is as beautiful and moving as the brightest sunshine in spring and the flowers that bloom at the beginning of spring.

She is a girl who loves to dream…

When Lin Jiali smiled, Su Yang just came over, and just saw her smile that was hiding in the corner. It was like a pure little girl who just stole a piece of candy that was so sweet to her heart, and it was like a white feather floating in the air happily.

Su Yang felt that the heartbeat had missed a beat, there was a feeling of being hit in the soul by that smile.

After a moment of loss of consciousness, Su Yang came back to his senses and shook his head mockingly.

The love he dreams of is actually to find a soul mate, a person who truly fits and agrees, and then settles with her for a lifetime.

As a result, when things came to an end, I was still attracted by the appearance.

Fortunately, even if I restrain myself, maybe I will just smile in love?

So there is no love at first sight, only to see the “lust”, it’s just greedy for other people’s face, that’s all.

Thinking so, Su Yang adjusted his mentality, then walked over, knocked Lin Jiali’s head, who was still laughing, “What are you laughing at?”

“Hey Yo?” Lin Jiali lifts the head and found Su Yang, pretending to be fierce and said, “Is that how you treat idols?” Su Yang smiled and said, “Idols are not just being bullied by fans Is it?”

Lin Jiali is not as foolish as Qu Xiaomeng, her pretty eyes widened, “Who said that! Fans spend money for idols!”

, She extended the hand, and said proudly, “Come on, meet in half.”

Now it’s Su Yang’s turn to be stunned. He didn’t react for a while, “What is in half?”

Lin Jiali has stretched out her hand and started digging out Su Yang’s pocket, “Money. Didn’t you make 500 just now, and you don’t even respect your idols! Come on, meet in half.”

Su Yang:…

This female star is simply shameless!

I blackmail others every day, and didn’t expect to be counter-blackmailed!

Girl, you are not afraid to take my money, when the time comes cough cough, will you pay it back?

Su Yang was still in a trance, but Lin Jiali had a smile on her face and proudly took out Su Yang’s 500 dollars.

She counted and gave Su Yang two hundred back, put the remaining three hundred in her pocket, and patted her bag like a demonstration with an elated expression.

I have to say, this girls deliberate demonstration is really irritating…does not raise.

Sure enough, is this the reason for finding a girlfriend to look for beautiful?

When the time comes to make you angry, look at her face, you dont raise too much.

Su Yang is thinking about it, but Lin Jiali looks at Su Yang curiously , Waiting for his response.

As a result, I waited and waited. I couldn’t wait until Su Yang was in a daze. Her face gradually darkened involuntarily, her smile slowly converged, and she looked at Su Yang nervously, like a little child who did something wrong, and then cautiously asked, “Are you angry?”

After speaking, she added softly, “I cracked a joke…”

Then she took out the 300 money from the bag and stuffed it into Su Yang’s hand.” I’m really cracking a joke, don’t be angry.” The expression of worrying about gains and losses really makes people feel distressed.

Su Yang came back to his senses, holding the money in his hand, looked at Lin Jiali with a dazed expression: What happened? Why is the money coming back?

I’m so surprised, you have so many scenes?

Is it too easy to change from sunny to cloudy?

Su Yang was a little puzzled, but suddenly, his head was divine light flashed, remembering the system’s judgment on Lin Jiali’s mental state: a precursor to depression!

Depression is a very terrifying mental illness. You will suddenly feel low, depressed, commit suicide, refuse to socialize, and lose your initiative in Early-Stage, and you will not want to work.

This is consistent with Lin Jialis symptoms.

Su Yang thought of this, and couldn’t help feeling that a line was strung together: No wonder Lin Jiali has recently had an appointment and announcement, and the momentum is getting better and better, but she has always wanted to quit the entertainment circle.

At first Su Yang thought she was just nothing serious. When I saw her today, the eyes of higher beings judged that she was telling the truth.

It seems that this funny female celebrity is not as sunny as the appearance.

Perhaps…she is actually very fragile and sensitive in her heart, and she cares about the opinions of “people who care about”.

Thinking of this, Su Yang quickly said with a smile, “Of course I am angry! You robbed me of my money! If you don’t invite me to a big meal! I will definitely not let you go!”


Seeing Su Yang’s expression that was completely cracking a joke, Lin Jiali hesitated for a moment, and then slowly burst into a smile, she replied to the sunshine and happiness before, “Cut! Grab it! I wont invite you to dinner! Fans invite idols to dinner! How can idols entertain guests!” When Su Yang heard this, he had an idea, “That’s fine, I can invite you to dinner. But. Can the idol give me one of your personal belongings as a collection?”

Su Yang took the opportunity to turn the topic to special item. So there is an excuse to ask for something.

Lin Carrie was taken aback for a moment, “What are you going to want?”

Su Yang put her hand on her chin, put on a detective expression of Sherlock Holmes, and then turned around Carrie Lin Circle and look around.

His eyes were weird, and Lin Jiali, who was looking at it, was fraught with goose bumps.

“Hey!” She touched her slender white arm, said while playfully pouting, “Okay! Don’t go around! Say it!”

Su Yang is a bit embarrassed. ..

He is not deliberately delaying time, he really doesn’t know what he wants!

Little Ha just smelled something on Lin Carrie, and didnt say what it was…

I couldnt let Lin Carrie take off everything on her body, or take it off, and then Find them one by one, right? It’s strange that Lin Carrie doesn’t regard herself as a pervert!

While perhaps aware of Su Yangs dilemma, Little Dis voice came through the bone conduction earphones, “Master, Little Ha said things are in Carrie Lins lower part.”

The lower part…

Su Yang’s gaze fell on Lin Jiali’s lower body, where there were only nice legs exposed by the split ends of the dress.

Is it…

It shouldnt be! This is too abnormal after all!

Su Yang looked again and saw the small bag that Lin Jiali was holding. That bag was the one that Su Yang carried when she met her for the first time. It seems that the female stars financial status Not so good.

Su Yang looked at the bag and wondered: strictly speaking, this bag is also in the lower part, is it the contents of the bag?

Lin Jiali’s big smart eyes blinked and followed Su Yang’s gaze. Because of her sight, she only saw her skirt.

She couldn’t help but feel a little weird in her heart: Su Yang, is this going to have her own dress?

Why do you want a dress? Does he have any bad habits?

Just when the two were thinking about each other, Suddenly, Lin Carrie’s assistant hurried over, “Sister Carrie, Sister Carrie, why are you still not there? It’s your turn!”< /p>

“Huh?” Lin Carrie was stunned for a moment, “Is it so soon?”

Lin Carrie’s assistant reached out to help Lin Carrie take the bag off, and said, “Yeah! The new director is shooting fast!”

Hearing the assistant say that, Lin Jiali didnt care what Su Yang was doing. Pay attention, and quickly stuffed the removed bag into Su Yangs hand, and then shot She ran to the scene and said, “I’m going now!”

After finishing speaking, she stepped on the high heels that Wang Dao put on after he left, and ran all the way.

Her assistant said, “great aunt, be careful!” she hurriedly followed and supported Lin Jiali.

Looking at the backs of the two people, and then at the bags in his hands, Su Yang smiled lightly, this funny than the female celebrity really didn’t regard himself as an outsider. The carry-on bag was then handed to myself.

However, I just suspected that the contents of the bag had a fragrance, so I took the opportunity to check to see if it was what I thought.

Thinking about this, Su Yang glanced around and found no one was paying attention. He took Lin Jialis bag and sat on the pony tie in the corner, and then quietly opened a seam to let Little Ha try to distinguish .

For a while, Su Yangs ears rang Little Dis voice, “Master, Little Ha said…this can smell a ghost!”

Su Yang:. ..

This guy really reserves a beating more and more. It’s really going to be on the wall without cleaning up in a day.

No way, Su Yang had to take the bag to the toilet, put the bag in the virtual space, and let Little Ha to smell something smelling.

As a result, less than ten seconds after the bag entered the virtual space, Little Di’s voice rang in Su Yang’s ear, “Master, Little Ha said that the whole bag has no fragrance.”

< p>The whole bag has no fragrance?

That’s over, it’s definitely on Lin Jiali.

What’s in the lower part of a girl?

No matter what, it’s abnormal!

Su Yang decided to give up: The special item is tens of millions, and there is no need to be a pervert himself. Isnt it just a special item? Don’t just don’t.

Thinking of this, Su Yang took out the organized bag from the virtual space, went out of the toilet, and went to the shooting site, planning to see it and go home without any problems.

As a result, when he arrived, the shooting scene was not at all filming, and it seemed that something unexpected happened.

Su Yang leaned over and looked at it twice. The filming was indeed paused. Lin Jiali was called over by Bubbles and was being criticized.

Baobao is really full of directors style right now. She slapped Carrie Lin with a curse. Carrie Lin lowered her head, but nodded woodenly. She looked very obedient, really. Refresh Su Yang’s perception of her.

Su Yang thought she belonged to a gunpowder keg, and it was just one point. It seems that I just dared to challenge Director Wang just now, all for myself…

Soon, Bubble finished the play, and then waved his hand, the staff on the scene began to take their positions again and started shooting.

Actually, making a movie is far less interesting than ordinary person imagined. One of the most misunderstood points is that outsiders always think that movies are made in the order in which they are played. In fact, this is a big mistake.

Most of the filming of movies and TV shows is messy. Maybe today you just finished the show and you were hit and killed by a car. The 2nd day show is that you happily go on a date with your boyfriend.

The person who hit you to death is actually your boyfriend…

The movie is shot in different scenes, so there will always be some plots that look messy.

Of course, good directors will try their best to adjust the sequence of shooting so that the emotions of the actors can be carried on all the way, and try to avoid such extreme situations.

Another misunderstanding is that you think “the performances you see are all filmed in a scene”, but in fact it is very likely not. Most of the scenes of the movie will not be filmed only once, and may be filmed several times. Some of the actors do not perform well, and some are reshot on different camera positions. The final editing will filter out all the scenes and edit them into a fragment.

This is also the reason why there is a smooth plot. The actor has jewelry on his head in the first second, but disappears in the second.

The same is true for this scene. This scene is about the rivalry between the green tea heroine played by Lin Jiali and the restored hero.

I saw Lin Jiali flirting with the hem of her dress, then put her hand on her slender leg, and said arrogantly, “Do you have money? Do you have a car? Do you have a house? You have nothing! Me Why tell you! Just because of what kind of shit you are Victorious Battle Buddha? Do you care about these things when modern society?”

I have to say, this plot is really shit, but I have to say, Lin Jiali’s flamboyant style really makes people in ones heart trembled: it’s so beautiful.

Just when Su Yang was watching again, Little Ha’s voice suddenly rang in Su Yang’s ear through the bone conduction earphone, “This is it! Su Yang! This is the fragrance!”


Su Yang is a little confused: Where is the fragrance? Lin Jiali’s legs?

Continue to add more today! 8500 words! One more chapter!

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