Su Yang, who has long been accustomed to this method of adding dots, has no surprises.

This shows that this thing is also an ordinary special item.

There will be no more special changes such as life transitions.

Su Yang at first thought that the scent that Little Ha smelled was that this thing could turn into a little monster, when the time comes, a Yujie monster turned into a leg ring, tsk tsk tsk, couldnt be more beautiful Up.

As a result, didn’t expect a happy occasion.

Then why is the fragrance that Little Ha judges stronger? Because it will be more useful? Or is there something special?

Su Yang doesn’t quite understand.

Because the interface of the item has not come out yet, Su Yang can only wait patiently.

He took out the [Notes of Unknown Ability] from the drawer, and turned a book into a funny cat, wanting to play with Jin Jin.

Today, because of Director Wangs matter, Lin Jiali gave this Little Brat to her assistant. Little Brat didnt like the female creature that even Pigu didnt have, so she ignored her and ran to play with herself. The tail is gone.

So, on the way home, it kept whispering in Su Yang’s ear, complaining about Su Yang and Lin Jiali to have no shame, and just threw it aside. No one looks like a servant at all.

Yes, it has already recognized Su Yang as its servant, and Lin Jiali… is the second one.

As it, the golden leopard, who has always been proud, is of course Your Majesty, the Queen of Supreme!

To be honest, in the taxi, Su Yang always wanted to cover his mouth, let him stop talking, it was so annoying. How can a black cat that doesn’t slip away from the fall?

It’s a pity that Jinjin talks with Su Yang through spiritual communication, so it’s useless for Su Yang to cover his mouth.

After returning home, this little kitty was not idle, nor did he walk well. The four legs stretched out and kicked on the ground, jumping around Su Yang, like a zombie cat of.

It makes Su Yang really annoying: Are all kittens like this? When I dislike you, I dont care about it. Once I ignore it, it will start to cling to you in various ways?

So after adding some points, Su Yang changed a post-it note into a funny cat to play with him, and wanted to use his enthusiasm to quiet the kitten quickly.

As a result, the funny cat stick just reached Jin Jin, Jin Jin said in Su Yang’s ear through the spiritual link, “Stupid human beings, do you think this thing is effective for me?”< /p>

The voice is still immature and proud, just like her body, the mother leopard ass.

Su Yang, “If you dont try, how do you know?”

As he said, he fiddled with the cat stick, and it was coldly snorted today at first, and the result was immediately after the eyes It turned into a love shape, and then rushed over with a “meow” and grabbed the funny cat stick.

Su Yang stopped making funny cats.

Jin Jin is immediately back to normal, she let go of the funny cat stick, and a confused voice rang in Su Yang’s ear, “Meow? What’s wrong with me? Why is it so strange!”

Su Yang smiled on his face, like a strange uncle, and…and fiddled with the cat stick again.

“Meow! Meow!” Jinjin was completely dominated by instinct again, and the small black paws kept waving, trying to catch that funny cat stick.

As a result, the teasing cat stick was more swayed by her. So she made her scream louder and played more fiercely.

Su Yang watched her having fun, and used a post-it note to make an automatic cat funny stick and put it on the ground.

Jin Jin really got his attention away and started playing with new toys.

Su Yang went back to the chair and sat down, watching Jinjin playing with the cat on the ground and having fun, shook his head: As expected, he is still a cat. No cat can endure the temptation of making a cat stick…

Because the leg loops have not changed much, Su Yang opened his stock account again, intending to see how the stock is rising now.

As a result, he found that those stocks have actually fallen again…and have fallen a lot, with an average of about 4%, and this time they lost nearly 200,000.

Through childhood, Su Yang, who had never spent so much money, couldn’t help holding his chest, feeling…kidney pain.

If you knew you would be safe and buy bank stocks! This drop is too miserable.

I also count on this money to complete the silver mission!

The new silver mission earns 10,000,000, how does it feel that the goal is getting further and further away…

Su Yang is heartbroken.

He sighed and closed the stock account, hoping that his movie would explode.

Then I may still have a glimmer of hope to complete the task.

But…Little Has dogs nose never fails. How come it suddenly fails when it encounters stocks?

Or is the decline just an illusion? Is the dealer washing the plate?

Su Yang, this kind of little leek for a long time, couldn’t understand it. Anyway, he felt that with his mentality, if it were not for the forced lock-up of the silver task, he would definitely sell it after encountering such a decline.

After all, I lost my meat…

I went to look at the stock when I was happy, and then closed the page when I was happy, so I felt the feeling of a roller coaster.

Su Yang took a look at Jinjin, and Jinjin was still playing with the cat-cup stick full of vitality. Su Yang fell on the leg ring of the desk and found that the leg ring seemed to have changed.

The original leg loops were about ten centimeters long, and they were fastened by snaps at both ends. Now they have become a whole black circle, and they stay on the table quietly without any flashes. Nothing happened.

If it wasn’t for Su Yang accidentally discovered that its snaps were gone, I guess he would have thought it hadn’t changed.

What has become of this? Has it become a new style leg ring?

Just when Su Yang was making such complaints, an interface finally popped up on the leg ring:

[Leg ring+1: New special ability, whether to appraise it?

This is definitely an appraisal. Is it a fool if it is not?

Su Yang doesn’t know why this stupid system has such an option every time.

He looked at this leg loop expectantly. This is something that I got at the expense of my own image, but it must be more useful!

If it’s useless! I tore up Little Ha by myself!

Thinking so, Su Yang clicked on the appraisal, and two seconds later, an interface popped up on the leg loop.

[Three Days Two Auras]

Ability: Wearing this aura, you can choose your own “organization” no more than 5 people (including yourself) are energetic, three days only Need to sleep twice, no more than 4 hours per sleep. And after the aura is cancelled, there are no side effects.

Limit 1: If you have multiple organizations, you can only select 5 people in the same organization. Cannot select across organizations.

Limit 2: Organizations with more than 1,000 people cannot be selected.

Limit 3: The effect of this halo cannot be applied to writing novels, and if you use this ability to write novels, you will trigger the drag effect: only two thousand words in three days.

Note 1: According to scientific research, people only need to sleep for one and a half hours a day to recover enough energy. So your extra sleep is actually wasting your life.

Note 2: The scientific research of Note 1 is wrong. Overo.

After reading this ability, Su Yang feels…what the hell is this! !

Where is this awesome batch?

Little Ha smells this special fragrance, isn’t it because of the name of the halo?

At first glance, this ability feels useful. After all, it can make people sleep less and work more!

But! Who is working overtime now!

Furthermore, there are only five places for a company with 60-70 people. Where is enough?

Looking at the halo in his hand, Su Yang felt that he was hurt. With this thing, he made himself ask Lin Jiali like a pervert… he was naive.

Thinking about this, Su Yang said to the empty room, “Little Di, give Little Ha another five hours.”

“Okay, Master.”

Researching the ability of this halo, Su Yang feels that this thing is actually useful, for example… it can be used to play games.

Find five good friends and play ranking together. With this, I only sleep twice in three days, maybe I can rush to…golden in one breath.

Of course, if you play poorly, you may fall to bronze all the way.

Su Yang feels that this random point is a waste…

I only hope that this halo will be useful in the future.

Thinking about this, he picked up the halo, intending to see how it works.

As a result, as soon as he picked it up, he found that there were several virtual circles on his body, on his neck, arms, wrists, fingers and legs.

Su Yang thought about his neck first, but he felt a light in his hand, and the leg loops disappeared out of thin air, and he felt his neck tightened. He went to the toilet and took a look and found that he was on his neck. There is an extra neck ring.

Huh? Is this thing so playful?

Then he tried other parts and found that the halo is all automatically adapted and can fit any part of the body.

tsk tsk tsk, interesting.

Then put it on your hand first, as a ring.

After putting on this halo, Su Yang really had an additional interface in front of him, with the organization he joined on it, and he could choose the organization and character that gave the halo.

Su Yang took a look, his “organizations” are really quite a lot. There are Qidian business companies, Jiadian Technology, economic companies, film and television companies, their own university classes, and even…the crew!

Maybe because he said that he was a live producer today, Zhao Producer added him to the crew list.

Su Yang chose the crew, then chose his name, and then turned off the halo menu.

Suddenly! He feels very energetic! There seems to be inexhaustible strength!

He feels like he can fight for a hundred rounds!

So he… opened the game and started the war! He believes that with this aura, if he does not eat or drink for three days, he is likely to return to the king!

After two rounds, he was blocked…

He was complained by his teammates for so many days [deliberately giving away heads], plus todays two rounds, a total reduction of 15 I was banned for 6 hours…

Yes, even the game dealers really prevented him from returning to the king!

Su Yang feels that there must be shady in it!

At night, Bao Bao drove a car back home by herself. She was a little sluggish, and she collapsed on the sofa and didn’t want to move when she got home.

Looking at her tired look, Su Yang added a halo of two sleeps for three days without the slightest hesitation.

The aura took effect in real time, and immediately, Bubbles became more energetic and powerful to chat.

According to her, the people in the crew were so stupid that she had never seen a crew that was so difficult to direct, so she had a big head when she filmed that day.

Su Yang touched her head, comforted her, and dispelled her false thoughts by the way: her head is still so small, not getting bigger.

After finishing speaking, she gave her a script of the monster family. Anyway, she is energetic now, just to study this. After she finishes filming “Victorious Battle Buddha”, she can make another film of ” The Monster Family.

Baobu was so angry that Su Yangs shameless face wrinkled her little face together, and almost couldnt help it. He gave Su Yang this to have no shame a shot, but think about Su Yang usually treats himself It was still very good, so I had to take over the script with panting with rage and ran back to the yard.

I dont know why, the little monsters like the room better, only Bubble likes the yard. Maybe because her body is a cannon?

There was no word for a night. In the early morning of 2nd day, Su Yang, who was still playing the game, sounded a reminder: There is only one day left to use the special item [Lucky Disfigured Brick] next time.

There is only one day left…

Su Yang feels that time flies so fast, unconsciously three months have passed.

In these three months, Su Yang’s life has undergone earth-shaking changes, all of which are brought to him by the system.

Among them, the most useful special item is the brick.

The more you use the ability of the bricks, the more Su Yang can understand the power of the bricks, and he feels that he has not used that half an hour!

So he decided that this time it will be different from the past. He has to plan carefully and take advantage of the half-hour lucky time of Banzhu to play a big ticket…


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