Especially this ability seems to be very suitable for sneak attacks. Sneak and give him a top secret, which is much better than taking Janet to attack.

After all, this kind of situation has never appeared on the scene. Who has evidence to prove that he did it?

Thinking about this, Su Yang plans to try the effect of this ability first: Dont when the time comes, like the raincoat ability.

Thinking of this, Su Yang raised his hands gently, and as his hands raised, all the surrounding sounds suddenly stopped, and everything was still.

Through the mirror, Su Yang even saw a particle of dust floating in front of him so quietly, still in the air, motionless.

Su Yang also feels his body is extremely heavy, as if a big mountain is pressing on him, his whole body is unable to move, even his hands are like being imprisoned in an iron mold , Impossible to move!

He gritted his teeth and pressed his hands down with all his strength, only to hear a loud “hong long!” A flash of lightning flashed in the sky, and billowing black clouds shrouded from all directions. He was plunged into darkness…

When Su Yang reappeared in front of his eyes, he found that there was a huge and incomparably large in front of him. “Sand table”, on the sand table are houses, trees, roads, and people standing still on the street.

And Su Yang himself is in the sky above his home complex. In his line of sight, the complex he is in is like a building block the size of a sugar box, as if he can flick it Give the bomb fly.

Thinking about this, Su Yang stretched out his hand, only then did he realize that his hand is covering the sky compared to the community, just like Five Fingers Mountain, the whole community is in his hands. like a toy.

Su Yang tried to move the community, but the community seemed to be stuck to the ground, and he couldn’t remove it anyway.

Su Yang hesitated, and tried to click on a building, suddenly his scene shrank and he came to the building.

He can see all the scenes in the building like a ghost. He randomly entered a room and found that a familiar person was still on the sofa.

She has a baby face, looks a little fat and cute.

Su Yang looked around the room with a bit of surprise, and found that the place where his random point is Qu Xiaomeng’s home, is this a coincidence?

Su Yang is looking at Qu Xiaomeng. She is wearing disposable gloves on both hands and eating Korean-style sweet and spicy fried chicken. Perhaps because of carelessness, a piece of fried chicken escaped from her hand and moved towards her chest.

The moment of Time Freeze was the moment when she got rid of the fried chicken and moved towards her chest.

Su Yang came to the front and took a look. According to his visual observation, 100% of the fried chicken would fall on Qu Xiaomeng’s clothes, and because of Qu Xiaomeng as everyone knows, the fried chicken It is estimated that she will play a few times, and then she will be caught firmly by her clothes without falling.

Hey…this is too sloppy.

Thinking that, Su Yang waved his hand lightly, and the fried chicken that was still in the air flew back to Qu Xiaomeng’s hands automatically.

Huh? So you can move these items at will without moving?

This will not leave fingerprints, which is great.

But…can you touch objects?

Thinking so, Su Yang squeezed Qu Xiaomeng’s…face of the cute Teacher. Not to mention, the face of the English Teacher is smooth and tender.

Su Yang tugged at Qu Xiaomeng’s clothes, and found that she could also tugged at her clothes.


Is this item too awesome approved?

If you do something bad, that’s it! ?

But five minutes seems to be impossible.

Thinking about this, Su Yang experimented with Qu Xiaomeng again, and found that he could move and adjust Qu Xiaomeng like an object as long as he thoughts move, but he could not exceed the limits of her original body.

For example, Qu Xiaomeng’s body is generally flexible, so even if Su Yang asks her to split, she can only go down a little bit, and she can’t do a single horse.

After the experiment, Su Yang moved his mind and restored Qu Xiaomeng to its original state. Of course, he did not forget to put the fried chicken back into her hands.

After Su Yang finished experimenting all this, five minutes was over, endless black clouds came from all directions again, and Su Yang’s eyes were completely dark.

And when Su Yang’s ability ended, time returned to normal: dust began to fall, passers-by began to walk, and the noise of everything came again.

Qu Xiaomeng, who was watching TV and eating fried chicken at home, was also frantically trying to catch the “slipping” fried chicken, but after waiting for her to baring fangs and brandishing claws for a while, she found that it was fried The chicken was held in her hand quietly.

She is a little confused with a muddy head: Huh? I clearly remembered that the fried chicken came out just now, why is it still in my own hands?

Have you remembered wrong?

Qu Xiaomeng looked up at the sky for a few seconds, but couldn’t think of the result.

However, the fried chicken didn’t fall off the clothes anyway, so Qu Xiaomeng, who has always been optimistic, stopped worrying about this trivial matter and continued to watch TV.

But when watching TV, she felt a little pain in her hips, as if she had just split…

And it was in the building next to her, just I lost her clothes”, Su Yang, who was experimenting with her again, covered her right hand with her left hand, and rolled around in pain: It hurts, it hurts too much!

This broken power just said it would break a finger, but it didn’t say it was true, just like “ka beng” to break it!

Although there is no blood, although the finger disappears out of thin air like a special item, the pain is real!

Su Yang’s body was painful and sweaty, and he took a full rest for more than half an hour before relieving a little, but there was still bursts of pain in the broken finger…

He really didn’t expect to test his ability to make him crazy. This is much harder than [Lucky Brick], which slaps the face at most. This one breaks his finger directly, and the pain lasts for a whole day!

Su Yang gasped in air while secretly making up his mind. You can’t use this ability casually until the critical time!

As for what is the critical moment, such as dealing with Zhao Xiao…

Su Yang doesnt plan to drag anymore: anyway, he has broken a finger, and one is broken. pain! It hurts to break two! Just fuck him while it hurts!

At the same time, in Longtengjiayuan Villa 1, Zhao Xiao was expressionlessly hung up.

Just now he asked a second-generation who usually has a good relationship for help, but after learning that he wants to be an enemy of Su Yang, the second-generation without the slightest hesitation refused, saying that he did not want to interfere with them thing.

Everyone is not a fool, although Zhao Xiao said that he investigated Su Yang and has no background in Imperial Capital, but who believes it? Who knows if Zhao Xiao said that on purpose. . .

So after testing the reaction of the second generation who was not in close contact with each other, Zhao Xiao found that these people whose interests are not so tightly bound cannot be trusted at a critical time.

However, Zhao Xiao didn’t place hope on them at first, he was just taking this opportunity to test it.

They are unreliable, which does not mean that people with core interests are unreliable.

So after trying out those fringe second generations, Zhao Xiao helped the glasses on the aquiline nose, picked up the phone, clicked the phone book, scrolled down, and then selected a number and dialed out.

“Beep…beep…beep…” The call was connected soon.

Zhao Xiao, “Brother Liu, yes, it’s me, Zhao Xiao. Our business has some accidents, and someone is disrupting the situation.”

“Yes… he is doing it. There are books in it. I need you to force him. Check and check if there are any problems with his taxation. He has three or four companies in his hands, and there is no problem with impossible.”

“Okay. Thank you, Brother Liu, do it as soon as possible.”

Hang up, he flipped through the phone book and dialed a number again, “Hey, Sister An, I, Zhao Xiao. The last time. How do you feel about a male model? Its good, then its good.”

“Thats right, something happened here and the account book is lost.”

“Don’t get excited, I have found the person. So I need your help and see if you can check if there are any problems with the fire protection of his companies.”

“Okay, Okay, dont worry.”

Hang up the second call, Zhao Xiao dialed the third call again, “…Yes, yes. I need you to find a reason, such as Obstruct law and order, such as pick quarrels and stir up trouble, shut him off for a while, give me a buffer time, when the time comes, I am sure Perfection will solve this matter.”

“Yes, yes. Its best to keep him off for a while. Okay, okay. Youll bother with me.”

Next, Zhao Xiao called out one by one. , Everyone is a decent figure in Shanghai, involving various departments in Shanghai, and all of them are aimed at Su Yang and Su Yang’s companies.

Even, he did not forget to call the dealer of Purple Technology, saying that he hoped he could continue to suppress the stock price, preferably for more than half a month.

With a bunch of phone calls, Zhao Xiao stood in front of the glass curtain wall of the villa, thinking about his plan in a daze, wondering if there was anything missing.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly thought of the security supervisor inexplicably.

Thinking about the horrible situation of the security chief, Zhao Xiao hesitated for a long time before lowering his head, finally gritted his teeth, put down the phone, and took out a very delicate small phone from the drawer, and then he took out a brand new one that was never used. Insert your phone card into that phone.

Then turn it on.

There is only one number in that phone. But instead of calling it at all, Zhao Xiao opened the call page and manually entered a line of numbers.

The number was dialed, and a “beep…beep…beep…” sound rang in the handset.

After a while, a very angry voice came from the other side, “Feng Young Master, if there is anything that can’t be solved, call me? Are you good in Shanghai?”

Although he was called Feng Young Master, Zhao Xiao was not surprised at all. He said expressionlessly, “I have lived very well. Besides, dont call me Young Master Han. I am now surnamed. Zhao.”

In a very angry voice haha said with a smile, “Yes, yes, you are now surnamed Zhao. I heard that you found some second-generation inferior products in Shanghai and built a villa. I specialize in black business. If Feng Lao knows, I guess you really can’t surnamed Feng.”

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