Zhao Xiao’s face was stagnant, and then he lowered his voice and said, “Just like I can surnamed Feng now?! I am an illegal child, and I cannot enter the Feng Family compound alive. Even if you die, you wont be able to enter the Feng Familys ancestral grave. Whats the surname? Its important! And the activities he did in private are not more serious than mine? Why are you there?!”

His words are not there yet After speaking, the voice on the other side said sharply, “Feng Young Master, please pay attention to your words!”

The two obviously didnt have a good relationship, so after taking a few deep breaths, Zhao Xiao didnt bother to pretend to be polite, he said, “I need you to send a few people to my side to help me deal with one person.”

The voice on the other side paused for a while, “Our people are all invisible , Can only be used once.”

Zhao Xiao said, “I know. But…Zhang Tao is dead.”

The voice on the other side was surprised, “Zhang Tao is dead? His Even if you meet a professional boxer, you can have dozens of rounds.”

Zhao Xiao said solemnly, “Yes, but he is dead. He was obviously beaten before his death, and his whole body was scarred. . I checked the injury and he was crushed and beaten.”

The voice on the other side was silent for a while, and said, “Do you have any plans?”

After talking to the people he contacted, Xiao Xiao said, “I will set him a game to make him feel bad, and then my people will find reasons for him to cooperate with the investigation. During this time, I will send someone to search his home. , Look for the ledger and clues.”

“After he comes out, it is estimated that your people will also arrive, when the time comes I hope he can disappear without a trace.”

The person on the opposite side paused for a while, “I want to report to Feng Lao.”

Zhao Xiao said, “I know, so everything I did before was given to you and gave me time. You came. The faster I am, the safer I will be and the easier things will be resolved.”

“Also, don’t bring any guys. Shanghai is too strict.”

The person on the other side, “No problem! My people will arrive in three days!”

Zhao Xiao resolute and decisive said, “Okay!”

After hanging up the phone, the haze on Zhao Xiaos face disappeared, He looked at the villa area of Longtengjiayuan, quietly pondering. In fact, he is not a liar. “Liar” is just his disguised identity that’s all.

He does have a relationship with the imperial capital, because he is the illegal child of Feng Tianyou, an important boss in the imperial capital…

He has been living incognito since his birth. If you cannot enter the Feng Family, you must always beware of the persecution of your other brothers.

It wasn’t until Feng Tianyou retired, his big brother took over, and the heir dispute ended, and he was slightly safer.

But even so, he can’t enter the door of Feng Family, because he is only an illegal child from start to finish.

So he left the imperial capital and came to Shanghai, planning to live the life of the emperor far away.

Its just that, although some people at the top know his identity, its not visible after all. He cant expose his identity casually, so he pretends to be a “liar”, relying on his disguised identity to communicate with Shanghai The second generation contacts.

at first he did deceive some second generations by relying on some information from the Imperial Capital Rights Center.

But Shanghai is the second largest city in the imperial capital. The second generations of Peak are also very important figures in China. They are all human beings and they are not so easy to be deceived.

So he confessed his identity to several core figures, and with these core figures as security, he was completely accepted into the second-generation circle.

The reason why all the second-generation circles believe that he has the background of the imperial capital, of course, is not because he can deceive people, but because he has the guarantee of the core characters!

As for whether he is the illegal child of Feng Lao or the cousin of a certain boss, this…not important. It is important to be able to do things.

This is the reason why he can get rich in the Shanghai circle, not the security supervisor Zhang Tao thinks that he “can talk, cheat, turn the second generation cheated around”…


And Shanghai is worthy of Chinas second center. Here, Zhao Xiao recruited a group of leaders from various departments for the Feng Family, and was affirmed by his big brother. This is why he can now use Feng. The reason for family power.

The person he called is Feng Family’s black gloves, who specializes in illegal activities.

In Zhao Xiao’s view, with them, Su Yang is just a piece of meat on the chopping board.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiao took out his mobile phone again, and then dialed a call, “Hey. Mr. Sun. I remember you seem to be making an app called [in], right? “

“It seems that I remembered correctly…right, right. Doing photo graffiti and sharing.”

“I dont know if you have heard of [Find Me App] .”

“Oh. Have you heard of it? I don’t know if you are not interested, I will send you…”…

Talk to the boss of the [in] app After that, Zhao Xiaozhi hung up the phone triumphantly.

He recalled his series of plans: first check Su Yang’s tax, then check fire, and then check food safety and labor security, which affected Su Yang’s energy.

Then find someone to lock up Su Yang and delay the arrival of Feng Family’s black gloves.

When those people arrive, Su Yang will die!

When he dies, I dont have to worry about the books and secrets he knows. Even his family business was given away as a favor. I really are planning strategies!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiao’s somber and very ruthless face showed a rare smile.

He looked outside and murmured, “Even if you really have a big background, you will have nothing when you die.”

“Don’t blame me, I don’t want to Its a trick from the outside, but…who made you too terrifying.”

“If you survive by chance, then I will leave Shanghai, and the capital will break your wrists with you and see you Who is better with me. Hope…you will be an interesting opponent.”

Just when he felt that everything was under control and began to imagine the future.

Suddenly! He felt a dark shadow enveloped him!

He lifts the head in confusion, he saw a stack of five barbell plates with 25kg numbers written on the ceiling above his head appear out of thin air!

He looked at this scene in horror, his mind was blank, and he couldn’t figure out how these barbells appeared on his head!



The barbell, which adds up to 125kg, hit his head straight!

“ka-cha!” With a sound, the skull shattered and blood spurted out. The glass curtain wall on which he was standing was all bright red…

Zhao Xiao’s body was found during a security patrol 20 minutes later.

At first, they only saw that the glass curtain wall was all red, and then they saw that it was blood stains. There is a precedent that the security supervisor had an accident last time, and the patrolling security immediately felt wrong.

They rushed into the villa, only to find that Zhao Xiao had fallen in a pool of blood, his head almost deformed, and a pile of barbells scattered all over the floor, all with blood.

The security guards glanced at each other, and they all saw the panic in their eyes.

One of them took a close look at the barbell, and said in horror, “Isnt this… our gym barbell? How come here?”

No People know why…

Two bosses have accidents one after another, and the security guards are all trembling with fear.

Those who had committed the crime with the security chief and Zhao Xiao quietly packed up and ran away, and the others had lost their backbone and did not know what to do.

The last few security guards left behind were really helpless and called the police.

The arrival of the case handlers quickly sealed off the scene and began investigating this bizarre sensitivity.

After searching for a long time, no useful clues were found. The only directional evidence at the scene is the barbell plate in the gym, but there are fingerprints of several people on the barbell plate, all of which are the security guards of Longteng Jiayuan.

And the security guards all ran away…

Although the murder case had no clue, the investigator found that Zhao Xiaos pocket had a copy of Long Teng Jia Yuan involved in gambling and pornography. The drug-related and criminal ledgers clearly record the various illegal income and profit input of Longtengjiayuan every month…

The on-site investigator immediately protected this clue, and then reported it level by level. Soon, under the instigation of Shanghais top leaders, the investigators launched an investigation into the Longtengjiayuan underground black market…

After Zhao Xiao died, several leaders in Shanghai who had close contact with him immediately stopped Instead, he began to erase the contact with Zhao Xiao in a planned way.

Although Zhao Xiao said a bunch of things before his death became nonsense, but he has a saying that is right: people die, nothing is left. Favors, clues, and handles are gone.

Unless you really threaten yourself, or no one will offend a powerful opponent for a dead person…

Of course, except his family.

Emperor Capital, the center of China Power.

A black low-key car is slowly driving on the bustling road of the imperial capital. A man in the back of the vehicle is similar to Zhao Xiao has several points of, and also has an aquiline nose, and a man with sharp eyes is looking down. file.

After a while, his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, the man narrowed his eyes insignificantly, and then answered the phone expressionlessly.

A woman’s voice rang on the phone, “Feng Xiao died in Shanghai. Before he died, I called Feng Yi and said he was in danger. The Old Master…”


The man let out an “en?”

Suddenly, the woman stopped talking.

The man said in dislike or sadness, “My dad doesn’t need to notify. The rest…you can take care of it.”

After that, he hung up the phone. .

The vehicle continues to drive, moved towards the center of the brilliant imperial capital…

At this time, Su Yang is rolling on the ground at home , His face was pale with pain, and only one of the five fingers of the right hand remained.

He did the experiment twice. But when he was cleaning up Zhao Xiao, he discovered that five minutes is too short for the layout!

In the first five minutes, he had no time to find the location of Longtengjiayuan and Zhao Xiao. In the second five minutes, he found a barbell that could kill Zhao Xiao. The whole plan was implemented in the third five minutes!

If it weren’t for the pain he couldn’t bear, he might use another finger to see if Zhao Xiao was really dead.

Unfortunately, he is now covered in cold sweats with four fingers missing, and he feels about to hurt to death. Simply ignore Zhao Xiaos mood…

So dying, this At that time, his phone rang again…

Su Yang grinned, trying to curse his mother: Damn, who is calling this time! It hurts to death if I haven’t seen it!

You can grab the monthly ticket red envelope while you double, or vote for other authors. We don’t need to vote for the book, it’s almost 20th in the classification, which makes no sense.

I wont ask for a monthly pass next month, because there are too many chapters owed, and I cant keep up with the additions, so I will return the owed chapters first. (Mainly it is not in the top 10…).

So everything does. I work hard to write a good story so that everyone can vote willingly~ Thank you!

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