Looking at the prompt on the screen, Su Yang felt that he was one step closer to his dream of becoming a “fire man”.

I don’t know if this broken system will give me a good ability randomly!

But before adding some points, Su Yang feels that he still needs to study the forced lock-up.

He opened his account, clicked to sell the stock, and found that the sell button was directly dimmed and could not be pressed.

Su Yang went to Little Di’s sub-processor to issue an order: sell part of the stock.

At this moment, Su Yang’s mind sounded three system prompts:

drops! ]

[Warning! Cheating has been detected, please stop this operation.

If the lock-up is violated, the corresponding silver points will be deducted. If the silver points are insufficient, 5 bronze points will be deducted. If the bronze points are still insufficient, 25 random points will be deducted. ]

[If the random points are insufficient, the additional items will be collected randomly to make up the quantity. If the number of additional items is insufficient, mandatory tasks will be issued until they are filled.

Su Yang:…

Just try it yourself! Didn’t you really plan to do it! As for three prompts to scare people!

Hold the position and lock the position…half a month and see the result later!

At this time, Little Di’s sub-processor also jumped out a prompt, [Master, domestic stocks are all T+1, which means buying today, and only selling tomorrow. So it cannot be sold today. This is the reason why your sell button was dim. ]

Um…Is that so?

Su Yang, who is a novice in the stock market, looks blank. He thought that system was doing a trick.

Since there are indeed no bugs in the lock-up, Su Yang stopped tossing and started to prepare for the addition of silver with peace of mind.

Just when he was about to open the system, suddenly [the eyes of higher life] activated, and a picture appeared before his eyes.

In the picture, there is a man with glasses, sharp eyes and aquiline nose.

He is standing next to a glass curtain wall, looking at the villas in the distance, holding a cell phone and making a call, “Yes. Its Su Yang. I checked, he doesnt have a background in the Imperial Capital, I I plan to start.”

“I know that it may not be possible to find out, so I also want to reconcile at first, but I just found Old Zhang’s mobile phone and found his memo with Su Yang in it. There may be evidence from us. I want to reconcile him but ignore me at all, so we have to force him.”

“I need your help…”

The picture ends here abruptly.

Su Yang frowned. This is obviously Zhao Xiao, and Old Zhang is probably the security supervisor.

It seems that he is calling his network in Shanghai…

Didn’t expect he hasn’t started yet, he wants to start first.

In fact, Su Yang also wanted to solve Zhao Xiao by the way after solving the security chief last night.

But when looking at the memory of the security supervisor, because the main thing to look up is the memory related to hurting his parents, so in the memory of the deception that passed by, not at all Zhao Xiao’s name.

There is no way to find Zhao Xiaos person without a name.

Su Yang and Janet both used the hourglass last night, and they are prone to mental problems if they use it again for a short time.

Even if he used the hourglass twice with mental damage, Su Yang was not sure if Zhao Xiao was near the Longtengjiayuan Villa. After all, in the memory of the security supervisor, Zhao Xiao always stayed in the city center. The second generation maintains relations.

In addition, Su Yang’s plan that night was to kill the security chief with the Killer Bear, and then use his stealth ability to take the Killer Bear away.

So to sum up a bunch of reasons, Su Yang did not immediately attack Zhao Xiao.

But thinking about going to Longtengjiayuan again in the past two days, checking Zhao Xiao’s name, and then killing him.

As a result, didn’t expect Zhao Xiao took the initiative to call and send him to the door today.

Knowing Zhao Xiao’s name, Su Yang already regarded him as dead in his heart. That’s why I ridiculed him indifferently, and continued to add more if nothing had happened.

As a result, didn’t expect, this guy is actually preparing to plot himself.

tsk tsk tsk. I really dont think its too slow to get a lunch box by myself…

When you finish adding silver points, I will clean him up!

Thinking about it, Su Yang opened the system and prepared to add some points.

Looking at the task completion list of silver light flashing on the system interface, Su Yang’s eyes lit up. This is the silver point I think about day and night! The only way to become a “superhero”!

I dont know if the system is not enough! Can you give yourself a great special ability! Make yourself bigger and smaller like Janet…become handsome!

He clicked [View Rewards] with excitement.

Suddenly, a reminder of [Drop: Silver Point +1] sounded in his ear.

Su Yang, who has experienced the last time for a long time, is very familiar with silver points. Silver points have three functions: [obtain special ability] [change body parts] and [open other people’s emotions].

Of course only the first one is useful to Su Yang!

So he came to the toilet, facing the mirror, without the slightest hesitation turned on the system.

With the addition of system turned on, a translucent [+] sign appeared on Su Yang’s head.

He reached out and clicked on the plus sign, and a prompt popped out in front of him, [Please choose a way to add points.

Su Yang, who has the last experience, didn’t even look at the options, so he chose [1.special ability].

System pops up a prompt, [Do you want to add points for your special ability? The probability of failure for the second addition of points will increase, and all added silver points will be cleared after failure. ]

Huh? It turns out that there is also a limit on the number of times that silver points can be added…

It seems that I want a third special ability. I want to add points three times. I want to complete the golden task first?

Thinking so, Su Yang clicked [No].

He attaches great importance to little monsters, let alone to himself. So you must buy insurance.

So he bought a Guardian God symbol from the store and posted it on his forehead: divine talisman, keep it safe!

As the Guardian God symbol is attached, Su Yang feels red in front of his eyes. When he comes back to his senses, the Guardian God symbol has disappeared, and in the mirror, he looks red like Janet. The rays of light look very festive.

Using the Guardian God symbol, Su Yang clicked the translucent [+] sign on his head again.

Do you want to add points for your special ability? The probability of failure for the second addition of points will increase, and all added silver points will be cleared after failure.


Following Su Yang Su Yangs confirmation, he appeared out of thin air in front of him like last time. A box made of silver white metal was still written: [Pick one ].

Su Yang reached in. There are two ping-pong balls in it.

This time Su Yang is not so conformed. Whatever system says, he does what he does. Both of his hands are holding two balls and want to try them out together.

As a result, holding the two balls, Su Yang found that his hand simply couldn’t get out of the box, as if the mouth of the box could only allow one ball to come out.

This kind of experience, people who have played “Golden with bare hands” should have a deep understanding…

After discovering that there is no way to exceed the rules of the system, Su Yang had to grab one The table tennis ball comes out.

Two words are written on the table tennis ball: Ability.

Well, it’s ability. elated.

Unless top grade innate talent, Su Yang still prefers ability, after all, ability can be turned off and on by himself.

Just as he thought about it, the ping pong ball and the box in his hand disappeared out of thin air, and the second box appeared in front of him.

Su Yang reached out in a familiar way, still six goals.

Su Yang grabbed one and found that it was an English letter: A.

Huh? It’s A. If this is the ability rating, A-Rank should be better than the previous B-Rank!

The last time [Eyes of Higher Life] has made Su Yang very amazing. Didn’t expect this time to acquire a more powerful ability than [Eyes of Higher Life]!

Su Yang couldn’t help but look forward to it!

The ping pong ball and the box disappear again.

The last box appeared in front of Su Yang, with a capital [A] written on it.

Su Yang reaches in and starts catching the ball.

The A-Rank box is no different from the last B-Rank box. It is still a small mouth, a box with unlimited space: unlimited The boxes in the space are all ping pong balls!

I don’t know what these table tennis balls are anyway, so Su Yang simply grabbed one.

Take out the ball, Su Yang took a look, and it said [Silver Ability: Fiddle with Destiny’s Hands].


This is your ability?

What is this ability?

Where is the fire man? Where are the natives? What about iron man? !


What are the hands that fiddle with fate!

Su Yang feels that his superman dream is broken!

Sure enough, I cant expect the system to respond to requests… Hey!

Otherwise, save the silver points next time, wait for the lucky tiles to cool down, and then extract the power!

Just as Su Yang was planning, suddenly, that ping-pong ball burst into strong rays of light, and then it enveloped Su Yang’s hands.

Su Yang only feels that rays of light are like hot flames, his hands are like burning, hot and painful.

Knowing that his hands are shedding body, exchanging bones, he gritted his teeth to resist the pain, and waited patiently for completion.

For a moment, the burning sensation disappeared, and a silver white interface popped up in front of Su Yang:

[Silver Ability: Fiddle with Destiny’s Hands]

Ability: When you use this ability, the earth will become your chessboard, and sentient beings will become your chess pieces. You can move any object or creature to any position at will.

Limit 1: You can only operate on things within 100 kilometers of your radius.

Limit 2: Each time you use this ability, you only have five minutes of operation time. The outside time will be static during operation.

Limit 3: Every time you use the ability, you will temporarily break a finger and recover it on the 2nd day.

Limit 4: The number of times you use the ability every day is equal to the number of your fingers.

Note 1: If Heaven and Earth is a chessboard and sentient beings are chess pieces, who will hold the pieces?

Note 2: Obviously, you can continue to upgrade.

After reading the entire ability introduction, Su Yang couldn’t help but grow his mouth.

This seems…very awkward!

And this ability can be upgraded? Su Yang pondered the name of this ability, feeling…maybe this ability will be even better in the future!

It really deserves to be the ability of A-Rank!

Su Yang looked at the silver ability in front of him, thinking: the silver point has been added, and the ability has been gained. Although he has not become a superman, he still feels that he is awkward inexplicably.

So…Is it time to go to the boss Zhao Xiao of Longtengjiayuan? !

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