If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 91: Are you pulling enough?

Lan Jiabin has always felt that he is not a particularly vengeful person.

He only has a little bit of it.

Um, that's right.

A little bit!

And, there is one thing to say.

From childhood to adulthood, there are really few people who can make Lan Jiabin hold grudges.

——Usually others bear his grudges.

no way.

After all, you are too good!

Lan Jiabin knows that he is handsome and rich, so it is quite normal to be envied, envied and hated by others.

And in Lan Jiabin's view, sometimes it's not a bad thing to make others hold grudges.

Because it is very possible, just because you are too strong.

But this time,

The guy who made Lan Jiabin take revenge appeared.

——Chen Yilang!

This guy who doesn't play cards according to the routine no matter what he does, is just recorded in the notebook by Lan Jiabin.


Since Chen Yilang appeared,

Lan Jiabin has always felt that things are not going well...

The most important thing is-

Chen Yilang drives a Cayenne, which is more expensive than his.

This completely broke Lan Jiabin's defense.

I thought,

After entering university,

A salted fish like Chen Yilang who has no ambition, probably won't have anything to do with him who is excellent.

After all, not long after entering school, Lan Jiabin started to show off his skills. Not only did he successfully become the monitor of the class, but he also established a lot of relationships with the student union of the college.

It is quite possible to say,

As one of the hundreds of freshmen of the business school,

He is already many steps ahead of his peers.


What he didn't expect was,

Chen Yilang seems to be rising silently in a place he can't see...

Not only has he also become a monitor, he has made a name for himself in his own class, and he has also gained a little reputation in the marketing profession.

Until now, with a single shot, he has gained a reputation in the entire company...

"Not good."

From childhood to adulthood, Lan Jiabin, who had a smooth journey, smelled a sense of crisis for the first time.

In his eyes,

Chen Yilang is like a time bomb buried under his feet, the ghost knows when he will give him a suprise.

It must be eradicated and strangled in the warm shaker!

"Brother Lan?" Wu Junliang's tone seemed surprised, "I know you, Brother Lan, aren't you the representative of our college's freshmen?"

"Damn it, no wonder, why is it so familiar to me!" Du Jian said.

"Brother Lan, tell me!" Deng Xing couldn't wait, "What's your plan? I'll follow you!"

"I'm coming too, add me!"

"Go ahead, I'll join in too, I've long seen him upset!"

Seeing the reactions of the three, Lan Jiabin was very satisfied:

"Very good! Congratulations, you are on the right team!"

"Then I'll start talking."

"Have you all seen the military training schedule?"

"Do you know what we are going to do tomorrow night?"

"Of course!" Wu Junliang said, "Pu Ge!"

The so-called pull song,

In fact, it is also a kind of entertainment activity in the team, which is very military-style.

But the moment many people hear this word,

first reaction,

Will definitely focus on "song".

But it is not so.

The soul of La Ge is not in the song, but in "la".

That's right,

Even if you don't know how to sing, even a drake's voice,

As long as you pull enough, loud enough, and imposing enough, you will be awesome.

To sum it up in one sentence, it is to say that what pulls the song is not singing, but roaring.

Lan Jiabin continued:

"I won't go into details here about what La Ge's gameplay looks like. Your instructors must have told you about it."

"Tomorrow night, the four companies of our business school will all sit together and sing."

"There is no such thing as competition or assessment in Lago, it's just pure play, so we can play it how we want!"

"So?" Deng Xing couldn't wait, "Brother Lan's idea?"

"One word." A wicked smile appeared on Lan Jiabin's face, "Fuck him!"


The handsome troops with bad water are secretly planning their Avengers plan.

And the client Chen Yilang, who knew nothing about it, was still thinking about his game progress.

[Level: lv9 (27461/30000)]

【Reputation value: 1000】

After these few days of military training, his reputation has increased slightly.

The experience points are almost enough to upgrade~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Just need another chance to harvest a large wave of experience points, and then you will be able to rush to level 10.

Chen Yilang had a vague sense of foreboding.

According to the urine nature of this trouble-making system,

After level 10, it is estimated that more strange poses that have never been seen before will be unlocked.


What Chen Yilang is most concerned about right now is,

It's still that mysterious [mainline NPC] called Xia Ling.

At present, he has not found a way to trigger new events, so the progress is stuck here, which is very painful.

Some things cannot be delayed, like constipation and summer homework. The longer you delay, the more uncomfortable it will be.

Chen Yilang opened the Penguin,

Searched for "Xia Ling" in the military training group.

Soon an ID named [Zero Midsummer] popped up.

The head is a gray-and-white kitten with two **** eyes, which is really cute.

Chen Yilang just wanted to click to add a friend, but subconsciously took his hand back.


Chen Yilang thought to himself.

This wave may be a bit hasty.

Greeting others so rashly would probably only arouse their vigilance and precaution.

He suddenly remembered that there was a sentence that said:

High-end hunters often appear as prey.

"That's right."

Chen Yilang made up his mind.

Now is not the time to start.

He decided to be a qualified prey first...

"Ding dong!"

The news of the penguin sounded.

Chen Yilang lowered his head and glanced—

[Zero Midsummer request to add you as a friend! ]


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