If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 90: 【Angry Soul Shotgun】

【Ding! 】

[You have successfully attracted the attention of [mainline NPC]! 】

[Please continue to increase your favorability! 】


I heard the system beep,

Chen Yilang immediately looked in the direction of the girl subconsciously.


That girl named Xia Ling,

He was also looking at Chen Yilang carefully.

So at this moment,

The two looked at each other.

Chen Yilang quickly looked away.

Not because of fear, nor because of a guilty conscience,

It was completely a subconscious reaction.

But if you look through your peripheral vision,

will find,

Xia Ling didn't seem to look away.

After looking at Chen Yilang with great interest for a while, she turned around and focused on other things.

"This girl is a bit special."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

At the moment when most people suddenly look at each other,

To avoid embarrassment,

Almost the subconscious mind quickly diverts its gaze.

But Xia Ling didn't have it at all.

At this moment,

Chen Yilang found that,

A flashing exclamation mark floated above Xia Ling's head.

This means that [NPC] has a new condition that can be triggered.

It's a pity that it hasn't been disbanded yet, so Chen Yilang can't go to other companies to say hello to others.


Rest time in place.

Deng Xing and a few boys from the first class returned to the company with two big boxes of milk tea.

Due to the pressure of his own class, Deng Xing had to pay out of his own pocket to buy all the milk tea from Class 4 and Class 1.

After all, as a monitor, to buy milk tea for people in other classes, and let the students in my class drool, is really a very unstructured performance.

Greeting his return was naturally the cheers of the entire company.

"This is also great. I never thought that I could drink iced milk tea during military training!"

"That's right, I used to be too honest in the military training in junior high and high school. I didn't expect it to be like this at all."

"It's just that the old brother from the first class is a bit miserable. He is so brave to provoke Brother Lang. I don't know how to die next time!"

"Drink, drink, drink first, brothers!"


On the playground, it was very lively and everyone was very happy.

Except for Deng Xing, who squatted in the corner and drew circles silently...

Happiness is all theirs, Deng Xing has nothing, except the shriveled purse...


This is his half-month living expenses!

Just like that, Huo Huo disappeared, Deng Xing felt his heart was bleeding...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Men's Covenant], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv8 Orion]! 】

[You got: Gold +768, EXP +465! 】

[You got: Furious Soul Shotgun x1]


Chen Yilang's eyes lit up immediately.

Good guy, the equipment was actually exploded!

Sure enough, high-level monsters are high-level monsters, and they have a lot of cards!

Chen Yilang immediately opened his backpack and checked the details of the equipment.

------------【Angry Soul Shotgun】-------

Quality: Rare (purple weapon)

Durability: 46/46

Details: A shotgun full of anger and heat. Legend has it that it was once the property of a hot-tempered hunter. Whenever the hunter was angry, he would pull out this big treasure to upset him. The guy is a golden headshot, even if the other side is a southern barbarian elephant.

Effect: Whenever you are attacked, you will accumulate a certain amount of Rage depending on the degree of the attack. When the rage value is full, the skill [Hunting] will be unlocked.

Hunt: Fire at the target, causing a lot of physical damage and adding [Stun] effect. The damage value and the level of [Stun] increase with the player's level.

Remarks: It takes [colorless energy crystal block x20] to start the hunt, and the cooldown of the hunt is 2 minutes.



Chen Yilang is very satisfied with this new equipment.

This is absolutely an artifact for messing around, and it's the most suitable for a guy with a bad stomach like him.


"Then our live-fire drill is officially over here today!"

"The squad leader will lead the team and gather at the main entrance of the military training base in half an hour!"

Wu Qing announced.

Hearing Wu Qing's words,

Everyone seemed to be reluctant to leave, so they dragged themselves to stand in line.

I didn't expect the shooting session to end so quickly, and I haven't had enough fun yet...

Chen Yilang also felt that there was a trace of unfulfilled meaning.

I still want to hit a few more targets, and say that there are more colorless explosions...

After returning to campus,

Taking advantage of the fact that the cooling time of the [calciner] had been reset, Chen Yilang turned all the scrap copper and rotten iron in his equipment warehouse upside down, and then threw them all into the [calciner].

When the [calciner] enters the cooling state again,

Chen Yilang took another look at his inventory:

【Colorless energy crystal block x64】

"It should be... Enough, right?"

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

[Remodeling] costs 10 colorless at a time, and [hunting] costs 20 colorless at a time...

However, Chen Yilang felt that there should not be many opportunities for [hunting] at present, so it should be fine.

Brother Lang is a proper and good person, and his biggest dream in life is world peace.

So he will never shoot easily, unless...

Unless you can't hold back.

[You have joined the group chat: handsome force! ]

at the same time.

Wu Junliang, Du Jian, and Deng Xing.

In other words, except for the fourth class of the marketing major, the monitor of the other three classes,

They were all pulled into a small group.

The iD name of the group owner is: [One person leads four pigs to kill randomly]

Du Jian: "?"

Wu Junliang: "?"

Deng Xing: "?"

Although there are only three of them~www.wuxiamtl.com~, looking at the name of this ID, it always feels like something is weird.

One person led four pigs to kill: "I'm sorry, brothers, although it's a bit abrupt, but I'm too late to explain."

One person led four pigs to kill: "Not much to say, let's go straight to the topic."

One person led the four pigs to kill: "In the past few days of military training, you should all know Chen Yilang, right?"

The three replied "Yes" in succession.

One person kills four pigs indiscriminately:

"Tell me, brothers! (rage

"You guys, don't you think he's a little unhappy?! (Angry

"Don't you want to show some color!? (Angry

The group chat fell silent for a while.

It was indeed what he said.

The three of them were more or less disliked by Chen Yilang.

Du Jian was upset because he was ridiculed when he was standing in a military position.

Deng Xing wanted to take revenge for the milk tea bet.

The worst is Wu Junliang. The girl he liked the most secretly chatted about his WeChat account last night...

Oh shit!

The more you talk, the more angry you are!

This **** is too arrogant!

But none of the three said a word.

After all, I don't know who this group owner is. What if it's Chen Yilang's trumpet?

After all, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately...

"Don't worry, I'm the same as you."

One person led the four pigs to slaughter and sent a smile:

"Introduce yourself."

"I'm the monitor of Finance 211."

"Lan Jiabin."


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