
Chen Yilang was a little stunned.

What the hell?

It's totally unexpected, isn't it?

The prey is actually myself...

But of course Chen Yilang wouldn't think too much.

He's still a bit overwhelmed by his own ability.

After all, apart from a handsome face, he really doesn't have much to offer.

So Xia Ling suddenly sent a friend request to herself, most likely because of something else.


After passing the application, Chen Yilang simply said hello.

Xia Ling: "Hello, is this the monitor of City 214, classmate Chen Yilang?"

Chen Yilang: "Yes."

Xia Ling: "I'm Xia Ling from Finance Class 214, nice to meet you!"

Chen Yilang: "I'm also very happy to meet you."

Xia Ling: "Well, that's right. I'm one of the leaders of our military training party this time."

Xia Ling: "Our military training schedule is already halfway through, so we need to start this work."

Xia Ling: "At the moment, what we have tentatively decided is that, no matter how good or bad, every class must have a show first."

Xia Ling: "So now I would like to ask you to convey this to the class, and then ask the art committee of your class to come and join me."

Chen Yilang: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Xia Ling: "You're welcome, you've worked hard too."


After talking here, there is nothing to follow.

There doesn't seem to be any response from the system.

Look at this,

It is estimated that there is not much progress with the [mainline NPC].

Chen Yilang scratched his head and wanted to say more, but he couldn't find a new topic.

After all, I'm not very familiar with other people, so it doesn't feel very good to talk nonsense or talk nonsense directly.

"talk later."

Chen Yilang turned off the phone, and then told Zhou Jie, the art committee member, about the military training party.

Brother Xianyu Lang is naturally not interested in such things as performance organization, nor has any experience.

If I have to say what experience I have, I can only go to Xiaopo Station when I'm bored at home and watch the little sisters in sailor skirts showing their thighs dancing the house dance.

Zhou Jie quickly replied to the news, saying that she had received it and would start to arrange class performances.

After finishing the task at hand, Chen Yilang was also sleepy.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, he lay down and started a hearty battle with Duke Zhou.



The next day.

It was still another day with the wind and the sun.

As usual,

The 2021 freshmen of Nanxuan University,

He spent another day of military posture and training under the rubbing bath of [Blazing Flames].

After these days of grinding,

Everyone basically got used to the rhythm of military training.

——It lost its freshness and gradually became dull...

And the schools that organize military training every year, of course, understand the thoughts of these young people.

At such a time, what they need most is to organize some activities that can inspire and reignite enthusiasm.

——For example, the passionate, full-faced La Song.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

When night just fell,

All the freshmen gathered on the playground on the east campus on time.




At seven o'clock exactly.

All the lights around the playground are turned on at the same time.

The lawn, which was originally dark due to the shroud of night, is now as bright as day.

The lively cheers suddenly broke out.

In fact, in the end, it's just turning on the light.

But what I want is that feeling. Although words cannot describe it, everyone who understands it must understand it.

Chen Yilang, who was sitting at the front of class four with a face, narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

The light was too bright, and Chen Yilang's eyes couldn't get used to it yet.

But he can still see the surroundings clearly.

There are four classes in the first company and the second company. At this time, the main ring is sitting in a big circle.

Several instructors from the atmosphere group stood in the middle and were responsible for organizing the process of the singing activity.

The other instructors sat together in a crowd, ready to watch the play with a smile.

After all, the instructors are tired these days.

After tonight's home game is handed over to these little brats, they can also take a good rest and watch the show.

After arguing for a while, everyone sat down.

After the instructors from the atmosphere group gave everyone a few demonstrations, the singing officially started.

"Come on, I'll give you the first good start."

Wu Qing walked to Chen Yilang's side and handed Mai over.

"Speaking of this, don't breastfeed me, Sister Qing." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

During this period of time, because he was the monitor, he communicated more with Wu Qing, and the [favorability] also increased rapidly, and the two gradually became familiar with each other a lot.

In addition, Wu Qing is not much older than Chen Yilang, and there is no generation gap in communication, so now Chen Yilang directly calls her sister.

no way.

After all—Sister Fragrance!

Chen Yilang, who has experienced Gu Binghan, has long understood this profound truth~www.wuxiamtl.com~ However,

The moment he took the microphone,

Chen Yilang seemed to have sensed a strange aura.

【Ding! 】

[You have entered the state: focus! 】

【Danger! 】

[You have been locked in hatred by a large number of monsters, please pay attention to dodge! 】


"What the hell?"

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

It's just a piece of wheat, as for what?

And Brother Lang didn't find out,

Sitting in half of the class around,

There are four squad leaders, all staring at him...

Lan Jiabin, Deng Xing, Du Jian, Wu Junliang.

The group of four, who had already made plans in secret, were all secretly gearing up, waiting for Chen Yilang to speak.


Even though he was already being watched by the monsters in the dark, Chen Yilang still didn't panic at all.

It's not like you haven't fought monsters before, so you're afraid it's a hammer?

Whoever dares to show his head, just beat one and one will be done.

"Where are the four classes in a row!?" Chen Yilang said loudly.

"Here!" The classmates in municipal class 214 responded immediately.

The freshmen around were also beginning to be restless.

A lot of things are like that.

The calm on the surface is actually an illusion.

As long as a guy who wants to make trouble stands up and fires the first shot.

——Then the curtain started.

Chen Yilang said into the microphone: "The east wind blows, the war drums beat!"

The classmates in class 4 immediately picked up: "If you want to pull a song, who is afraid of who!"

According to the rules of the game,


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