If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 86: 【Infinite Rollback Technique】

Inside the shooting range.

Dead silence.

A suffocating silence.

There were four classes in a row, and everyone's face was covered with some kind of uppercase symbol:


What the hell? !

Ten rings? !

The classmates are all stupid.

As a freshman, how could he be able to make the first shot and ten rings?

It's **** outrageous!

"What the **** kind of luck, isn't it too good?"

"That's right, I feel that his movements still look the most non-standard. How can he get ten rings?"

"It's too late, I'm going to doubt my life!"


The crowd became noisy again.

However, in the opinion of most students,

This wave of operations by Chen Yilang,

Basically, the component of strength can be excluded.

After all, the achievement of the tenth ring... is indeed too outrageous.

You want to say that this is not due to luck, who would believe it?


However, yes.

They were right.

If it were on a normal day,

Even Chen Yilang himself couldn't believe that he could perform such an operation.

But this time, he really did it.

——Rewind time to the moment when Chen Yilang shot.

When the trigger was pulled,

Chen Yilang had already faintly sensed an aura that was not quite right from the angle where the crosshair was shifted.

——Damn, this shot is likely to hit the wall.

The fact did not exceed Chen Yilang's expectations.

"It's a pity that it still missed the target."

The coach shook his head without any changes in expression, as if this was the right thing to do, the expected normal situation.

As soon as the voice fell,

The classmates in a row couldn't help laughing again.

"Sure enough, we have to miss the target!"

"But this brother not only missed the target, but also had a very awkward posture. If I were a coach, I would give him 10 points negative..."

"That's right, and it's been brewing for so long before shooting, it's a waste of our time..."


Before the classmates' chatter was finished,

the surroundings and everything,

However, there was a strange change that could not be detected...

A hundred miles away,

The bullet stuck on the wall,

He actually pulled out his head directly from the wall as if he had been casted by magic.

Then, along the trajectory that he was shot just now, he flew in the opposite direction in the air, and returned to the barrel of the gun.

And the shell that fell to the ground after the shot was fired,

A beautiful salted fish also came up from the ground, turned over, jumped directly, fell back into the magazine, and reassembled with the bullet that just returned into a perfect bullet.

The faint cigarette exhaled from the coach's mouth also drifted away in the direction of the wind and squeezed into his nostrils again.

The conversation of the classmates suddenly turned into rewind playback, and finally returned to the state of shutting up.

——Everything went back to the way it was five seconds ago.

No one was aware of what happened.

Except for Chen Yilang.

——At that moment, he activated the [Time Watch] active skill.


And Chen Yilang after the [Retrace] was over,

After re-adjusting the position of the muzzle.

Pull the trigger again.


The bullet pierced the chamber again, whistling towards the distant target.

This time,

After Chen Yilang's fine-tuning,

This shot did not hit the wall.

"Five rings!"

The coach announced.

For this result,

The coach himself is quite satisfied.

Although not as stunning as Deng Xing just now,

But compared to most students,

Chen Yilang's achievements,

It's already pretty good.


Before the coach opened his mouth to praise Chen Yilang,

The familiar scene reappeared.

The warhead and cartridge case returned to the magazine again for reorganization.


Once again, I returned to the scene when Chen Yilang was about to shoot.

--Yes, that's right.

Chen Yilang activated the skill [Retrace] again.

A self-taught operation.

After all, when he was a child, Chen Yilang figured out this wonderful style of play.

In the past, when he played some single-player games of breaking through, he would frantically save himself.

Whenever I encounter a level that cannot be cleared or a female character,

Chen Yilang simply killed and lost his life indefinitely, and found the skills of customs clearance through this method.

Then "drip" once, and read the file with full blood.

After reading the file, Chen Yilang is naturally a hero again.

And now,

What Chen Yilang is doing,

It was also the same sleazy operation back then.

"Seven rings!"


"Eight rings!"


"Nine rings!"


After [retracing] again and again,

There are also adjustments to the muzzle angle, and after shooting.

Chen Yilang finally turned when he pulled the trigger for the last time,

I heard the coach's voice:

"Ten rings!"

Except for Chen Yilang,

Those who heard this result, as well as all the students who were watching me, four classes in a row.

Of course,

Before this, the [retrace] operation was performed again and again.

Naturally, it is something that everyone is completely unaware of.

everyone present,

The only thing I see,

There is only one picture.

——That is, Chen Yilang easily hit the tenth ring with one shot.

The commotion of the crowd became louder and louder.

Chen Yilang's achievements,

It made everyone become restless in an instant.

In any case, they still couldn't believe that ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ this was Chen Yilang's real achievement.

It must be luck.

Yes, it must be!

Until several class instructors and shooting coaches came to maintain order,

The noisy voice gradually quieted down.

"The demonstration session ends here."

"Everyone, rest in place for a few minutes, and we will enter the assessment of live ammunition later."

The coach announced.

As soon as Chen Yilang came down, Deng Xing stepped forward and patted the former on the shoulder:


"You hit ten rings with one shot, you're awesome!"

"You **** luck, you do have something."

Deng Xing smiled, "But I suggest you take it easy. Your ten-ring marksmanship is good, but it's just a little Fei Yangshou!"

When Chen Yilang heard this, he immediately laughed:

"No, no, no?"

"Isn't it true that someone has to rely on Yangshou to make a tenth ring?"

"If you put it that way, you are very likely to have terminal cancer, brother!"


Deng Xing was directly choked, as if someone had put a lump in his mouth.

Damn it,

I was mocked by this guy again!


【Ding! 】

[You used [Yin-Yang Weird Qi], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv8 Orion]! 】

[You got: Gold +546, EXP +365]


And Chen Yilang walked away with a dashing pace,


Chen Yilang, who was not panicking at all,

There is a new problem.

——【Colorless energy crystal block】, it seems that it is not enough.

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