If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 85: 【Range Attack】!

Beijiang City Military Training Base.

Shooting range.

[lv8 Orion] The moment Deng Xing pulled the trigger,

The sound of gunfire suddenly shattered the tranquility on the shooting range.


"Eight Rings!" The coach put down the binoculars and reported the results.

Hear this,

A group of students standing at the bottom,

There was a burst of admiration.

"Eight Rings? What the hell, you're awesome!"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid, it's the eighth ring, and I'm still playing a yo-yo?"

"It's really fierce, bro, I've heard the coach say before that it's a pretty good achievement for someone like us to touch a gun for the first time and not miss the target."


The students at the bottom were discussing,

And the coach standing by the side also showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"Okay, you little bastard! Have you practiced before?" The coach said with certainty.

"A little bit, a little bit, hehe." Deng Xing's face also showed a smile that could not be concealed.

Oh Ness!

It's not worth the money he spent during the summer vacation to shoot so many bullets.

This time, he finally gave him a chance to show himself.

Looking at the adoring eyes of the girls below,

Isn't this priority in choosing a mate?

Hey hey hey!

"Next." The coach continued.

"Then I'll come."

Wu Junliang ran to the gun seat with a little excitement and started to operate...


"Unfortunately, I missed the target," the coach said.

There was laughter from the audience.

Wu Junliang abdicated embarrassingly, and Du Jian, who was eager to try, immediately followed up...


"Unfortunately, I missed the target." The coach shook his head helplessly.

The students below laughed even more.

Although everyone knows that,

The first time I played with a gun, it was normal to miss the target.

But as a bystander,

When I saw this scene with my own eyes, I couldn't help but think - why is it so funny!

"The last one, come up," the coach said.

Chen Yilang walked up and said, "Report to the instructor, the monitor of the fourth class in a row, Chen Yilang."

"Okay, we can start." The instructor indicated.

Chen Yilang nodded and crawled down in front of the gun seat.

"Brother, your prostrate posture is wrong, it's not standard, and it's a bit ugly."

Standing behind Chen Yilang, [lv8 Orion] Deng Xing, seeing this scene, couldn't help frowning in disgust and said:

"And the way you hold the gun, how awkward is it really, good brother!"

"So you didn't listen carefully just now, didn't you? It's strange that you don't miss the mark when you play like this!"

When Du Jian and Wu Junliang heard this, they could only look at each other and shrank their necks helplessly.

no way.

That's what the boss said.


【Ding! 】

[[lv8 Orion] used a long-range attack [pointing and pointing] to cause damage to you! 】

【HP-123! 】

The sound of the system reverberated in his mind.

However, Chen Yilang ignored it.

——He was too lazy to pay attention to Deng Xing.

At this point, he was completely focused on the rifle in his hand.

It's the students' turn to shoot targets.

Wu Qing also came over and started on-site guidance.

"The gun you are holding now is a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle made in China. It can only be shot with a single shot, not automatic."

"Don't be nervous, it's normal to miss the target. Now it's just a demonstration, let you find the feel, it's not time for a formal comparison."

Wu Qing said, "Now, adjust your posture, and if you feel ready, pull the trigger."

"Okay." Chen Yilang nodded.

——It is exactly what Deng Xing said. Chen Yilang didn't quite understand what the coach said just now.

Because of his main energy,

It's all about observing another thing.

——How long does it take from the shooting to the coach reporting the results?

Chen Yilang recorded with his watch, and the data obtained are: Deng Xing took 3.8 seconds, Wu Junliang 4.2 seconds, and Du Jian 4.3 seconds.

So the average time spent is: 4.1 seconds~www.wuxiamtl.com~ when the final calculation result emerges.

A wonderful idea also flashed in Chen Yilang's mind at the same time.

After Chen Yilang thought for a while,

Taking a deep breath, according to the previous coach's statement, he put on his posture.

"What is he doing?"

The classmates who were standing at the back started to get a little anxious.

They only saw Chen Yilang posing for a long time, but they didn't see any movement from him for a long time.

"Brother, you shoot!"

"What are you dawdling at for this, man, can you just be a little more neat and shoot when you say it?"

"It's numb, this old man really is a little long-lasting!"


Just as everyone was chattering about—


Chen Yilang decisively pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunfire drifted far, far away.

The coach was holding the binoculars,

In the eyes that looked into the distance, a slightly different expression gradually appeared...

——From calm,

to surprise,


And then to the final shock...

"Ten rings..."

The coach muttered.

With an uncertain tone, it sounded as if he was talking to himself.

But some classmates have already heard it.

"Ten rings?"

Someone was stunned.

real or fake?

I'm afraid I'm not joking.

until the real result is confirmed,

The coach put down the telescope, took a deep breath, and announced:

"Four classes in a row, Chen Yilang."

"Ten rings!"

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