If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 87: 【Mainline NPC】

[Colorless energy crystal blocks: 8]

Looking at the allowance in his backpack, Chen Yilang felt a little pain in the ass.


When he launched [Retrace] just now, he played a little bit too much,

Completely unaware of saving the number of colorless crystals.

After several waves of [Retracing], the number of colorless crystals was directly consumed.

Chen Yilang decided to activate the [Decomposition Technique], and then produce some colorless crystals.

【Ding! 】

[The decomposition furnace is cooling down! 】

[Cooling countdown: 5h12m...]


"Depend on!"

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.


Before the target training, he disassembled a large wave of equipment, which caused the [decomposition furnace] to overheat and enter a cooling state, and now there will be no way to start it again for a while.

Just as Chen Yilang's brain was running fast, thinking about the next countermeasures,

A half-beat slow system prompt,

It rang again in his mind.


【Ding! 】

[You used [Precision Crit] to kill [lv8 Normal Target]! 】

[You got: Gold +675, EXP +475, [scattered dust x23] [colorless energy crystal block x46! ]]

[The proficiency of the skill [lv1 Gun Shooting] has been improved! 】


see this,

The look on Chen Yilang's face,

It turned cloudy in an instant.


He really guessed it, these 【Ordinary Target】 creatures really have a lot of falling objects in their bodies!

Although [Colorless Energy Crystal] seems to be not a particularly precious item at present,

But at least in this case,

It is indeed what Chen Yilang needs most.


There are more than 50 colorless in his backpack inventory, and he can play [Retrace] a few more times.

"Have you all finished resting?"

Wu Qing came over and greeted the freshmen of Municipal 214:

"Hurry up and tidy up,"

"It will be the live ammunition assessment later."

The municipal class 214 immediately stood up, and after lining up the queue, they began to stand by, eager to try.

Wu Qing walked to Chen Yilang's side again, smiled and said, "You performed well just now, which shows that you still have some talent for firearms."

"Perform well later, I'm optimistic about you."

"Thank you, Instructor Wu, I will perform well." Chen Yilang said.

【Ding! 】

[NPC: Wu Qing's favorability has been improved! 】

Chen Yilang glanced at the progress bar of favorability.

It was found that the progress has steadily increased by a small grid.

Looking at this speed, it seems that,

It won't be long before,

He will be able to unlock the mysterious skill book in the next new NPC mall.


The competitive assessment of live ammunition has begun.

Originally it was just an experiential activity.

However, after increasing the assessment indicators,

The atmosphere became extremely anxious.

Every student who stepped out of the team and walked to the gun seat to shoot a target,

At this time, they all became very serious.

After all, it is to PK with other classes!

No one wants to hold back their class.

And what makes Chen Yilang feel gratified is that,

He found this time,

[Salted Fish Monster] Li Zixian began to take this exercise seriously.

To know,

If it is normal,

I'm afraid this little salted fish has already activated the [Lying Flat] skill, and it's rotten on the spot.

From this point of view, his training on this [Salt Fish Monster] was quite effective!

Chen Yilang was very satisfied with this.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lang."

Li Zixian, who stepped down from the shooting position, scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said with a hint of apology: "There were three shots in total, two were empty, and the last shot only hit one ring, which slowed everyone down."

"What nonsense are you talking about, good brother? You're also called a drag?"

Chen Yilang slapped Li Zixian on the shoulder again, pretending to be serious and saying:

"As a salted fish, you didn't miss the target. This is something to be proud of, isn't it?"

"Don't belittle yourself, you have to believe in yourself, you must be the best!"

Li Zixian: "?"

I was a little stunned.

So Brother Lang...

You must be complimenting me, right?

"Four classes in a row, come up for assessment on the 24th!" the coach said loudly.

"Come on." Chen Yilang stepped forward immediately.

Number 24 is the mantissa of Chen Yilang's student number.

Seeing Chen Yilang get up,

The students of municipal class 214 were immediately excited.

"Come on, squad leader!"

"Brother Lang is mighty!"

"Our class depends entirely on you, Brother Lang!"


This sudden stance,

Shocked the other three classes in a row.

Everyone curiously stuck their heads out and looked at where Chen Yilang was.

"..." Chen Yilang.

It's really late, can you stop making such a big noise and battle?

The last time I was so speechless was the last time.

However, Chen Yilang is not panicking~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He is not the kind of person who gets nervous when he encounters a big scene.

not to mention,

He had already planned his next strategy in his mind.


The next group of people for the assessment have already taken their places.

Chen Yilang calmly adjusted his posture and prostrate in front of the gun seat.

At this moment,

I heard the voices of other instructors reporting their grades.

"Two consecutive classes of Xia Ling, Nine Rings!"

Cheers floated from the company next door.

Chen Yilang looked sideways slightly,

In the shooting area of ​​the company next door, I saw the girl named Xia Ling.

The moment I saw her,

Chen Yilang's first reaction was,

This girl is so white.

And it is the kind of white that is reddish in white, very healthy and shiny.

Very moist!

In the light of the morning sun,

In a trance, her side face showed a transparent texture that could be broken by blowing a bullet.

And from this angle,

The sun was just blocked by her tall and small nose,

On the beautiful facial features,

Mixed light and dark, picturesque light and shadow.

And on top of the girl's head,

also has a logo.

【NPC: Xia Ling】

"..." Chen Yilang looked a little distracted.

Because of the font on the top of Xia Ling's head,

Unlike all other NPCs.

Other NPCs are basically a single color.

And her font,

But it is a floating colored highlight.

Brilliant and colorful like a neon.

——That is the logo of the [Mainline NPC].

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