If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 78: 【Brow dance】

On a hot summer day, the heat wave is rolling in.

Under the infinitely elongated sunlight, the space was steamed and slightly distorted.

On the playground on the east campus of Nanxuan University,

The freshmen dressed in military training uniforms stood motionless on the lawn, as if they were one with the lush green grass.


Behind this youthful picture,

Only Chen Yilang can see it,

almost all people,

At this very moment, under the influence of 【Fiery Flame】, blood is slowly shed.




The blood loss rate of most people is almost at this level.

Occasionally, a few people with better physical fitness are mixed in, and the blood loss rate can be as low as [HP-3] and [HP-4].

Chen Yilang watched his blood tank gradually shorten, and he could also clearly feel that his body became more and more uncomfortable.

In the summer vacation after graduating from high school, he stayed at home most of the time, resulting in a slight deterioration of his physique.

So being pulled straight up to stand in a military posture all of a sudden is really uncomfortable.


Chen Yilang found that,

Standing opposite him, the squad leader of Class 213 [Iron Armored Monster], seems to be completely unaffected by the effect of [Fiery Flames].

[[lv7 Iron Armor] has been damaged by [Blazing Flames]! 】





The speed at which this guy loses blood is not even half his own!

Look at his own appearance,

There was no expression on his face at all, and he could even whistle leisurely while the instructor was away.

Then from time to time, he moved his two thick eyebrows at Chen Yilang...

【Ding! 】

[[lv7 Iron Armor] used [Eyebrow Dance], causing damage to you, with an accompanying effect: [Taunting] Attack! 】



It's really day.

Looking at this guy's particularly awkward expression,

Chen Yilang thought to himself that if this guy was a repeater, it would not be surprising at all.

——I'm afraid that someone will directly drop out of school after being beaten...

"We have to think of a way."

Chen Yilang began to think.


Chen Yilang suddenly had a new aura.

He seemed to have forgotten a very useful thing at a critical moment.

——The equipment depot!

He immediately mobilized his consciousness, and the operating system panel entered his equipment bar.

Soon I found a good thing—[caps].

However, after browsing the details of the [cap], I found that the effect seemed to be a bit poor, and Chen Yilang started rummaging through the boxes again.

Hard work pays off,

In the end, Chen Yilang found a really good thing.

——【Vinyl Parasol】!

Chen Yilang felt a wave of unexpected surprises.

As a not too delicate otaku, Chen Yilang actually has no sun protection awareness.

Fortunately, he inherited the skin color of his father and mother, so no matter how he gets sunburned, Chen Yilang will not be as dark as the [Iron Armored Monster]...

And even if you get tanned and stay at home for a month, it will slowly return to its original state.

So Chen Yilang has always been indifferent.

The reason why there is this umbrella in the warehouse is because one day when my mother Yang Si and her best friend went out to the supermarket, they happened to have a buy-one-get-one-free event, so they brought an extra one to Chen Yilang.

But apart from rainy days, Chen Yilang hasn't used it much...

---------【Vinyl Parasol】-------

Quality: Premium (Blue)

Durability: 42/47

Effect: ①Immune to 90% of sunburn damage ②Immune to 50% of rain damage.

Remarks: An unremarkable parasol is really an essential artifact for home travel!


"it's him!"

Chen Yilang became excited.

He temporarily took off the lucky bracelet from the few equipment slots at present,

Then I put on the [Vinyl Parasol].

【Ding! 】

[You have successfully equipped: vinyl parasol! 】

At that moment,

Chen Yilang only felt,

Around his body, it seemed that a completely invisible field suddenly appeared,

Like an eggshell, he gently wraps himself in it.

And the [blazing flame] from the savage sun is like being isolated behind this layer of eggshell, unable to move, unable to move forward even an inch!

The burning sensation on the skin and body surface rapidly decreased at a speed that the body could clearly perceive!

It was quickly maintained at a relatively comfortable temperature.

【Ding! 】

[[Fiery Flame] The fire damage dealt to you has been weakened! 】




Chen Yilang was happy.

The system father is honestly not deceiving you. He said that the damage was reduced by 90%, but it was actually reduced by 90%...

In this way,

[Blazing Flames] The damage to Chen Yilang,

It just dropped to the point where it didn't pose a threat to him at all.

After ignoring the 【Blazing Flame】,

The matter of standing in a military posture,

For Chen Yilang,

It simply turned into a "penalty stand" with a little higher difficulty and a little longer time.


How difficult is this?

Brother Xianyu Lang said that he was used to punishment before. When he was in junior high school, he would be late for a while if he had nothing to do, and then he was punished to stand outside the corridor for an early class.

The pleasant Chen Yilang,

I couldn't hold back all of a sudden,

He even whistled...


The iron-clad monster standing opposite Chen Yilang was slightly taken aback.

Oh shit,

Why do you feel that this guy named Chen Yilang seems to be more relaxed and happy than himself?

Chen Yilang guessed right~www.wuxiamtl.com~Iron Armored Monster], already a big brother who has been repeating grades for two years.

Logically speaking, he should have been a junior, but now he is still training with the freshmen.

And he has also been trained three times.

Of course, in fact, according to the school's regulations, as long as [Iron Armored Monster] has participated in military training once, he can already get the corresponding part of the credits.

But 【Iron Armored Monster】is not.

After all, if you participate in military training, you don't have to go to class, and you can take the opportunity to flirt with freshmen elementary school girls.

And there is also a healthy female instructor who made a lot of money this time!


The experience of three military trainings,

In addition, I usually don't like to study, and I often run out under the scorching sun to hand out flyers, take out food, etc.

This made the [Iron Armored Monster]'s resistance to [Fiery Flames] already cultivated to a level that ordinary students couldn't even compare to.


"For Mao Mingming's fierce sun, but he can't bask in this guy at all?"

[Iron Armored Monster] Dumbfounded.

Not only was [Iron Armored] stupid, but the other students in Classes 3 and 4 didn't understand it either.

Everyone was sweating like rain, their body and mind were dazzling, and a lot of flowers in the motherland were about to wither...

Their brother Lang, on the other hand, was smiling, standing tall and straight, looking up at the hot sky, like a vigorous tree...


Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were filled with the urge to throw their bodies on the ground.

It's numb!

Their brother Lang, his smile is even more brilliant than this big sun!

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