If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 79: Unlock new poses for female instructors

Three poles in the sun.

As time gets closer and closer to noon,

On the playground on the east campus of Nanxuan University,

The sun is also getting more and more intense.

Within Chen Yilang's line of sight,

He could already see the students around him, the rate of blood loss was getting faster and faster.


Chen Yilang, who was already equipped with the [Vinyl Parasol],

But he didn't panic at all.

Except for the fact that the two legs are a little sour,

I really didn't feel much discomfort in my body.

Chen Yilang whistled again, raised his head and glanced at the [Iron Armored Monster] standing opposite.

At this moment,

Although the state seems to be better than the other students,

But there was already a hint of fatigue on the face of the [Iron Armored Monster].

Almost 40% of his health has been burned by [Blazing Flames].

But nonetheless,

There was still a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Chen Yilang.

——After all, the momentum cannot be lost!

In this situation,

As long as there is such a slight expression on his face that he is about to be unstoppable, it is equivalent to a direct defeat!

"Does it take face to die like this?"

Chen Yilang couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Looking at the pained appearance of [Iron Armored Monster],

The empathetic brother Lang decided...

Let him suffer a little more.


next moment,

The [Iron Armored Monster], who was a little dizzy from the [blazing flame] sun,

Then he saw Chen Yilang in front of him,

towards him—

Tilt his head.

[Iron Armored Monster]: "?"

He was stunned.

Although I don't know why Chen Yilang tilted his head at him, he tilted his head with an unfathomable smile...

But I always feel...

This guy seems to be mocking him?


The [Iron Armored Monster], who realized it later, finally came to his senses.

Oh shit!

It's not like, this guy is mocking him!

[Iron Armored Monster] Immediately upset, he subconsciously clenched his fists, and wanted to rush up to fight Chen Yilang directly, but he was helpless but he was a little conscientious...

Chen Yilang is half a head taller than him, and there are rumors that this guy seems to be able to fight freely.


【Ding! 】

[You used [Tilt Head Kill], causing a lot of damage to [lv7 Iron Armor]! 】

[You got: Gold +453, EXP +352! 】

[Your [Tilting Head Kill] caused a [taunt] effect to [lv7 Iron Armor]! 】

[[lv7 Iron Armor] has entered the [Angry] state! 】



It's actually really useful!

Tilt head to kill this thing was learned from the anchor when Chen Yilang watched the live broadcast of sand sculptures on the Internet.

At the time, I just thought this action was a bit cheap, but I didn't expect it to be surprisingly useful as a taunting skill.

I saw the [Iron Armored Monster] looking resentful, daring to be angry but not daring to speak,

Originally, his face was not fair, but his face was as black as Mr. Bao, and Chen Yilang thought it was funny.


This long hour is finally over.

When it was announced that the military posture training was over,

The health of almost everyone on the lawn immediately recovered a lot.

Probably because after the painful torment was over, that moment felt like a new life.

When free to rest,

Chen Yilang was chatting and spanking with other classmates.

But I only heard Wu Qing say from a distance, "Chen Yilang, come here."

"Hey, okay." Chen Yilang got up and left.

Seeing this scene, the students of the municipal class 214 started to talk about it one after another.

"Hey, what's the situation, can someone sensible tell me?"

"Instructor Wu seems to be very interested in our squad leader, what's going on?"

"Is there any need to say that? It's obvious that Brother Lang is too good!"

You said, "You haven't seen Brother Lang like that. I stood in the first row early this morning and could see clearly."

"After an hour of standing in the military posture, Brother Lang was like playing. At the end, he was jumping up and down, and he didn't sweat much!"

"Hey, is Brother Lang so strong? I made my legs go weak when I stood up, and I feel like I'm going to faint from the sun if I stay longer!"

"Tsk tsk, totally unexpected, I always thought Brother Lang was a dead man."


the other side.

Chen Yilang, who was called to the side, didn't hear the students' discussion at all.

"You're pretty good, haven't you practiced before?"

Wu Qing asked.

When she spoke, she had a faint smile on her face.

But the tone of the speech did not have the ups and downs of the past,

It made Chen Yilang a little unable to distinguish her emotional color.

"Report to the instructor, no." Chen Yilang also smiled slightly, "Thank you for your praise, and I would like to ask the instructor for more advice."

At this time,

He noticed that the favorability bar above Wu Qing's head was slowly increasing.

When the increment reaches a certain threshold,

The system news suddenly jumped out.

【Ding! 】

[The condition for favorability has been reached! 】

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the NPC shop! 】



Chen Yilang was slightly startled.

——It's another new trick he didn't expect.

As expected of a female instructor, the gameplay and posture are a little more than other NPCs.

Chen Yilang opened the NPC shop and quickly browsed the [NPC Wu Qing's shop].

But I only see,

In Wu Qing's store,

There are three products on display.

=====NPC Wu Qing =====

Mysterious Skill Book: 6666 gold coins

Mysterious Skill Book (unlocked)

Mysterious Skill Book (unlocked)

Tip: Improve the favorability of NPCs and unlock more items in the mall.


Skill Book?

It seems to be a new thing again.

Chen Yilang didn't think too much about it and bought the first item directly.

After such a long time,

in his inventory,

He has already saved up tens of thousands of gold coins, waiting for the right time to spend them.

And now, it's probably the time he's been waiting for.

【Ding! 】

[You have spent 6666 gold coins to successfully purchase the [Mysterious Skill Book]! 】

[Do you want to use it immediately? 】

Chen Yilang continued to click [Yes]

【Ding! 】

[You have mastered the skill [lv1 Lion's Roar]! 】

[Lion's Roar: Ability from NPC Wu Qing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After acquiring this operation, you will successfully master the secret of making a loud and high-pitched voice through the use of Dantian and breath. 】


The relevant details and knowledge quickly flooded into Chen Yilang's mind.

It's no wonder that Wu Qing and the other instructors can speak so loudly when they usually speak. It turns out that they have skills...

Chen Yilang thought silently.

"Practice well, I'm optimistic about you."

Wu Qing said with a smile, her eyebrows curved slightly, "You will be the leader of our class from now on."

"Strive for a good performance and be transferred to the school's phalanx ceremony team."

"You have potential, and you are tall. You will definitely have a chance if you practice hard."

The so-called phalanx team, that is, the team during the final military training show.

It was the group that all teachers, students and leaders paid the most attention to at that time.

Hundreds of people in the entire grade, and only the few people from the phalanx team can appear in everyone's sight.

——Another great place to gain reputation!

"Thank you, instructor, for your guidance." Chen Yilang nodded in thanks.

But in fact,

Even if Wu Qing didn't prompt,

Chen Yilang also wanted to go to the phalanx team.

After all, under normal circumstances, most of the places for military training pacesetters are almost all in the phalanx.

After chatting briefly with Wu Qing, Chen Yilang returned to the team.

After the lunch break,

By the afternoon,

Another round of suffering.

But this time, something was wrong.

——Finally someone couldn't stand it anymore and fell under the attack of [Fiery Flame].

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