If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 77: 【Intense flames】!

What is real mental harm?

That is a simple sentence that can break your defense in an instant.

Just like this moment,

Wu Qing's understatement was "one hour in military posture".

My classmates here,

almost everyone,

They all went through middle school and high school.

So almost everyone knows what a sour experience it is to stand in a military posture...

"Who is the monitor of your class?" Wu Qing said.

Everyone turned to look at Chen Yilang.

"Report the instructor, it's me." Chen Yilang raised his hand.

"Speak louder!" Wu Qing shouted, "The girls are chirping!"

"Report the instructor, it's me!" Chen Yilang replied loudly.

Everyone in Class 214 of the municipal government was shocked, and they all clamped their tails...

It seems that,

Whether it is a male instructor or a female instructor, it is essentially a virtue...

"What is your name?"

Wu Qing crossed his hands on his chest and walked slowly to Chen Yilang.

"Report the instructor, my name is Chen Yilang!" Chen Yilang said.

"Chen Yilang."

Wu Qing repeated Chen Yilang's name, looked at the latter and said:

"Do you know what the monitor is going to do?"

"Instructor Wu Qing, please advise!" Chen Yilang said loudly.

"Squad leader, you must play a leading role as a leader."

"It's like a flock of sheep. The one who leads tends to go which way, and the rest will follow it obediently."

"Because they know that as long as they follow the sheep, they can find fresh grass to eat."

Wu Qing said, "I hope you can also take your class to find the greenest and most oily grass."

"Understood." Chen Yilang nodded.

"Then now, the squad leader is out." Wu Qing said.

Chen Yilang stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"Now you are the leader of the whole class." Wu Qing said, "Everyone has it, stand at attention!"

This is how the military posture training began.

this will,

Due to the longer talk in the previous meeting,

At this moment,

It's nearly eleven o'clock.

The scorching sun gradually climbed into the air, and the temperature in the air gradually warmed up.

Everyone was so motionless,

Standing under the scorching sun in a standard military-looking posture, he did not dare to move.

Of course,

the most miserable person,

Actually it was Chen Yilang.

As the squad leader, he stood directly at the front of the team alone, facing all kinds of eyes from all directions, without any chance to fish or paddle.

His eyes glanced around,

He happened to have a look at the monitor of Class 213 next door, who was standing opposite him.

As the squad leader, he also stood alone at the forefront of their squad.

Welcome to the most poisonous sunshine.

【Ding! 】

[You and [lv7 Iron Armor] confirmed a wave of eyes! 】

[You have caught the attention of [lv7] Iron Armor! 】

[Dangerous! 】

[Please be careful to avoid! 】

[Iron Armored Monster: A monster with high toughness and significantly higher skin defense than ordinary people, it is good at taking damage, and its skill is [Taunt]]

Only then did Chen Yilang notice this guy.

Although he had also appeared as the monitor of the third class when he was carrying the textbooks before, Chen Yilang didn't notice his existence at all at that time.

And now, Chen Yilang is paying attention to this guy.

——This is a guy with bronzed skin and an inch-cut head, which looks very rough and fleshy at first glance.

"No wonder this guy's name is Iron Armor..." Chen Yilang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

But these seem to be nothing...

It is worth noting that,

This guy's aggression doesn't seem to be very low.

Chen Yilang always felt that something terrible was about to happen...


"I heard that you are the monitor of the municipal class 214, Chen Yilang?"

"I was very dragged when I moved the book that day. Who did I hire a Cayenne from?"

"You don't have to spend less money when you look at it, hehe, it doesn't hurt, brother?"

When the instructor just walked into the distance, the [Iron Armored Monster] asked.

But Chen Yilang ignored him.

The regulation of military training is that when standing in the military posture, there should be no extra movements, including speech.

Although Brother Lang is very wave,

But when it's time to be obedient, of course, you'll still be a man with your tail tucked.

"ignore me?"

"Are you an internet celebrity and can't speak?"

Seeing that Chen Yilang didn't seem to want to pay attention to himself, the [Iron Armored Monster] seemed a little unhappy.

Chen Yilang could even see that the state above his head had changed.

[Angry: In this state, the target's aggression is increased, the strength attribute is increased, and the intelligence attribute is decreased. 】

Chen Yilang: "?"

A little bit dumbfounded.

This little brother, he seems to have a really bad temper...

"Yes, you!"

The Iron Armor snorted coldly, "I remember you, brother."

"It's just your small body. If you can't stand up and fall down here, don't blame me for not helping you."

【Ding! 】

[[lv7 Iron Armor] used the skill [taunt] on you! 】

[Taunting: It will stimulate the aggression of the taunted target, making it enter the [Angry] state! 】

"..." Chen Yilang was still too lazy to pay attention to him, he just raised his eyebrows and put on a "please please" expression,

【Ding! 】

[You used [Ignore Dafa], immune to the [taunt] of [lv7 Iron Armor]! 】

"Oh, yes, yes."

Seeing that Chen Yilang was still unmoved, [lv7 Iron Armor] had no choice but to give up his plan to continue attacking: "I want to see how long you guys can last!"

Speaking as if you were not a freshman... No, wait a minute.

Chen Yilang felt that his situation was getting smaller. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Looking at this old man's complexion and the degree of vicissitudes,

It's very likely that he's a big brother who repeats grades, maybe...

The two stood face to face like this,

They looked at each other and said nothing.

Do not know why,

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward...

Chen Yilang had no interest in looking at a stinky man affectionately.

But the queues of the two classes just happened to be standing face to face, and it was hard not to look at each other...

that's it,

Standing in a military posture,

The boring students in the two classes seem to have discovered some mystery.

——The squad leaders of their respective classes, the atmosphere between them seems to be a little subtle...

Although I don't know what is going on with the two squad leaders, their waists are stiffer than the other, and they seem to be fighting fiercely for something...

The classmates standing in the queue at the back naturally don't know what Chen Yilang is doing now.

after all,

He was the only one who could read the slightest hint of provocation from the eyes of [lv7 Iron Armored Monster].

- If you are a man, you must be strong enough!

Whoever falls first is the grandson!

And the sun overhead,

It also became more and more violent...

【Ding! 】

[The blazing fire is coming! 】

[Fiery Flames: Targets within the range will continue to receive true fire damage. 】




"It's hard."

Chen Yilang felt that,

own body,

It has gradually started to get hot...

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