If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 76: Female instructor?

[The Salted Fish Monster], what kind of creature is it?

In the opinion of most people,

Salted fish!

Of course, that is a kind of harmless little chicken that can be directly crushed to death with one hand.

But Chen Yilang knew,

Things are definitely not that simple.

——Only salted fish knows salted fish best!

So Chen Yilang knows Li Zixian very well.

Since this guy can cultivate into a monster, it means that his salted fish is definitely not salty.

On the road from City Camp 214 to the best military training class,

[The Salted Fish Monster] Li Zixian,

It is very likely to become a huge stumbling block.

"At that time, you have to focus on taking care of this guy."

Chen Yilang silently made a plan.

He didn't have time to stare at Li Zixian all the time.

The work of military training has already been handed out, and he has to start doing it.

Make a form to register the size of the military training clothing of the classmates.

Organize the classmates to lead the training uniforms,

There is also a summary of the students in the class who are not feeling well,

wait wait wait……

After a lot of trivial things are busy,

Chen Yilang began to feel the difficulty of being a monitor.

—— Difficulty is difficult. Although it is not really difficult, you just find it annoying.

And obviously,

The things that the university monitor needs to worry about,

Much more than in junior high school.

After all the work is done,

Chen Yilang finally breathed a sigh of relief and lay flat on the bed.

【Ding! 】

[You completed a daily job and got: Gold +332, Experience +224! 】

[You have acquired a new skill: lv1 chart making! 】


"Can this also pay off?"

Chen Yilang was happy.

This is indeed a wave of unexpected surprises.

at the same time,

At the moment when he acquired the [Graphic Creation Technique],

Chen Yilang also felt that,

My own mind quickly and systematically summarized all the operating skills of the office software I used today.

In the end, it turned into a mind map like a property map.

And this mind map was quickly imprinted in Chen Yilang's mind.


After a few months,

As a [player], Chen Yilang once again experienced the joy of learning.

The tired Chen Yilang closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep...

A few days later.

The date of the military training came as scheduled.

A seemingly unremarkable Monday morning.

About five-fifty.

The sky was still gray, as if it was still waiting for Pangu to come over and open up the world.

And Nanxuan University,

It belongs to the dormitory area for freshmen.

The lights have been turned on one by one.

There was no wake-up bell, and there was no urging from the social management auntie.

There is only the sound of the crowing of a rooster coming from somewhere far away.

The freshmen dressed in military training uniforms were hurriedly pushing open the door of the dormitory, swarming outside, and then rushing to the playground.

——A real race against time.

After all, the stipulation in the military training manual is that they must be in place before six o'clock and lined up on the playground on time.

How can well-behaved freshman children dare to violate this rule? They ran one after another, for fear of being the last.

"It's really hard to get up just at 5:30!"

The freshmen all sighed.

Many of them, even in their third year of high school, hadn't worked so hard.

In the end, who would have thought that after going to college, you would have to go through such a painful early morning.

——Chen Yilang is of course one of them.

As the squad leader, he was already ten minutes early, carrying the squad flag and waiting at the location where the municipal squad 214 was about to gather.

Yawns all day long.

During the summer vacation, Chen Yilang, who was used to staying up all night to play games and then get up to eat lunch,

At this moment,

Physically, it felt like a jet lag.


Sure enough.

If Xianyu wants to turn over, he also needs to go through a wave of pain and suffering.

While confused,

Chen Yilang saw,

A large crowd of green and green people poured into the playground just like that.

Looking at this large area of ​​dense creatures, Chen Yilang really wanted to plant a pea shooter directly on the ground with his backhand.

"Brother Lang, it's so early!"

"Morning, classmate Chen!"

"Squad leader, help me see if my hat is crooked..."

The playground gradually became lively.

When the pointer points to six o'clock exactly.

On the lawn, teams of various classes were already standing.

At this time, the sky gradually lit up.

"One two one!"

"One two one!"


A loud voice came from afar.

The freshmen stretched their necks and looked at the sound.

Then I saw the instructors walking slowly with neat steps and tall postures.

"The sense of substitution is too strong, my legs have already started to soften!" Li Zixian said with a sad face, "The next two weeks will definitely not be a good day!"

As soon as Li Zixian finished speaking, the others also agreed:

"The cells in my body are resisting!"

"I hope the teachers in our class will be a little gentler, at least not to kick my ass."

"No, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, I feel like I'm going to squirt..."

Seeing the military training instructors appear,

The students who were also ruled by military training in high school couldn't help trembling.

【Danger! 】

[[Negative energy frenzy] is coming, please be careful to avoid it! 】




Chen Yilang's eyes slammed, locked on Li Zixian who was standing in the front row, and glared at him.

The latter immediately gave an OK gesture and did not dare to speak.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Blade Eyes], causing a lot of damage to [lv7 Salted Fish Monster]! 】

[You got: 345 gold coins, 237 experience! 】


"Is this all right?"

Chen Yilang expressed his satisfaction.

after all,

He never thought,

You can actually do damage to monsters with your eyes.

Soon~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After the speech at the focused meeting before the start,

Military training has officially started.

The instructors all went to their respective classes according to the school's assignment.


The boys in the municipal class 214 suddenly became energetic.

——The one who came to their class was a female instructor.

The body is slender and straight, the skin is a healthy wheat color, and the short ponytail falls behind the head, swaying gently from side to side with the footsteps.

Between the beautiful eyebrows, there is full of arrogance.

"Introduce myself, my name is Wu Qing, and I'm also the instructor in charge of your class during this military training."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. In the next two weeks, I'll ask you for more advice."

Wu Qing said in a clear voice.

The students of municipal class 214 applauded.

What I thought in my heart was, who instructed who...

And Chen Yilang also saw the logo on Wu Qing's head at this time.

【NPC: Wu Qing】

A simple logo,

Not even detailed.

"Then, now."

"Listen to my command."

"Take a break!"

"Stand at attention!"

Wu Qing shouted.

A few short, sonorous and powerful orders.

So let the municipal class 214, who was still laughing and laughing for a second, instantly enter the state.

Wu Qing glanced at everyone, nodded in satisfaction, and then said:

"very good."

"One hour of military posture, start now!"

At that moment,

Chen Yilang can see it with the naked eye,

Seeing the blood strips on everyone's heads, they were instantly cut off by a large grid...

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