If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 73: Sister, it's really delicious!

This wave of excited shouts,

Instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The crowd raised their heads,

Looking towards the direction of the intersection.

But I only see,

Shortly after the school bus rented by the municipal class 213 was in place,

A bright black medium and large SUV followed.


There was a sound of gasping for breath one after another in the crowd.

Although everyone is still a student,

But there are also some car enthusiasts who recognize this car.


And it is the latest model this year, with a market price of more than two million!

"Whose car is this?"

someone asked suspiciously.

It seems,

They seemed to have heard someone say "Brother Lang" just now?

So who is Brother Lang?

Is it the owner of this Cayenne?

But I only see,

Under the eyes of the crowd,

This bright-eyed Cayenne reflects dazzling light,

Just like that, he slowly stopped in front of the city 214 team.


What does this person mean?

Stop directly in the middle of the road?

Is it a bit too arrogant?

Everyone looked around curiously.

But I saw Cayenne's car window, slowly lowered.

- Sitting in the driver's seat was actually a boy of the same age as them who looked like he was just a student.

"Excuse me!"

The man pushed the door and got out of the car, and in front of the city-level 214 team, he waved his hand and said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, brothers."

"It seems to be late."

"?????????" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Not only the good brothers from the city-run class 213 next door, but even the people from the city-run class 214 were stunned on the spot.

So the car that Brother Lang got...

Is it this Cayenne? ? ?

"What are you doing?" Chen Yilang was amused, "Is it worried that my car won't fit into everyone's books?"

your sister!

The point is not this at all!

After everyone was silent for a while,

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd:

"It's awesome, Brother Lang is awesome!"

"Brother Lang, yyds!"

"Brother Lang, do you still need a younger brother and a driver? I can drive a Cayenne with one hand, and now I'm short of a Cayenne!"

Listening to the clamor of the crowd, the brothers in the next class who were still in a circle seemed to gradually understand the situation.

This guy called Brother Lang,

It seems to be the monitor of the next class...


Anyway, they couldn't believe it.

How can students of the same age as them drive a Cayenne?

Even a rented car can be said to be quite awesome and incredible.

"Grass! This is the real monitor of someone else's family, okay!"

"Suddenly, I feel that our class is a lot lower..."

"Hush hush hush, stop talking, I haven't seen our squad leader's face turned green. I laughed at others just now, but now I don't dare to speak!"

Class 213 monitor: "..."

I really didn't dare to speak.

Not only him, but even Wu Fengzhen was speechless at this time.

Classes come and go around, but everyone will turn their attention to this cool black Cayenne.

no way.

In this large circle of black school buses, it is too conspicuous, and there is no way for people to ignore it.

And at this time,

Chen Yilang pushed open the door of the Cayenne.

At that moment,

He then noticed an unusual atmosphere coming towards him.

【Ding! 】

[You have been locked by [Fiery Eyes]! 】

[You have entered the state [focus]! 】

[Focus: In this state, the target that becomes the focus will receive a lot of attention, and the charisma attribute will be greatly improved! 】

[Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current RP: 850]

Look around again,

Found in front of the twelve sects,

Almost all the classmates in the class are looking at themselves.

Countless gazes shot at him like lasers, as if to scorch him...

"Oh shit."

"It feels more exaggerated than I imagined."

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly.

In fact, at the beginning,

He has also considered this issue.

I always feel that borrowing Sister Bing's car to drive over to carry books will be a little high-profile...


The repercussions he caused by this wave,

It seems to be more violent than expected.

Everyone looked at him as if they were looking at something from the sky, and it seemed a bit difficult to end all of a sudden...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bright Appearance], causing mental shock damage to a large number of targets within the range! 】

[You have severely injured [lv7 Valkyrie], causing a lot of mental damage to it! 】

[You got +1546 gold coins and +776 experience! 】

Forget it.

Chen Yilang was too lazy to take care of so much.

In this situation, the top priority is to finish your work first.

"Brothers, why are you all staring blankly?"

Chen Yilang said loudly towards the team, "Hurry up, bring up the books!"

"Books can be placed in the trunk and in the car, and all the books can be transported back to our dormitory area in one trip!"


The students of Class 214, who were stunned in the same place, reacted after realizing it, and started to work one after another.

that's it,

Under the envious or surprised eyes of the surrounding classmates, UU was reading www.uukanshu. com

A Cayenne full of textbooks and books,

Just so dusty gone...

Listening to the roar of the low engine, watching the taillights gradually disappearing in the distance of the school road,

Everyone looked at each other in unison,

All dared not speak.

I had to silently sigh in my heart,

The squad leader of Municipal 214,

Sparrow Food is a little bit fanciful...

the other side.

Chen Yilang drove the Cayenne and delivered the textbooks to the downstairs of the boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory respectively.

"Thank you, Squad Leader Chen!"

"Squad Leader Chen is so handsome!"

"Thanks for our hard work, Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen!"

When the girls waiting downstairs in the dormitory saw Chen Yilang appear, they all lit up with adoring star eyes.

Squad Leader Chen, is really very different!

Although he doesn't take the usual path, he is still very handsome and heroic at the critical moment.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Charm Launch], causing a lot of damage to [lv1 Nympho]! 】

[You used [Charm Launch], causing a lot of damage to [lv2 Nympho]! 】

【You have used...】

[You got: Gold +453, EXP +235! 】

Oh hoo!

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected surprises.

"You are welcome."

Chen Yilang waved goodbye to the girls, drove the Cayenne, and drove away contentedly.

After the work is done, of course, go to the appointment!

Chen Yilang did not forget his appointment with Gu Binghan.

have to say.

Sister, it's really delicious!

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