If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 72: What a fast car!


Nanxuan University,

Dormitory 414, East Sixth Building.

There is still one day left before the teaching materials are distributed.

"Excuse me."

"The school bus has been reserved by other classes some time ago."

"We have no idle vehicles to mobilize now."


Chen Yilang silently hung up the phone and sighed helplessly.

——Everything was said by Wu Fengzhen.

The school bus has already been reserved by other classes in advance!

Chen Yilang was a little late, but he was already a long way behind the other classes.

If the vehicle cannot be found,

That means,

The students of municipal class 214,

He could only walk over there bravely, and forcibly carry the textbooks back from the Twelve Sect.

But this way,

Chen Yilang, who just took office not long ago,

will be hit by a fatal wave of good start.


"That class is so rude, he still has to walk to carry books!"

"Why don't they rent a car?"

"You don't need to ask, it must be that the trash monitor of their class didn't find a way!"

- Conversations like that.

Chen Yilang has a big head.

It doesn't matter if you move books yourself, but the problem is that you can't tire your classmates...

Chen Yilang felt a little remorse in his heart when he thought of the group of fools who voted for him so trustingly.

"It's okay, Brother Lang!"

Zhang Jian patted Chen Yilang's shoulder and comforted him, "We'll help you carry the book when the time comes!"

"A man of 414, never admit defeat to a man-in-law!"

Chen Yilang was so moved that he almost cried, and even a deep sense of guilt emerged in his heart.

This good brother is dedicated to supporting himself, but what he is thinking about is how to get more [spider silk] from him...


"But I want to be quiet now."

Chen Yilang fell into deep thought.

It is indeed a rather difficult situation.

Chen Yilang even rummaged through his backpack, but couldn't find any equipment that could help.

"It's numb."

"What should I do with this book moving task?"

Chen Yilang felt a little pain in his head,

at this time.

A pleasant ringtone came from Chen Yilang's ears.

He grabbed the phone and glanced at the screen.

[Caller: Gu Binghan]

"Miss Ice?"

Chen Yilang was a little surprised.

He was completely, busy man Gu Binghan actually called him on the initiative.

"Is it Xiaolang?" Gu Binghan asked.

"Yes, it's me, what's wrong with Sister Bing?" Chen Yilang asked.

"So I'm looking out for you, so I can't find you if I don't have anything to do?" Gu Binghan joked with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's not what I meant." Chen Yilang said.

"I'll come to talk about business near our school tomorrow morning. Let's have a meal together after we're done."

"Okay, where can we eat?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Let's go to the school cafeteria." Gu Binghan said, "I haven't been back to school for a long time, and suddenly I want to go in and relive the taste of my alma mater, hahaha."

"No problem, I'll take you." Chen Yilang said.


an aura,

Suddenly, a light lit up in Chen Yilang's mind.

"That's right, Sister Bing."

Chen Yilang said:

"I have a small favor, I would like to ask you to help..."

Although it is a little busy.

But for Brother Lang,

This is an unusually bold idea...


All the students of municipal class 214.

On the phone, a small red dot popped up.

——A message from the class, @all members.

This function of @all members is not available to all members of the group.

At least in the city-run 214 class,

Only the class committees have the authority to issue such notices.

The moment you click on the group chat,

The students saw that,

From the group announcement published by the group owner.

And the group leader,

Naturally, it was their new squad leader, Chen Yilang.

"It's Brother Lang!"

"Brother Lang is going to do something?"

"Fuck, you're awesome, there are three fires for a new official to take office!"


Everyone couldn't hold back their curiosity, and quickly clicked on the WeChat details.

[Group announcement: At four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, please go to the Twelve Teaching Office to sign and receive the book on time. After receiving the books, ask the students to wait for a while, waiting for the vehicles to come and carry the books. Publisher: Chen Yilang. ]

Not long after the announcement was made,

The group immediately exploded again.

"Come on, Brother Lang got the car?"

"Really? I heard from the friend next door that the school bus has been robbed long ago?"

"It's not just the school bus, it is said that even the trolley of the agricultural college was taken away by someone. It's crazy!"

"Squad leader, isn't it? Don't brag, I'm so afraid of being cooed!"

Chen Yilang: [We are good brothers, how could we pigeon you? .JPG]

【Ding! 】

[You have caused a lot of mental damage to [lv7 Valkyrie]! 】

[Get gold +384, experience +296! 】


Chen Yilang couldn't help laughing.

Ha ha,

this woman,

And silently peeping at the screen without speaking...

And it hurt her?

Psychological quality doesn't seem to be very good, little old girl.

No matter what,

For the things of tomorrow,

Chen Yilang, he already had some confidence.

The next day.

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

According to Squad Leader Chen's instructions,

The students of the municipal class 214 have all arrived at the Twelve Teachers on time and received their books.

"Everyone line up, don't block the way of other classmates!"

"Keep quiet, don't make a fuss!"

In front of the twelve sects, Wu Fengzhen loudly instructed the class to sort out the queue.

After the class election,

Because no one was running for the party secretary, Wu Fengzhen finally filled this position.

Seeing that everyone was out of order and looked like a mess, Wu Fengzhen felt that his occupational disease was starting to happen.

——Her body began to stand up and manage discipline.

Since she was a squad leader since she was a child, when she saw the roar of the team, she felt that her DNA couldn't help but move.

Although everyone feels that it is not a very formal occasion, it seems that there is no need to be so disciplined.

But seeing Wu Fengzhen's unnegotiable tough tone, he could only obey obediently.

"The disciplinary committee member~www.wuxiamtl.com~ called Chen Yilang." Wu Fengzhen said loudly.

"What are you calling the monitor?" the Disciplinary Committee asked.

"Ask others? Why did you go?"

Wu Fengzhen said in a cold tone, "As the squad leader, shouldn't I be the first to arrive? Why let the whole class wait for him?"

"Oh..." The Disciplinary Committee shrank his neck and silently took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"What happened to your squad leader?"

On the other side, the squad leader of Municipal 213 saw this scene, and came up to chat with curiosity.

"Who knows." Wu Fengzhen shrugged, "But it's not surprising, he's not reliable at all."

"It's not coming now, that's a bit outrageous indeed."

The monitor of class 213 raised his chest involuntarily, smiled in high spirits, and then pouted in the other direction:

"Hey, look! Our class's school bus is here!"

Between talking,

A school bus appeared from the corner and stopped in front of Class 213.


The crowd immediately rioted.

"The squad leader is awesome!"

"As expected of our municipal 213, it's awesome!"

"Class 214 is so miserable, I feel like they are about to cry..."

"Keep your voice down, keep a low profile, maybe it will still be a brother class in the future!"

The students of Municipal Class 213 chatted.

Hearing these discussions,

Wu Fengzhen was also full of anger.

This Chen Yilang is really annoying!


Just when Wu Fengzhen was thinking about how to teach Chen Yilang a lesson later——

"Eh, it seems that Brother Lang is here?"

In the crowd, someone was excited.

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