If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 74: 【Alcohol attack! 】

this day,

Nanxuan University's online discussion forum, the "Insomnia Club" forum, has become more lively than ever.

A popular post,

In just half a day, it was topped on the headline that recently ranked first in click rate and response rate.

And the title of this post is: [Shocked! The freshman, freshman, and rich second-generation business school actually drove a luxury car to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory to do such a thing! ]


It can be said that it is quite imaginative.

With the increase in clicks and pageviews,

The protagonist in the post, a freshman boy named Chen Yilang, has gradually become one of the focuses of the discussion.

"Daily, the title party gave Lao Tzu a spiral explosion on the spot!"

"Yes, I have taken off my pants, so just show me this?"

"Rational discussion, is there any element of showing off wealth in this wave of behavior?"

"Upstairs, don't be sour. Others drive their own cars to help the class move books. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Well, can I add a word? I want to ask what is this little brother's WeChat account, huh..."

"It's the claw of Lao Tzu, don't even think of hitting our squad leader Chen's idea!"


On the forum of the Insomnia Club, the heat about this matter is still fermenting.

And on the other side,

The client, Chen Yilang, was sitting in the private room of the Xiuyuan restaurant on the campus, eating the supreme steak set that he was never willing to order.

These are the dishes that Gu Binghan ordered in advance and waited for him to come. He didn't even have a chance to shirk, the knife and fork that was handed to him as soon as he sat down...

And somehow,

While he was feasting happily,

My own reputation is also slowly growing inexplicably...

[Current RP: 900]

With previous experience,

Chen Yilang can probably guess,

Most of the time, when I was driving the book to carry the book, it was spread out.

But this kind of heat usually doesn't last long.

Nanxuan University is so big,

A lot of strange things happen every day,

As for his little gossip, it is estimated that no one will remember it after a day or two.

"It's been a long time since I returned to NTU. I didn't expect that there are so many good restaurants in the school."

Gu Binghan looked around at the decorations and said with great satisfaction.

Today, when she and Chen Yilang first met her, she changed another style.

No longer between delicate makeup and intellectual and dignified workplace dress,

It was a simple white shirt and slim jeans, paired with a pair of low-heeled white shoes, a youthful and simple dress, and integrated into the campus team without any sense of disobedience.

They said that if you look good, you can do whatever you want. This sentence is absolutely true for Gu Binghan.

No matter what style of dress she wears, she can almost be perfectly controlled.

"Yeah, the changes are indeed great. I heard that even the library was renovated last year, and the large lawn outside was turned into a small square."

Chen Yilang nodded and said.

"It would be nice if you haven't graduated yet." Gu Binghan couldn't help but sigh with a smile: "Still studying on campus is more enjoyable... After graduation, I always feel that I am getting old very fast."

"Sister Bing, you said this again, obviously you still look 18 years old." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

"You are the best at talking." Gu Binghan couldn't help laughing, "With such a sweet mouth, did you deceive any little sister?"

"No, no, I'm just a salted fish, how can any girl like me, haha."

Chen Yilang let out a haha ​​and continued to cook.

After a busy afternoon, he was already hungry and his chest was on his back.

Brother Lang now has only ruthless dry rice in his eyes.

"If you have a girlfriend in the future, remember to bring her to play with me," Gu Binghan said.

"Where?" Chen Yilang asked curiously.

"Flower Club."

Gu Binghan said, "I came here today to inspect the surrounding environment and situation, and I feel that the place outside the main entrance of NTU is quite good."

"There is a subway entrance, the flow of people is not low, and this area is also a gathering place for colleges and universities, which is very suitable for club operation."

"So, I plan to open a branch here."

"If nothing happens, it should be able to open by the end of this year."

"As expected of Sister Bing, she just has the courage." Brother Lang, who knows nothing about the adult world, can only give a round of flattery first.

"Don't say such things, Sister Bing will depend on you in the future." Gu Binghan smiled.

"What's the matter with Sister Bing? Just tell me." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

"After the branch opens, I want you to be the sales manager of NTU."

Gu Binghan said with a smile, "If you have free time after class, please help me with more publicity."

"Of course, Sister Bing will not treat you badly."

"I'll pay you more than any part-time job you college students can find now."

"If there is a higher,"

"I drive double."

"Sister Bing is really majestic!" Chen Yilang said with a smile, "That's it, it's a deal!"


Even if Sister Bing doesn't say that,

Chen Yilang will also help with this task.

after all,

Sister Bing is indeed very kind to him.

When he wanted to borrow a car from Sister Bing,

The latter didn't hesitate at all, and didn't ask any more questions, so he just agreed.

Even Chen Yilang honestly told her ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ that his driver's license was just obtained during the summer vacation, and he hadn't even passed by a few times in actual combat...

A 2 million car was handed over to this little boy so generously.

It can be said that Chen Yilang already owes Gu Binghan a lot of favor in this wave.

Therefore, it is natural to help Gu Binghan a little.


his profession,

Originally it was marketing.

This is quite right!

So, in another sense, helping Gu Binghan is also helping me accumulate more practical experience.

"Come on, Sister Bing will give you a toast!"

Gu Binghan picked up the beer in his hand.

"Don't, don't, it's me who respects Sister Bing!"

Chen Yilang quickly picked up the glass and said with a smile.

"I wish Xiaolang a successful study!"

"I wish Sister Bing a successful career!"


After a glass of wine,

Chen Yilang, who has never drunk alcohol,

In my heart I just feel—

This stuff doesn't seem to taste good.

Even a little bitter.

In short, the taste is not the type that Chen Yilang likes.

Still, the Fat House Happy Water is more fragrant!

After a few glasses of wine,

Chen Yilang gradually felt a drowsy feeling in his brain.

At this time,

I heard the sound of the system.

【Ding! 】

[You have been injured by [Alcohol Attack]! 】


[You are attacked by [Alcohol Attack] for the first time and have entered a negative state [Stun]!]

[You have comprehended the skill [lv1 alcohol resistance]! 】

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