If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 71: smell of gunpowder

Everyone's eyes were once again attracted by Wu Fengzhen's voice.

I saw her stand up from her seat and said in a still loud voice:

"I have no objection to the result of the class committee election, and I am willing to accept it."

"But what I want to say is,"

"Chen Yilang was indeed elected as the monitor of our class by virtue of his personal charm."

"But to be the leader of the class, you need to take up the responsibility of the class."

"And Chen Yilang also said that before that, he had never had any experience as a monitor."

"So I want to ask classmate Chen,"

"Do you have your own plans and arrangements for the upcoming class work?"

After Wu Fengzhen finished speaking,

Everyone in the classroom fell silent.

Everyone looked at Wu Fengzhen and looked at Chen Yilang in unison.


This is a proper question!

Although their real sister has tried her best to be very euphemistic, the meaning is still very clear.

——Although I accept the result, I am not convinced by you, the squad leader.

So, I have raised my doubts about your ability to work!

To put it in a slightly easier-to-understand way, it would be—

Sorry, I think you have eight lines.

"The familiar smell of gunpowder!"

The classmates stretched their necks subconsciously, wondering how their brother Lang planned to respond.


【Ding! 】

[[lv7 Valkyrie] used [sharp words], causing a lot of damage to you! 】

【HP-203! 】

Chen Yilang felt a sharp pain in his head, and his HP was also cut off by a significant amount.

A little pain!

This woman is really not gentle at all...

Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.


Do not know why,

Before that, Chen Yilang seemed to have expected a similar scene to happen.

So he had already prepared in his heart to deal with it.

"Okay, let me answer this question from classmate Wu Fengzhen."

Chen Yilang didn't hesitate, but stood up from his position quite neatly and said:


"I quite understand the question raised by Wu Fengzhen."

"First of all, let me answer Wu Fengzhen's question."

"I do have my own plans for the upcoming class collective work."

"But I admit that because of my lack of experience, my ideas may not be mature enough, so I hope you will give more suggestions and opinions, and I also welcome Wu Fengzhen's more advice."

Chen Yilang finished speaking.

Wu Fengzhen suddenly felt a little speechless.

no way,

Chen Yilang's rhetoric is indeed too smooth and watertight.

First of all, he didn't show any gaffes such as anger and anger. Instead, he freely admitted his mistakes.

Just because of this, Wu Fengzhen has no way to continue to say that he is not.

Not to mention, Chen Yilang humbly offered to learn from her in the end, which made her even more helpless.

As the saying goes, stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling person. This sentence does have its truth.

But Wu Fengzhen was still a little unwilling.

After thinking for a while, she added:

"Chen Yilang's answer does not satisfy me."

"Although your attitude is very good, what I want to hear is practical things, not vain rhetoric."

"For example?" Chen Yilang threw the conversation back to Wu Fengzhen.

"For example..."

Wu Fengzhen frowned slightly, "Take a recent class job as an example."

"The work of distributing textbooks will start in about a day or two."

"I want to ask, how should Chen Yilang organize this work?"

The questions and answers between the two made everyone, who had already started to feel a little drowsy, involuntarily cheer up again.

The so-called distribution of teaching materials, to put it a little more popularly, is actually moving books.

It is not difficult to say this, but it is not very simple to say it is simple.

Because according to what the notice said, the place to receive the textbooks is in the 12th teaching building.

And that place,

Distance from the dormitory area of ​​business school majors,

There is still a long way to go.

Regarding this matter,

Chen Yilang actually thought about it before.

When he was in the dormitory before, he talked about this with several other sand sculpture sons.

The final conclusion is-

It is unrealistic to mobilize the students in the class to move books together.

Nanxuan University is very big, and it distributes a lot of textbooks.

If it is carried manually, then there is a great possibility that the big guy is directly exhausted on the road.

So the best way,

In fact, it is to seek the help of a third party.

For example, rent a car.

"My current thinking is to rent a school bus on the day the textbooks are distributed." Chen Yilang said.

"It's okay, it's not too outrageous."

Wu Fengzhen nodded, "I almost thought that you would organize everyone to walk with you to carry books."


"You still ignore something."

"Ask classmate Wu for your advice." Chen Yilang said.

"Renting a school bus is a way that almost everyone can think of."

Wu Fengzhen said, "Everyone plans to rent a school bus to carry books, but there are only a few school buses."


"Why do you dare to say that you will be able to grab it?"

"..." Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment~www.wuxiamtl.com~ suddenly couldn't answer the words.

Oh shit.

Say something,

Although Wu Fengzhen doesn't speak well, he really hits the nail on the head!

Usually careless, only Chen Yilang who pays attention to details when laning,

I haven't thought about it at all.

I have to admit,

Wu Fengzhen did think more carefully in this regard.

Seeing that Chen Yilang seemed unable to answer,

On Wu Fengzhen's face, there seemed to be a trace of satisfaction, like a victorious smile.

At this moment, she regained a trace of confidence.


What if you don't choose a supervisor for a while?

Who is the right candidate for this position?


will give the correct answer!

"It does make sense. Thank you Wu Fengzhen for the reminder."

Chen Yilang also smiled and replied, "I will go back and think about it seriously."

"But don't worry, everyone."

"About the distribution of teaching materials,"

"I will definitely make a comprehensive and reliable plan."

"Okay, I will write down what classmate Chen Yilang said first." Classmate Wu Fengzhen raised her voice, "I'm looking forward to your performance, I hope you don't just talk about it."

"Of course it is." Chen Yilang smiled lightly.


The other students sitting under the stage were very sensible and silent when they saw this scene.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but there seemed to be a faint smell of gunpowder floating in the air.

As for whether the new squad leader Lang Ge can withstand this wave of challenges...

Probably only have to wait a few days to see the results.

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