If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 70: [Beginner big player]

Nanxuan University, in the large classroom of the sixth teaching building.

The applause continued for a long time.

Chen Yilang standing on the podium,

Under the light of the overhead lights,

In the eyes of a pair of dead fish who were not very cheerful at first,

At this moment, there was actually a ray of light that was as bright as a star.

"Well said, Brother Lang!"

"Let's not say more, Brother Lang, you have your ticket!"

"Dammit Brother Lang, I'm almost on fire for you!"

Almost all the boys in the audience were already excited to flip the table.

Out of restraint and ladylike thoughts, the girls, although there was no movement on the surface, were also moved by Chen Yilang's words.

How well spoken!

Although there is nothing long-winded, and there is not too much bells and whistles of literature and art,

But what Chen Yilang said,

It's just to make them feel a little bit touched.

the most important is,

After getting along these days,

They do feel more clearly,

Chen Yilang had almost no sense of distance from all of them.

When the water group chats, it is very sandy. When helping them with house inspections, they are very witty. When they grab a class, they are very reliable.


their uncle,

I really understand them!

On the other hand, Wu Fengzhen,

Although he is indeed very courageous, he can see that he is very capable and experienced.

But compared to Brother Lang,

I always felt that something was missing.

A little less, only Brother Lang can bring the class collective, that kind of indescribable, yet very warm and pleasant feeling.



Everyone has already started to have their own answers in their hearts.

"Then, that's all I have to say."

"Thank you for your patience in listening to my speech."

"If possible, I hope that I, Chen Yilang, will have the opportunity to lead everyone to become the most powerful class in the business school."

After speaking,

Chen Yilang walked to the podium.

She bowed slightly towards the audience.

The applause sounded again, flooding the entire large classroom like a tide.

The class assistant was still reminiscing about the atmosphere just now. After a while, he came to his senses. He picked up the microphone and walked up to the podium, saying:

"Then next, is our voting session."

"Please write down the most suitable class committee candidate in your mind on the paper, and send it to me."

After speaking,

The class assistant walked off the stage and collected the voting papers one by one.

"Then now, we will officially start the voting session."

While talking, the two class assistants recorded the word "Zheng" on the blackboard in cooperation with each other.

"Wu Fengzhen."

"Chen Yilang."

"Wu Fengzhen."

"Chen Yilang."

"Chen Yilang."


at the very beginning,

The gap between the two is only one or two votes away.

However, when it comes to the back,

The gap between one vote and two votes,

After accumulating, a qualitative difference begins to emerge.


After the voting ended,

The situation recorded on the blackboard shows that,

Chen Yilang has two more "zheng" characters than Wu Fengzhen.

That's a difference of ten votes.

In Municipal 214, a class with just over 20 students,

ten votes,

It can already be called a crushing by a big score!

The election results of other committee members were also announced soon.

But obviously,

No one paid any attention to the election results of committee members other than the squad leader.

Including the group secretary...


"The voting result has been announced on the blackboard."

"I'll take a photo later and send it to the class for publicity."

"Then now I announce."

"The classmate who is about to become the monitor of our municipal class 214 this school year is—"

"Student Chen Yilang!"

"Everyone applaud and encourage me!"

There was another round of applause and cheers from the audience.

especially the boys,

He almost rushed over, caught Chen Yilang and threw it into the sky.


They don't understand why they are so excited,

But I always feel inexplicably,

As long as Brother Lang becomes the monitor,

The next day seems to be getting better.


【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have been successfully elected as the squad leader, and the mission has been completed: a new beginning! 】

[You have gained 100 reputation points! 】

[Due to the bonus of [The Finale], you have gained an additional 50 reputation points! 】

[Current reputation value: 800]

[You have acquired a new title: a big player who has officially started. 】


Hearing the system's voice, Chen Yilang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, please let Chen Yilang come to the stage and give his speech on the election."

Banzhu continued to announce.

Under the instigation of everyone, Chen Yilang, who was unprepared for this, was pushed to the podium in a confused way.

Damn, this is so gross?

I did prepare a little bit of the campaign lines, but I didn't expect that there would be a part of the testimonials?

Chen Yilang was a little dizzy.

How can this be done?

Is it hard to say, "Don't say it, it's all gone, let's go back to the dormitory to open the dark?"

"Uh, this, it's really a bit sudden..."

Chen Yilang scratched his face and said,

"I'm honored to be elected as the monitor of our class. Thank you for giving me such a chance to Chen Yilang."

"I will definitely cherish it, take my responsibility seriously for every job I do, and strive to live up to everyone's trust and expectations..."

When they heard this~www.wuxiamtl.com~, everyone under the group started to yawn knowingly.


What does this say?


It's all official rhetoric and rhetoric. Everyone's ears are about to get cocooned when they hear these kinds of clichés.

Compared with these things, it is obviously more interesting to listen to Brother Lang.

After stammering through a set of testimonials, the audience applauded again.

So far,

The class committee election meeting should almost end here.

After the class assistant looked at the time, he took the stage and announced:

"Okay everyone."

"Then tonight, our class committee election meeting has ended successfully here. Thank you for your cooperation in our work."

"Do you have any questions to ask?"

"If not, then we will end the meeting here today. It's not too early, so hurry back to the dormitory to take a bath and rest."

Another standard conclusion.

In fact, many times,

When the host of the meeting asked, "Are there any problems?", he didn't mean to help anyone solve any problems.

Instead, it means "if you have any questions, just hold back and ask them next time"...

Just like now,

It's really late,

And the things that everyone is most concerned about have already come to fruition.

There is no point in continuing to stay here at this time.

It is a perfect meeting to end and leave at the perfect time.


What Ling Banzhu didn't expect, it still happened.

"I have a question."

The crowd followed the reputation.

It was Wu Fengzhen who spoke.

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